The next step

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At the hostel:

"Ranvi, I didn't expect Karthik Bava to get married to Sana. It was so unreal. They both made me a fool without making me understand that they have a thing. Am I really that stupid?," Chaitu asks innocently to Ranvi. The fact that her cousin and best friend Sana did not share their love for her left her feeling betrayed.

As she smiled at Chaitu, she began to say, "Chaitu, though they are family and you connect with them with all your heart, don't you think everyone has their own private space? The same goes with Karthick and Sana as well. "

"They may have thought to announce once it's officially confirmed. We may not know how much hardship they have gone through. Let them come first, then we will confront Sana. What do you think??" 

Chaitu heard a continuous knock on the door before she had a chance to respond, and suddenly looked at Ranvi teasingly.

"Go and open the door. It should be for you since we've been doing that for two days. Let's see what your husband sent today."

Ranvi's face becomes crimson red as she hears Chaitu's words and recalls the events of the past two days.

It has been two days since the incident after which she has been living in hostel. In these two days, Abhi has never stopped sending her food, whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Even though she misses him so much, she doesn't know how to go back to him and face him. 

Because she said she needed space, Abhi didn't try to put himself in front of her; he respected her words. But she didn't leave him like that; she is also receiving daily updates about him from Shastri, such as if he had eaten on time or not.

Chaitu suddenly pushed her and she jerked into reality.

Chaitu said, "Ranvi... Ranvi... go and open the door.".

She nods at her and walks to the door, only to see her warden with an annoying face carrying a huge packet.

"Ranvi, I'm so tired of carrying these heavy packages. It is strange that handsome guy doesn't want to meet you and makes me carry these packets. No matter how indifferent you are, do something and relieve me of this stress.", warden says with irritation.

'I apologize for bothering you, Madam. I won't do this again.' Ranvi apologizes immediately and takes the packet from the warden.

Warden shakes her head and prepares to leave, but then she remembers something and turns towards Ranvi.

"You're really lucky Ranvi, as you've got someone who loves you deeply."

In the end, Ranvi was bewildered by the warden's words, since it was the first time she heard anything like this from a woman who did not care for love or boys.

She tries to analyze her words staring at the warden without blinking her eyes.

"Confused...? Let me tell you something. I have never seen anyone so determined to get a girl and shower his love by waiting for her continuously while she is not yet ready to acknowledge it in my entire life. the way he waited outside early every morning till you left for hospital and waits till you reach to your room after you comes back from hospital. this shows how much he cares for you though you both are not in talking terms.. So never loose him" , Warden says patting on Ranvi's cheek and leaves from there.

Ranvi was speechless as she didn't expect Abhi to wait for her outside and she is completely unaware that he is actually keeping an eye on her till she reaches college and her hostel. Initially she really wanted to go hug him right then, but something prevented her from doing so. 

She was standing at the door, thinking deeply about what to do when she was dragged inside by Chaitu who had closed the door.Chaitu dragged her and made her sit on her bed. After a moment Chaitu holds Ranvi by her shoulder and says

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