His pov

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Days passed by.Our family has lost the smiles. Ranvi lost her parents and has forgotten about us. Eventually mom and Maya talked to her about our family, her relationship with our family, and her importance to us, as well as me and Maya, without mentioning our marriage. We don't want to put her under more pressure.

She has lost her smiles, indulged in her own world and doesn't want to talk to anyone. She has become a lifeless soul.

It seems like the girl became isolated within her own shell. She has not yet found the strength to venture outside the shell. She has dreams almost every night and has panic attacks. Although I tried many ways to comfort her when she was sleeping, I was unable to ease her pain.

Whenever I am near to her, on the rare occasion she has a panic attack, she gets over it pretty quickly and sleeps well. I've contacted a few doctors without telling anyone. But finding someone who can relieve her pain completely has been harder than expected.

There have been so many days since she stopped calling me Bava. Now she treats me like any other normal human. I can't bear it, yet I am powerless to change the present. Her condition caused my heart to be pained. This is not how I wanted to see my Ranvi. I wanted to see her smile, I wanted her to cheer for me, I wanted her to always be there with me in all my ups and downs. I wanted her to be the one who makes me whole, because I wouldn't exist without her. It hurts very much for me to lose my bubbly, naughty, and cheerful Ranvi. I have many secrets I wish I could share with her, but I don't know who to share them with when she is not there. I want her to know that I am there for her and will give her all the happiness she deserves. During those nights when she would have panic attacks, I would spend many nights in her room to make her feel comfortable. So now my goal is to become a doctor, to make her feel better.

Slowly, she began to come out of her shell but not fully. I know her very well and how she reacts when she is happy and when she is sad. I am confident that she is trying to act okay in front of us so we do not feel bad.

Even though she started calling me Bava, I wasn't able to feel the same emotion when she used to call me Bava before the accident. I know I can't make her feel the emotions I feel, so I just accepted it for now. At least I'm glad she recognized me as her Bava.

Dad had admitted her to Maya's school only. She started going to school with Maya. I ensured that I got enough information about her whereabouts wherever she is.

My best friend, Karthik's brother, Arun, goes to the same school as Ranvi. One day Arun told me that a guy in her class called Rahul planned to propose to her that too in front of the entire class. He even intended to humiliate her by saying that she is an orphan, if she does not say yes.

By hearing his plan, my blood started boiling. He can do that only in his dreams. When I am there, no one can hurt her. I already made a pledge to protect her from all the evils in the world. I and Kartik then made sketch to teach the guy a good lesson.

The next morning, I took Karthik to an isolated place and made him bring Rahul there. When I saw Rahul's face I couldn't control myself and punched him hard on the face and kicked him hard to make his ass kiss the ground.Blood is oozing out of his mouth. I couldn't think of anything else except for the fact that the guy in front of me planned to humiliate my wife. I forgot about my surroundings and I was completely engaged in punching him all over his face.I could have killed him with my hands if Kartik hadn't appeared so late. Kartik came and tried to pull me away from Rahul. I couldn't control myself and again kicked him hard on the stomach. Again Kartik arrived and pulled me away.

"Do you really think you can harm Ranvi..? people like you should stay one kilometer away from her. Don't use your stupid brain on harming her. Because with me being there , you cannot even touch her. I suggest you forget about Ranvi and don't think about any other women either. If a woman says no, respect her decision and walk away from her. At least you will come across as a man to her." ,After giving him one last kick on the stomach, I fled.

After about one hour, I went for a change of clothes and that guy Rahul with his friends cornered me. It wasn't like Rahul learned his lesson the first time. We had a long fight. I made sure that they couldn't go anywhere but the bathroom atleast one month. I got bruises all over my body, but I was glad I was there to save my wife, Ranvi. He had planned to harm her, yet I was there to save her. That moment I decided that I would become the most powerful man in the world to make sure that no harm would come to her. IWith these thoughts in my head, I left the place. I had two people carry me in my house as part of my plan.

In my disappointment, Ranvi has not yet left for the school. Before I could work on my plan, Ranvi slapped me hard on the face. I know why she did that. She doesn't want to see me in this state.Even though she does not remember how we used to talk, how we used to tease each other, how strong our bond was, I am still able to see the change in her demeanor any time I am around her.She doesn't want any harm to happen to me. She is scared of my condition. She can't survive without me. I know she doesn't want to lose me.

Her diary is where she expresses her feelings, puts her real self. I used to read her diary every night after making sure she was asleep. After losing both of her parents, she wanted to become a doctor. I wanted to help her achieve her goal.So to ensure that she felt secure and enjoyed her life to the fullest, I quickly left from the place to become strong so I could bestow the light on her that she so richly deserves.

My parents were informed about my decision to leave the place without knowing why I wanted to leave. I know that they would agree, given how I have been conducting myself around everyone. Having lost my Atatayya and Mamayya as well as Ranvi's memory I became cold to my surroundings and lived in my own world. I didn't care about anyone except Ranvi. I spent most my time at our favourite hangout place, the banks of the Godavari river.Taking all these factors into consideration, my parents agreed to send me to my grandma's house in Vizag.


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