Shastri's plan

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Sana's mom came to her and said, "You look beautiful in this saree. They are waiting for you. Should we go?" She was taking Sana to the mandap for the marriage.

As she was about to leave, Sana grabbed her wrist.
"Do you really need to get me married now, Amma?,"

"Yes, Peddamma. Look at that buffallo," Sana's mom growled at Radha (daughter of Sana's mom's sister),  who was like a sister to Sana.

"Sorry, Peddamma. But look at that guy. He does not have the required qualifications for our Sana Akka. His only qualification is a bank job. That too was a clerk position. Just wait for some more time and I will get the most suitable man as my Bava for sana akka." , she said innocently as she voiced her worry.

Radha, go to your mom. She is looking for you." Left with no other choice, Radha walked out of the room half-heartedly.

Her mom takes Sana's hands in hers and speaks to her
"I understand your situation very well. We already owe his family so much for your studies and in God's grace, he said yes to marriage. I know you hate us for this, but we had no choice but to marry you to him. Please don't hate us for this."

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Even Sana's eyes began dripping as she listened to her mother.
With tears streaming down her face, Sana hugged her mother firmly.

"Mom, don't say such things. I will do anything for you."
As they embraced one another, they continued to cry until they heard a knock on the door. Her mother took Sana to the mandap, as there was no other option.

Sana stared at the ground continuously while crying for her fate. at the same time she knew there was no way she could back out now that the demon had blackmailed her family to either get married to him or pay the amount that they owed.

As she sat there, without showing any emotion on her face, Sana was like a doll. Even though she was not particularly interested in performing the rituals, she had no other choice but to do what the pandit instructed her to do halfheartedly. By looking at her lifeless soul, anyone can conclude that she is not interested in marriage.

During the pandit's instructions for the groom to tie the thali to the bride, she was silently praying to God to let Karthick forgive her and for God to make Karthick's life full of happiness, even if he hates her for the rest of his life.

Sana didn't even lift her head for a second during the entire ceremony. 

After the ceremony was over, her father came and hugged her tightly, saying "I can sleep peacefully now because you are in safe hands." Sana does not know if she should laugh at her father's joy or cry as she is sad about her fate.

At Ranvi's college :

Ranvi was reviewing the details of a patient who is scheduled for brain surgery very soon.

The patient is a 12-year-old boy who has a tumor in his brain. She was making a list of tests that need to be run on him and then needed to submit it to the resident. While noting down the details, she heard her cell phone vibrate.

Seeing the caller ID, she was surprised, as this was the first time Shastri had called her that late at night. She answered the call without delay.

"Hello Annayya"

"Hi sister , how are you doing..?", he asked

"I'm good. How are you ..?"

"I'm good. how is your night shift going on..? Do you need any food..?" , he asked her

He surprised Ranvi by asking about her night shifts as she had not expected him to know. For a second she thought she was hearing him incorrectly, then asked him

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