The Conditions

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Abhi left the room saying he had an important call to make and asked his father to look after everyone. He promised he would return before her mother came out of OT.

He had gone to the director's room to prepare for the operation. Abhi was preparing for the operation in his white surgical gown and going through surgical files when an assistant approached and said that all was ready to begin the operation. Abhi donned his surgical mask and entered the operating theatre. When he entered, everyone was drawn to his Greek god like beauty. He carried an aura of royalty everywhere he went. OT staff were all in awe of Abhi's surgical skills as the surgery began.

Six hours later ,
Ram, Abhi's sister Maya, and Ranvi waited for the surgery to be completed. Ram immediately walked towards the doctor who came out of the OT door first after the OT door opened.

"How is my wife?", Abhi's father asked without wasting any time

"The surgery went well, and she will be shifted to the VIP room after half an hour.", said the doctor with a smile on his face.

"I'm very grateful to you, doctor. You made my wife alive when we were very close to losing our hopes", Ram had said in his gratitude. Ranvi and Maya nodded their heads in agreement with Ram's statement

"I guess there was a misunderstanding here.I did not perform the surgery. That was done by a guest surgeon. The guest doctor was so fortunate to agree to do the know he has a Harvard post-doctoral degree and is considered one of the best in the field of surgery.People call him as God of Surgery.the manner in which he carried out the surgical procedure without disappearing even for a second for the entire six hours was tremendous. If one mistake had occurred, the patient might not be alive today.Not that you had convinced him for the surgery, but it was great work done by you and so you all should thank him".

Ranvi was surprised by the doctor's words.As a medical student, she has a special admiration for the name 'God of surgery', and the name itself has been a great inspiration during her journey as a medical student. Whenever someone mentions the achievements of 'the god of surgeons,' she gets goosebumps all over her body. She did not have the slightest idea of what he looked like or what his name was. Her main concern at the moment is how her Bava knows someone like "God of surgery". She is having a proud smile dancing on her lips thinking about how her bava had convinced some one like God of surgery no one else could able to do.

"Can I meet him doctor?", Ranvi asked the doctor curiosly. she so wanted to meet the guest surgeon once and Thank him for saving his Attayya's life. At the same time she was so much curious to know about the god of surgeon as the most inspirational person in her life as she is a big fan of him, wanted to meet him atleast once in her life time.

"Oh, sorry miss.the guest surgeon is so private to share his personal life.he doesn't want others to know about you can't meet him", the doctor explained
Ranvi was disappointed as she lost the only chance of meeting the God of surgeon whom she admire the most.

"May I know his name atleast doctor..please...because he is my inspiration and my motivation throughout my journey as a medical student. I admire him like anything in medical field as I've heard about him a lot. but nobody knows anything about him", she said excitedly and tried her luck to get his name so she pleased the doctor by revealing her admiration towards the guest surgeon.

"It's very confidential but looking at how much you are getting excited and the admiration you have towards him I will tell you his name but you shouldn't disclose to anyone.", the doctor told his condition

"Sure doctor , I won't share it with anyone. please tell me", Ranvi said enthusiastically as she wanted to know the name at any cost

"His name is Mr.AR. make sure you keep it for yourself", saying this he gave a slight smile to Ranvi and left from there.

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