Revelation of the Truth

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"Is everything ready...?" A deep, authoritative voice shattered Ranvi's reverie, pulling her back to reality.

"Yes, Doctor," replied a fellow doctor, her voice unwavering and respectful.

Abhi exhaled slowly, his breath visibly mingling with the sterile atmosphere. His eyes bore a combination of confidence and concentration as he glanced at the team assembled around the surgical table. With a nod, he signaled the commencement of the intricate dance about to unfold.

"Okay... let's get started then," Abhi's voice resonated with authority, initiating a symphony of meticulously choreographed movements.

Time became an elusive concept as the procedure progressed. Minutes blurred into hours as skilled hands navigated the delicate art of surgery.

"Seizures..." Abhi's voice broke through the focused atmosphere, his words a command wrapped in clinical concern. He momentarily paused, waiting for his assistant, Ranvi, to respond.

But silence lingered where a response should have been. The room held its breath, as if caught in suspended animation.

"Seizures..." Abhi repeated, his tone firmer this time, a subtle undercurrent of urgency woven into the word.

A flicker of movement finally broke the silence. Ranvi, shaken from her trance, quickly retrieved the requested instrument, her hands slightly trembling as she handed it over to Abhi.

"Sorry, sir... here," Ranvi's voice quivered, a hint of apology lingering in her words.

Unseen by anyone, Ranvi's gaze remained fixated on Abhi's hands. His fingers moved with a fluid grace, each action purposeful and precise. She marveled at the synergy between his mind and his hands, as if they were extensions of his very thoughts. The surgery progressed like a well-composed symphony, orchestrated by a master conductor.

Abhi's steady voice cut through the air, its resonance lingering in the stillness of the operating theater. "I believe you can wrap up from here," he uttered, his gaze locked onto Ranvi's eyes, a depth of understanding passing between them in that unspoken exchange.

With a simple nod, Ranvi acknowledged his trust and command, stepping forward to take charge of the remaining surgical procedures. Abhi's departure left a vacuum, yet his confidence seemed to linger, infusing her with renewed determination.

The surgery continued to unfold under Ranvi's practiced hands, her focus unwavering despite the sea of thoughts swirling within her mind. Each movement was deliberate, guided not only by her skill but also by the essence of the medical symphony Abhi had orchestrated earlier.

After the meticulous dance of sutures and stitches, the operating theater finally relinquished its hold on Ranvi. She stepped out, her hands still bearing the faint traces of the life-altering procedure she had just been a part of. As the heavy doors swung shut behind her, the world outside seemed to come back to life, a stark contrast to the controlled environment she had just left.

Ranvi's steps carried her to the meticulously organized sink, where she methodically cleansed her hands. Water flowed over her skin, washing away the physical remnants of the surgery, but the memories remained, etched into her consciousness.

She leaned against the sink, her gaze distant, lost in her thoughts. Her mind was a whirlwind of impressions and emotions, a maelstrom of awe and reverence for the surgeon she had just assisted. AR's reputation as a master of his craft had been known to her before, but witnessing his skills firsthand had been an experience that transcended words.

Yet, amidst her admiration, a nagging sensation gnawed at her subconscious. It was a feeling of recognition, an unbidden familiarity that seemed to link her to AR in ways she couldn't explain. She replayed their brief interactions in her mind, dissecting the exchanged glances and the unspoken connection. It was as if she had been intimately close to him, an intimacy that surpassed the bounds of mere professionalism.

But just as quickly as these thoughts arose, Ranvi suppressed them. The weight of reality crashed upon her, reminding her of her relationship with her "Bava," a term that held both affection and pure love. She knew that indulging in these inexplicable feelings could potentially disrupt the equilibrium she had established.

With a shake of her head, Ranvi banished the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her. She dried her hands and straightened her posture, resolute in her decision to push aside the enigma that was Abhi and her peculiar connection to him.

She really wanted to meet AR, but she wasn't sure how to talk to him. Despite feeling unsure, she walked towards the staff room with a strong desire to meet him. However, when she got there, she found out that he had already left for the day.

Feeling disappointed that AR had already left, she still had an urge deep inside her to talk to her Bava right away. Without wasting any time, she decided to call Abhi.

Abhi, being her Bava, picked up the call on the first try.

"mmm," he said.

"Bava, where are you?" she asked him.

"I'm at the office."

"you know what, Bava?", Abhi can understand the excitement in her voice


"Today, I helped in a surgery with Mr. AR. I'm so happy, Bava. The way he did the surgery, I don't think anyone else could do it. I really wanted to..." Her words are cut off by Abhi's voice.

"Ranvi... Ranvi... wait..."

"Where are you now?" he asks.

"At the hospital," she responds.

"Alright. Come to your hospital cafeteria in 15 minutes," he instructs and hangs up.

Despite her doubts about why Abhi had asked Ranvi to come to the cafeteria, she decided to go anyway. As she entered the cafeteria, her eyes scanned the room until they landed on a familiar figure. Abhi was standing at a distance, leaning on a chair, lost in deep thought.

Ranvi approached him slowly, her footsteps cautious. Abhi, still engrossed in his thoughts, seemed unaware of her presence. Yet, something about his features triggered a suspicion in Ranvi's mind. They bore a striking resemblance to someone she had recently encountered.

Summoning her courage, Ranvi gently tapped Abhi on the shoulder, trying to bring him back to reality. "Bava..., Bava.." she called out softly.

Startled, Abhi turned towards her, a mixture of surprise and relief crossing his face. "Sorry, you came...? Come sit here," he said, motioning her towards a chair next to him, then helping her settle into it.

Ranvi couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity. Abhi's serious tone had piqued her interest. He looked deep into her eyes with a sincerity and uncertainty that was hard to ignore. "I wanted to tell you something, but promise me that you won't misunderstand me," he implored, his words hanging in the air, pregnant with anticipation.

As Ranvi sat there, her suspicions growing, she gave Abhi a cautious nod, encouraging him to continue.

Abhi, his gaze unwavering, held her hands gently, as if seeking comfort in her presence, and began to reveal the long-hidden truth. His words flowed with a mix of relief and trepidation. "You remember, I went to the US for my masters. But actually, I didn't complete an MBA. In truth, I pursued a post-graduate degree in surgery."

Ranvi's eyes widened with confusion and surprise. "What...?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief.

Abhi nodded solemnly. "Yes, I'm the AR you've been talking about," he confessed, the weight of his secret finally lifted.


Ahem, ahem, a throat-clearing sound .
"I know I promised you guys an update after 300 votes. Believe me, life has thrown quite a few curveballs my way, and I've been swamped. My sincerest apologies for the delay."

Hope you liked the update.

I promise to provide an update once we reach 350 votes. And here's a request—I want every one of you to drop a comment on this story. I'm genuinely eager to know how you feel about this

With a sense of anticipation and a warm farewell, I'm signing off.

See you soon,

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