His pov

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Abhi's Residence , Rajahmundry:

Everyone is busy in making preparations for Ranvi's birthday.

I just completed my bath and started changing into my new dress , turning to the other side of the door.
I heard a flash sound behind me , when I turned towards the sound , Ranvi was standing at the door taking my photos in a camera.
I was embarrassed enough that i couldn't speak a single word.
To make me further embarrassed , she started saying "Bava , Shame shame puppy shame ! Shame shame puppy shame ."

"Ranvi , stop it Please" , I requested. I know she won't get pleased for my request. Still there is nothing wrong in trying , isn't it..? To my bad luck she continued saying the same.

"Ranvi , No...." , I started running towards her. Even she started running outside my room. I without having any other choice started  chasing her out.

She went and hide behind my Mom who is busy in welcoming the guests.

"Mom, look at her, how she is making fun of me " , I complained to my mom innocently without thinking about the consequences.

"What did she do ?" , my mom cross questioned me while smiling at Ranvi.

How can I say my mom that a girl has seen her son half naked.I'm a grown up man now for god's sake.

I don't have an answer to your question mom. Please god save me from further embarrassment now.

"Nothing Attayya. I was telling him that his dress doesn't suit him , he is looking like an uncle." ,thank god , Ranvi saved me. You know that's why I like her. She will never give a chance to others to laugh at me.

"Abhi , she is right . It is too light  for your skin colour. Go and change into something bright." Mom instructed me.

But mom you were the one who brought me and told me that you liked this dress a lot. I thought of saying this , but again , I had enough drama already and do not want to continue it any further .

So I simply said okay , took Ranvi's hand in mine and left from there.

Meanwhile the guests started joining the party.

I have invited my best friends as well to the party. they already know about my liking towards Ranvi. I didn't tell them but somehow they came to know.. That's how best friends are.
They never leave a chance to tease me about Ranvi.

When we  all three Ranvi ,Maya and me were at our favourite spot in the party , the food counter , having our twelfth ice cream to be precise , I heard a throat clearing sound.
When I looked into the direction there stood my best friend Karthik and his younger brother Arun who is like a brother to me as well.

Karthik and I were best friends since childhood , he knows me so well that I do not need to hide anything from him , even if I hide something from him , some or the other way he will come to know.

Arun is Karthik's brother , they are like brothers from another mother. Unlike Karthik who is very bold, Arun is an introvert so he doesn't have many friends in his school.
So he always hangs out with us.

I just smiled at them and signalled them to wait till my ice cream completes.
You know , friends can wait but icecream can't .

I completed my last scoop with a moan, washed my hands and joined them without missing out taking the last cup of my favourite ice cream 🍨.

"Hi guys ,when did you both come .?" I greeted.
"When you were busy enjoying your ice cream with the beautiful girls here", Karthik said , note his sarcasm.

He signalled me to introduce him to Ranvi.

"Ranvi , they are my friends. Arun and Karthi.." Karthik cut me in the middle.

"oh , she is the one , the reason behind your sleepless ..",
I kicked on his leg to shut him up and he was hissed in pain.

"What did he say?" , Ranvi asked with a confused expression.
"No..thing , he was asking about how are you related to me , yeah how are you related to me " , I tried covering for myself.

"But I heard him say something like SHE IS THE ONE..", here comes my devil sister again whose ultimate goal is make me get annoyed with her presence each and every second.

Arun is covering his mouth with his palm while trying to hide his smile and Karthik is hissing in pain. Good for him.

"Maya , you were saying there were no ice creams in the counter , here take this and have it ", I tried bribing her.

"Forget it , I don't eat the food you touched", she said

"It's not like that Maya. I just put a spoon in the cup , I didn't even have a single scoop.", I tried my luck.

She said fine, took the ice cream from me and started eating while moaning.
my mouth was watering looking at the way she was completing my ice cream.
You stupid girl , always take advantage of my situation. Every dog has a day. Have it , have it! Today is your day and tomorrow would be mine. I thought in my mind.

Suddenly I see a spoon filled with ice cream in front of my mouth.

When I looked down a bit , it was Ranvi offering her favourite ice cream , obviously my favourite too , with her tiny hands.

I smiled at her and told her that I'm okay , she can eat. But she insisted on sharing it with me and started feeding me .

Of course I loved it . How I wish the time would stop here.

There were little ice cream drops on her lips , I signalled her to lick it up with her tongue but she wasn't able to do it.

So ,I took my hand kerchief from my pocket and cleared the ice cream on her lips and gave a smile to her.
In return she gave a million dollar smile to me which she reserves exclusively for me.
I was so lost in her smile , I forgot about my friends.

"Ranvi , there is a snake beside you " , I heard some one shouting. I without thinking  further shielded Ranvi with my body holding her both the hands beneath me.
Karthik and Maya started laughing loudly.
When I looked at them confusingly that's when realisation hit me.
They played with me.
I without thinking twice started chasing them. Finally we stopped when we were out of breathe.

When Ranvi was about to cut the cake , we heard a loud thud sound a little far from the party.

Everyone looked into the direction from where we heard the sound, to our surprise it was my grand father lying on the ground without consciousness.

My dad and Mamayya(uncle) carried him to the car and we all took him to hospital.

We were waiting outside the emergency room  for doctor's arrival.

Doctor checked him inside , went to my parents and told something to them which caused a sudden change in their expression.

My parents and Ranvi's parents have a worried expression on their faces. They went inside my grandfather's room.

After like thirty minutes , my dad and Uncle came out ,  took me and Ranvi inside the room .
Then they gave me a thread which is in yellow colour and told me to tie it around Ranvi's neck for three times. I looked at them confusingly ,but  still did what they told me to.

Then I heard them say that we both were married now and asked us took blessings from my grandfather.

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