The shopping

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Although Abhi wanted to spend the shopping time with his wife alone, he couldn't say no to his wife when she told him her two friends would accompany them for shopping. Having no choice he informed Karthik and Arun as well to accompany them. 

"Bava.. she is Chaitu and she is Sana, you have already seen her." Chaitu immediately passes Ranvi and goes to Abhi for a handshake. 

Abhi just shook her hand as it won't look good for Ranvi.

Ranvi was about to sit in the front seat when Chaitu again reached before her and occupied the seat.

Having no other choice Ranvi makes herself seated next to Sana in the back seat.

"So, Mr.Abhi...Oops sorry , can I call you Abhi..??" , she asks. Abhi simply nodes his head.

"I heard that Ranvi and you were cousins since childhood. I even asked her if she had a crush on you, but she declined right away." Ranvi coughs. Abhi looks into Ranvi's direction from the front mirror with trembling lips, and if looks could kill, Ranvi would have died from looking into the burning eyes of Abhi.

"So are you free..? I mean are you in any relationship..? , any girl friend..?", Chaitu asks without understanding the tension in the car.

Sana on the other hand pinches her from back to make her understand not to go in detail based on the tension forming in the car.

Abhi glared at Ranvi one last time,  giving a "Will talk about this later look" before answering Chaitu's question.

"I don't know what to call it, love, like or crush. But I have someone in my life since childhood who means more to me than anyone else. But I don't know when her idiot brain would grasp this concept.", Ranvi's expression changes as she listens to her Bava. Though she thought there would be a chance of their marriage, judging by what her Bava said, she is sure he has someone else in his life besides her.

'Oh really! Though I am somewhat disappointed to hear that, I so wanted to know about the girl who won the heart of the most handsome man in the world. Could you tell me more about her?', Chaitu asks excitedly. Ranvi waited for his response without blinking.

Chaitu approached Ranvi for help as she did not receive a response and simply said, "Please... Please..., Ranvi, tell him..".

As Ranvi grits her teeth, she replies, " she wants to know... you can describe her.". The envy is evident in her voice.

Laughing internally he says


"She is a bubbly girl with a most beautiful smile on her face. She has waist-length long hair and her eyes are huge like an ocean. She always gives priority to her family before anything else. She is a selfless soul who cannot see when someone is in trouble. I wanted to make her the queen of my kingdom. Not sure when that day will come.", all the while he can feel the burning gaze of Ranvi on him.

"Wow... she must be very fortunate to have you in her life. I can say you love her so much. ", Chaitu says.

Ranvi thinks to himself, "I must be the most unlucky fellow here, because I can never spend my time with him and I will never be able to travel with him throughout my life".

"What do you say Ranvi.." , Ranvi didn't expect the question from Chaitu.

As she says, "She is so lucky to have you in her life." an ethereal tear escapes from her eyes, which is noticed by Abhi and she  wiped it away immediately.

"Two can play the game. so Mrs.Ranvitha Abhimanyu Rathod you don't have a mere crush on me atleast. Is it..? I will show you whether you have a crush on me or not." , Abhi thinks internally.

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