The Hospital

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It's been 40 mins since we started our journey towards , only Bava can answer the place.

I called Chaitu to inform her that I would be late and she can leave from college without waiting for me. It seems like my mobile had a problem. The speaker gets on for calls automatically.

Before I could begin to speak, she shouted from the other side, "Ranvi, I see you like him. But that doesn't mean you can elope without me knowing. I'm not that bad to steal your crush.". How I wish the ground would open and swallow me up! I disconnected the call abruptly.

I glanced at Abhi Bava from the corner of my eye expecting a disgusted look, but to my surprise he is concentrating on driving. His icy cold demeanor, his devoid of his usual authoritative presence, his deep thought filled expression made me suspect something was terribly wrong today. How I wish I had his power to make him smile and take away all his worries.

The next moment I noticed my stomach growling due to hunger. This is the second time I feel like the ground should open up and swallow me whole as I cannot get embarrassed in front of my Bava.

As a result of seminar, I haven't eaten since morning. Nowadays, my hectic schedule has prevented me from eating at the right time.

During our drive, we pulled over near a roadside Dhaba.

With a calm voice, Bava said, "Getdown.".

After getting inside the Dhaba, we sat down at a corner table which had four seats. Bava and I were seated across from each other; behind us was another table where four people were eating their food. I felt uncomfortable as they stared at me.

A moment later Bava was sitting beside me with one hand leaning on my chair in a possessive manner and another under the table. It seems that he is holding something under there.

Watching the expressions on the people at the next table was worth watching. They looked scared and didn't know what had happened, but they had left with empty stomachs.

Bava asked the waiter to bring two Pulkhas and Butter chicken curry, which were my favorites.

The waiter delivered the food within 10 minutes. Abhi Bava started serving the food on both the plates immediately. I pinched my hand to check if he was my Bava. To my dismay I did not feel anything.

In his calm voice, Bava instructed me to eat. 

I nodded my head and ate. I glanced at his profile almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Bava.. Bava..", I called him for ten minutes, but he went into an inner space. I tapped on his shoulder to get him to wake up.

"Done eating..?" , he asked
"Yes , but you .." I gestured him to look at his un touched plate
"That's okay , come " with that being said he paid the bill at the counter and we left the place.

As Ranvi, Ranvi greeted me, I didn't know when I had slept. 

"We have arrived," he gestured to the front door. 

"Bava, who is here? Is everyone ok? Why are we here? " I found myself feeling suffocated looking at the hospital.

"There is nothing to worry about. Come with me," he said, taking my hand in his and mesmerizing me with his warmth. We drove into the hospital and he wandered to the enquiry section, returned and took me up to the second floor.

As we neared the ICU, my heart pounded hard ready to pop out at any moment.

Mamayya was sitting on a chair with a worried face with his one hand on Maya's shoulder comforting her. Maya's face looked puffy and tear-stained as she leaned towards Mamayya.

The tears were rolling out from both of my eyes as I said, "Attayya is missing. Tell me Bava. What happened to her?".

Seeing our plight, Maya ran towards us, grabbed my arm and cried. She leered at the ICU. 

"Maya , what happened to Attayya?" I too started weeping.

Inquiring about Attayya's condition, Bava asked, "How is Mom?"

" The surgery is scheduled for two hours, and the principal surgeon has not yet arrived. Your mother wanted to speak to you before surgery," so Mamayya and Bava went inside the ICU together.

"The other day when you went to college , mom collapsed suddenly on her way back to her room. Dad rushed her to the hospital. Doctors discovered there was a blood clot in her brain.  The blood clot was located in a very sensitive area.In India, this kind of operation was difficult, and at present, it is not feasible to take Mom to another country. We were on the brink of losing all hope when Dad called Annayya (brother) and explained the situation. We got our hope back when Annayya said he knows someone who can perform the surgery. The surgery is scheduled for today." Maya explained to me with a heavy voice.

I asked her, "Why didn't anyone inform me, am I not really part of your family?". This has been bothering me since we arrived.

"Don't ever think like that, Ranvi. We know how much effort we have put into hiding this from you. We don't want to put more pressure on you at a time when you have already been put under so much pressure."

Mamayya walked toward us and took me to the ICU, telling me "Ranvi, come inside. Your Attayya wants to talk to you.".

Attayya's condition stopped my footsteps as I looked at her connected to multiple machines. She had lost weight, her face lacked radiance and that glow with which I admired her. She looks skeletal. Her face is pale. 

Upon hearing our footsteps, she turned towards our direction, glanced at me, and gave a slight smile.

"Attayya...," I barked and my tears were rolling like rivers and I couldn't bear seeing her in such a state. After my Mom, Attayya was the one who gave me motherly warmth and never had made me feel like I am alone in the world.If it wasn't for her and Mamayya , I wouldn't be breathing right now.

"Ranvi , you came. Ram look at her crying. Please tell her not to cry. I can't see tears in my child. Please tell her to stop. Nothing will happen to me." , she said

"The reason I called you inside wasn't so I could see your tears, but to get a promise from you. Could you promise me one thing? "She opened her right palm and motioned me to do so.

Though I am uncertain of what she would like me to promise, I can do anything for her since she is my Attayya and the only mother I have left.

"Anything you want Attayya," I promised her as I stared into her eyes and held her hand.

I was speechless when I heard this. "Marry your Abhi Bava, Ranvi.".

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Bybye ,

Married to my Bavaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن