Time for the Devil

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"Mr. CEO, I'm back," Shastri says as he enters Abhi's cabin with the carrier that Abhi had prepared for Ranvi.

Abhi was immersed in his work, not paying attention to his presence.

"If I am not there, you call me often. If I am there, you are not ready to acknowledge me only.. uff... Devil in disguise", Shastri thought.

Shastri looked at the carrier, wondering what to do with it. He thought of taking it to his cabin and eating it, so that he would be able to taste his hand made food. "But this grumpy man would not leave me. What if I was punished for having it. But if I didn't have the food, then it would get wasted. That is, what should I do with the carrier?" Shastri was so intent on getting ideas to have the food that when Abhi called him for fourth time he wasn't able to hear him.

In an instant, Abhi walks over to Shastri and hits him hard on the head.

Shastri cries, "I'm dead, I'm dead.." while rubbing his head with both hands.

"Enough..!" , Shastri emerges from panic after hearing Abhi's cold voice.

"Mr.CEO , what happened..?"

Shastri's tummy bulges as Abhis glances at it. "Nothing. You seem hungry," he says.

He wonders to himself, "If I say yes, will you let me eat this.."

"A little bit of MR.CEO"
'So why are you waiting. You can have the food as it's already in your hands.' Abhi says with the same coldness.

"Are you sure, Mr.CEO? Or would you prefer to have it?"

"Of course, I'm sure. Just sit here and have it."

As Shahri listened to Abhi's answer, a smile appeared across his face, he nodded his head then began to open the food. He stopped mid-way and said, "Mr.CEO, even you can come. you're not having anything now. Please..".

"That's fine, go ahead."
Therefore, I will not ease on Mr.CEO and will eat at my desk." After saying this, Shastri goes to his desk and starts eating.

"MMmmmm... No way in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that the devil CEO could cook, forget about the taste. Oh man, it was heaven.". Shastri was eating the food to the content of his heart while moaning.

Once he finished the food, Abhi called him and he entered Abhi's cabin with a wide smile, unaware that he was entering the lion's den.

"Mr. CEO, the food you cooked was extraordinary. I have never tasted anything like that in my entire life.", Shastri says as he enters the cabin.

"Good to see you enjoyed it. Shastri there was a file I asked the source to deliver to reception.You know I trust you and no one else.", Abhi says with a smile to Shastri.

"Of course MR.CEO, we all know that I'm the best, let me collect it." he says as he takes his leave from the cabin.

He waited for the lift as he pressed the down button. Despite waiting for it for five minutes, it didn't show up. 

"Shastri sir, the lift is not working. We have already informed the maintenance team. They are looking into it," Shastri heard a worker say.

"Thank you for letting me know.", he says.

 Now he is in a dilemma whether to go down or not as he must descend 19 floors, and when done must climb back up the same way.

 But MR.CEO says it's important and only he is the to be trusted with the file. so without giving a second chance , he went to collect the file.

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