The discussion

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Her POV:

"Bava, tea," I replied, showing him the cup I was holding.

"Hmm..,"he said, taking hold of my hand. Yes, you heard correctly. He took hold of my hand, not the cup.
With his touch, my hands began to tremble.
As a result, my eyes were wide open.
Showing the tea cup again, I said, "Tea.".
Ssh.. don't move. The tea might spill on your hands.", saying this he got up and started walking towards me, making my heart beat more rapidly.

I was extremely nervous about what was going to happen. While he was getting closer to me, my feet started going back. When my back hit the wall, I was stopped. In the meantime, I was looking into his ocean-like eyes, which carried so much affection and love towards me. I wondered why I hadn't noticed them before. I was caged in between him and the wall as he slowly removed his hold on me. When I felt my heart beating, I knew it was warning me that if this continued, it would come out or stop working. But I had no other option but to stare into his eyes without blinking for even a microsecond.

"So," he said huskily as he put his face close to mine
he asked, "Why didn't you answer my phone calls yesterday?".
Maybe I should say I wanted to be like you or I should say I wanted you to taste your own medicine. As I was trying to find the answer, I heard him tell me,
"I'm asking you something.." ,
"Oh god, his voice sounds so husky.
Despite not having an answer to his question, I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes without blinking.

His hand came towards my lips and began to touch my upper lip, causing an unknown feeling to spread through my body. To make matters worse, he began rubbing my lips so gently that I felt compelled to sit on my knees.

"It seems you don't even want to answer my question anymore." he said as he continued to do his work on my lips.

"Okay. Let me see how long you can take...," and began tracing every inch of my face, causing me to close my eyes immediately. And that was just the beginning.

"Look at me, Ranvi.", he whispered, causing me to peep into his eyes with one of my own.

A smirk appeared on his face as he watched me react to his touch.
"If you still don't want to talk, that's fine. ",When he said this he began moving his lips closer to mine and my heart rate tripled.
It was very hard for me not to open up in front of him, so I bit my lip very tightly.
You don't listen when I say don't bite? Then don't scold me for what I am going to do right now.", before I could even realize what was going to happen, his lips had already touched the corner of my lips. As I was busy thinking that his lips were about to touch mine, the door opened wide, revealing Maya entering the room while saying, "oops.. sorry guys. Anyhow, can't you at least control until tomorrow?".

I was embarrassed enough to loosen myself from him immediately and run toward my room.

Abhi's pov :

Finally, as I was about to kiss her, this devil sister of mine stepped in and disturbed my alone time with my wife. I hope I can teach her a lesson somehow.

Of course I won't get embarrassed being caught off guard while kissing my wife, my love.After ignoring her words, I went downstairs where my mom was enjoying some alone time. Without wasting any time, I laid down on the couch with my head on her lap. I have not done this since I was a child. I so wanted her to caress my hair while I lay my head on her lap as it is the feeling of motherly warmth that cannot be replaced.

"Khanna" (that's what my mom calls me sometimes) , I was wondering how my son , who forgets everything else in the world when his wife is present, can possibly neglect to take care of her.", She asked as she caressed my hair. My eyes widened when I heard her.

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