New book

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"Attayya , you know what..? I heard that she again tried cheating in the exam and when the invigilator found it she tried bribing. As the invigilator is too strict to accept her wrong doing she finally revealed her trump card." ,  Arun who just reached Chaitu's home was sharing what happened in the college to Chaitu's mom.

"What is that trump card Khanna..?" ,  Akhila Raj voiced out the question while gritting her teeth.

"No Attayya, how can I say that it was you , the one and only sweet person in the earth , are the trump card whom she had used to make the  investigator gulp with fear by hearing your name at college." , he says innocently.

"What ..?"

"Oops..  I slipped my tongue . I'm sorry Attayya. But please don't scold her. It's just because of exam fear she might have used your name." , saying this he slowly leaves from the place.

A little later ,

Chaitu enters her home while humming to  her favourite song .

Akhila who was waiting for her dear daughter raged with anger looking at the audacity of Chaitu acting like nothing happened.

"How was the exam.."

"It was good mom..", she says

"How was the invigilator..?", he was o..

Why is this hitler questioning me like this..?  Did she already came to know what happened in the college.? Aah no way in hell she comes to know until....

She waits for moment thinking about the least possibility of Arun involving her mother. Aah he wouldn't dare it..

"I'm asking you something..?" , she comes out of her thoughts hearing the most scariest tone on the earth according to her.

"He is good mo..",  her voice was cut off by her mother.

"Enough with your lies. I can't tolerate you anymore.. I know what you have done today.. is this how I raised you..?"

You asshole , Just wait and watch. I will show you what a big mistake you have done by doing this. Chaitu forms a plan in her mind on how to take revenge on Arun without bothering listening to her mother's cursing words.

At Arun's house:

Arun who is getting ready to go to party is thinking on how to inform his Dad without knowing what is waiting for him.

"Oh Mamayya, how handsome you are looking. Attayya is really lucky to get married to you." , Chaitu says while rubbing Arun's father's shoulders.

"Looks like my princess is in good mood today.", Narendra Chandramouli  says with a smile on his face.

"I'm always in good mood Mamayya. Do you know what happened to one of my classmate..?"

"What happened princess..?"

" some of the boys in my class went to a pub for partying last week. There was this good guy who doesn't like drinking. But due to the pressure from other guys he first time in his life drank without bothering about the surroundings. Then there was a huge fight in the pub due to which he was suspended from his college as he misbehaved with some girls due to alcohol effect and to his dismay the girls are from our college only. You know Mamayya , that's why I hate parties and pubs. They will make a good boy also as a worst person."

"Yes my princess, you are always right."

Arun having no knowledge about this so important conversation , simply comes there and tells to his father "Dad, I'm going out with my friends. Bye..",  when he was about to leave but was stopped by his father 
" wait , go to your room and prepare for your upcoming  exams."

"But my exams are over.."

"No problem go and prepare for next year's ", saying this Mr.Chandramouli makes himself busy in reading the paper.

"Suits you right ..", Chaitu whispers which only Arun can hear.

"You..?", Arun wanted to say something


"Yes princess.."

Arun's words stops in the middle listening to his father's voice and having no other choice leaves from the place.

Few years later,

"So guys , as we have seen how comfortable both of you with each other since childhood , we decided both of you to get married to each other"  , their family announced.

"What..?", both shouts at the same time.


Hey dear readers,

Please let me know your views on this story line.

Thanks ,

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