Little tigress

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In the morning, Abhi woke up and was admiring the beauty in his arms. Ranvi opened her eyes slowly, only to find him looking at her intently. While her face was being coloured with pink, she immediately blinked her eyes.

A smile on his face, Abhi began to trace her face with his fingers.
Ranvi felt a tickling sensation on her face and was trying to control the noise that was about to pop out of her mouth.

With his lips, Abhi traced the outline of her ear and slowly whispered:
"Ranvi, open your eyes!"
In addition to controlling herself to not make a sound, Ranvi started to bit her lips to a certain extent.
While moving his lips around her ear making her feel butterflies, he said "Didn't I tell you not to bite your lips when I'm with you?."

" won't listen," he said holding her face with both his hands, taking it close to his face and gazing at her intently.

As Ranvi bit her lip, she slowly gazed into his eyes that were already staring at her intently.

As he slowly leaned towards her face, he began to kiss her lips like they were the most precious treasures in the world.

While Ranvi was still sleepy, she was still enjoying what he was doing, and was too lazy to respond back.

Abhi kissed her passionately until he felt satisfied.
While tracing her lips, he whispered, "Do you know when a woman looks beautiful.".
Her eyes widen for his question, and she just shakes her head in response.
"They say that women are more beautiful when they wake up in the morning."

Abhi waited and then asked softly, "But do you know when you look beautiful? "

Ranvi's heart started racing thinking that he might tell her that she isn't beautiful at all. She was praying to god not to disown her due to her ugly appearance.

The clock is ticking and her heart beats faster waiting for Abhi's reply. Abhi was intently observing her facial features as she closed her eyes without restraint.

While he said slowly "Always..", Ranvi thought he was going to say she wasn't beautiful all the time. Waiting for him to finish his sentence, she slowly opened her eyes only to see him smirking.

"you always look beautiful in my eyes." , saying this he kissed on her forehead.

"clean yourself up, I will go to the gym and come back.", having said that he left the room. 

Ranvi waited for her heart to calm down before she left to clean herself up.

She wore a simple white salwar with a collar that covers her thalli and a blue color legging underneath. She went to the pooja room to perform the morning pooja.

By the time she had completed her  Pooja and turned her head towards the stairs, her eyes were wide open looking at Abhi who wore a three piece tailor made grey color suit with a white shirt oozing power and masculinity, looking decent and charming. With Ranvi's mouth watering at the handsome Abhi, she forgot that Abhi was already standing in front of her.

"You have your whole life to admire me. If you close your mouth for now, we can go and have our breakfast," said Abhi while smirking.

Ranvi was so embarrassed that she just wanted the earth to open and swallow her whole.

Abhi gently said, "Do not be embarrassed by the fact that you are admiring me since I am only yours." and took her hand and led her to the dining area where Meerama had set out breakfast and juice.

Abhi greeted Meerama as he pulled a chair for Ranvi to sit on, and then he sat beside her.

"Good morning Abhi.", she greeted him and turned towards Ranvi's direction.

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