The Realization

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"Make my schedule free for coming weekend as I will be spending my time with family" , Abhi was instructing Shastri as he is travelling home.

"Yes Mr.CEO. Can I say something?" , Shastri asks hesitantly


"I'm afraid you might get angry on me", he says

"Then don't say.", Abhi says

"No Mr.CEO. I have to say this..", pleads Shastri

"uff.... what do you want to say.." ,Abhi stops what he is doing and asks Shastri while gazing at him.

"Can I take off too along with you..?" , Shastri asks hesitantly.

"Are you the CEO..??" , Abhi asks


"Who is the CEO..?"


"What is your role.."

"Assisting you"

"If I'm not available , who will take care of the company in my absence..?"


"Cool.. you got your answer..", having said that Abhi continues his work.

Shastri opens his mouth wide and after a moment he says

"This is cheating Mr.CEO" , he stomps his foot on the ground and leaves to his cubicle.

At Ranvi's hostel :
    Ranvi's eyes swelled up as a result of her continuous crying over her Bava's words about liking someone since he was a child.
Chaitu and Sana go towards her to ask her for dinner. Since a couple of days after shopping they are watching her. There is something wrong with her. She is always either zoning out or crying when left alone. They thought it was time to instill some sense into her brain.

Chaitu rushes over to Ranvi and asks, "Why are you crying..."

While rubbing her eyes, she replies, "I'm not crying. I just got some dust in my eyes.".

"Ranvi , Our friendship has existed for past five years, so we know very well your mood. We always support each other in times of need, so why do you hesitate to tell the truth?", Sana asks gently.

Even after a few more moments, she won't reply.
Chaitu becomes infuriated by her behavior and shouts at her.

"Are you dumb Ranvi?", Sana looks at her in surprise

"Do you think I don't know you love your Bava..", a startled Ranvi looks in the direction of Chaitu.

"What do you think of me, a joker who failed to read her friend's mind?"

"I am very sure that you have a crush on your Bava because that other day you left with him without even looking at me. So I told you I have a crush on him to make you confess." , Ranvi opened her mouth wide and a lump began forming in her throat.

"If I am not mistaken, you are like this because of your Bava's confession in the car, am I right?" Ranvi was embarrassed of Chaitu's words. She simply looked down.

'Ranvi... what do you think of your Bava's love..? whom he might have been in love with since childhood?' Chaitu asks.

"I don't know... ", Ranvi answers hesitantly.

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