Her admiration

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"sir order please..", Sana is currently working part-time in a restaurant.

"Please give me a moment. I'm reading the menu." Karthik said as he flipped through the pages.

Thus, he moved his head up and was surprised by what he saw when he looked at Sana.

Karthik asked, "Can I ask you something?"

When Sana looked at his face , she immediately recognized him as Chaitu's Bava.So she simply nodded her head.

"I think I have seen you somewhere but wasn't able to recall where I have seen you..", What an actor you are. From past few days you were busy following her like puppy where ever she goes. Now this is how you are starting the conversation. that's great. mocked his inner voice

"I'm Chaitu's friend sir. We have met in the shopping mall last time.", she said hesitatingly while looking into his eyes.

"Oh yeah.. Now I remember.. you are Chubby's friend. Sorry Chaitu's friend.." , So you remember her now. I thought you have never forgot about her. his inner voice said

"Please don't tell Chaitu that I called her Chubby. If you say so she would kill me.." , he said chuckling at her. Sana too smiled him and said "Sure sir."

"Also please don't call me sir. As I'm Chaitu's friend , you can consider me as your friend too." , Only friend or you wanted to become more than a friend  too..? his voiced mocked him.

"Sure sir.. Oops.. sorry .." ,

"You can call me Karthik.", he said smiling

"Okay Karthik.."

"How is Chaitu.. Is she taking proper care for herself..?" , Karthik if you so wanted to know about Sana you can directly ask her. If Chubby comes to know that you are using her name in your love story you know how the consequences would be. His innervoice mocked him.

"She is good. If you don't mind can I have the order now..?" , Sana asked hesitantly
"Sure." , having said that he continued ordering his food.

To Sana's surprise, this continued for a few more days. He came to the restaurant every day, and she took his order every time. Now she knows him well and can talk to him without hesitation. They have become friends. Occasionally, he would take her to her hostel without making her feel like he was invading her privacy.

As of now, Karthik does not want to stress her more by proposing. While he wanted to take his time, he knew that slowly she began to believe in him and started expressing herself to him more. he was waiting for the perfect time to propose her.

Meanwhile, he expressed his feelings indirectly by complimenting her for how she dressed, telling her how beautiful her voice was, and so on. Once, he took a step forward by holding her hands in the car while driving. Despite knowing his feelings, Sana didn't prevent him from holding her hand. She just liked being held by him, feeling his warmth and admiring how he acted like a normal person without bringing up his status , the way he make her feel secured with him and the way he crack jokes on himself just to make her smile.

Things were going smoothly until one day, Sana was summoned home by her parents urgently. Sana told Chaitu she needs to go to her home right away, and once she gets there, she will inform her of the situation.

While thinking of informing Karthick before leaving, she tried contacting him but he was not available, so she just sent a message saying that she would not be at her parttime job that day since she was leaving urgently to her home.

Karthik, who was occupied with a meeting, was shocked to see the message Sana had sent. Without wasting any time, he tried calling her. However, the call went to voice mail. Despite numerous attempts, he failed to reach her. As he was left with no option, he placed the phone on his desk and sighed deeply.

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