The night

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The room is filled with the scent of candles. In the middle of a king-sized bed, surrounded by a white bed sheet, red roses symbolizing love were arranged in a heart shape. There were jasmine garlands hanging from the overhead frame that surrounded the bed. A bedside table was arranged next to the bed with a variety of sweets and incense sticks. The path leading to the bed was lined with roses from the door to the bed.

As Ranvi in a white saree holds a glass of saffron milk is standing in front of Abhi's bedroom, other ladies are teasing her about the night to be spent with her husband.

One lady of Ranvi's Attayya's age asked, "Can you carry his weight as you are already thin?"
"Don't say no to him as he has already waited so long.", said another woman.
"Tease him for awhile before you give in. If you give in right away, you won't have control over him", another woman said.
Ranvi was embarrassment-stricken as she listened to their conversation.
She so wanted to escape from them immediately.
Janaki said, "Don't scare her with your nonsensical remarks. You guys please leave here so I can talk to her.". The rest of the group subsequently left.
"Ranvi, don't think something is going to happen. Nothing will happen inside the room without your liking. I have great confidence in my upbringing of Abhi and You." Janaki had opened the door to Abhi's room.
"Go." she said.

In a state of nervousness, Ranvi entered Abhi's room.
Wearing a white dress, He was standing on the other side of the door.

Her eyes were glued to the ground due to shyness as she slowly walked towards her Bava, stretching her one hand carrying the milk, whispering slowly as she arrived.

He slowly turned towards her direction, his eyes full of emotion.
He took the glass  from her and placed it on the side table.

He raised her chin with his fingers and said, "Ranvi, look at me.".
Upon looking into her eyes, he saw her nervousness, revealing she is apprehensive about what will happen. 

"Don't worry. Can you relax first.", he asked with a slight smile on his face. She nodded slowly.


After he said this, he held her shoulders, went to the bed with her and made her sit. Kneeling down in front of her,

he said, "There's no need to be scared since nothing will happen without your permission. Okay?" he said while still holding her shoulders.

As she listened to this, her heart skipped a little bit. How much more could he love her, having controlled himself while the woman he love is sat before him for the night. she did not know what to say.

"Can we speak like friends for sometime..?", he asked expectantly.
she again nodded her head.
"Cool..", saying this he went and sat next to her and took her hands in his.

"You know what's the best feeling in the world Ranvi?" he asked staring into her eyes.

she sat there without blinking and was waiting for his answer.

"Being in love."

"You know Ranvi the only goal of anyone in love is to make their loved smile"

"When someone loves another, he ensures that the person won't be hurt by him, at least intentionally.",All the while she stared into his eyes, attempting to understand his feelings.

"You know what my goal is..", he  asked.

She felt a big lump in her mouth and her breath hitched.

"I want to make you smile," He finally said. She for the very first time saw him with many emotions on his face; she didn't know what to say. So, without wasting even a single second, she hugged him tightly. 

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