Chapter 41: The double deskmate of a top student

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Chapter 41

Most of the time, emotional conflicts and entanglements are not clear and clear things, but vague and ambiguous.

It then makes people stretch, daydream, be happy, worry, and worry about gains and losses. This is the hazy veil of love, its beautiful side that makes people fascinated and disgusted.

Lin Zhi hung up the phone, but Song Jiazhu's heart was still tightly held.

He wanted to reach Lin Zhi quickly and check on his condition.

Lin Zhi's words recurred in his mind, and he analyzed almost every word subconsciously.

After encountering something, Lin Zhi's first thought was to contact him. He didn't know why. This kind of hidden meaning made Song Jiazhu feel a little excited for no reason, but he couldn't help interpreting this sentence into another meaning.

Is Lin Zhi making fun of himself by calling him even though he knew he was mute and unable to speak?

These emotions were arguing in his mind, but Song Jiazhu's rationality was unable to make a judgment. He was staring at the phone screen firmly, waiting for Lin Zhi to answer.

[Song Jiazhu]: Where is your home?

Lin Zhi looked at the message on his phone and did not reply immediately. It took about half a minute before he typed a reply.

[Lin Zhi]: It’s okay. You don’t need to come. It’s not serious.

This is a common sense rejection. Even if you are the best friend, you will rarely rush to the other person's home anxiously when you hear that the other person's leg is twisted.

[Song Jiazhu]: Don’t you live alone? It’s not convenient. I’ll go find you with food.

Song Jiazhu knew that Lin Zhi lived alone. During the previous tutoring process, Song Jiazhu had already discovered this from Lin Zhi's words.

In fact, this was no longer something Song Jiazhu would do, but Song Jiazhu didn't seem to notice it.

As the creator of this situation, Lin Zhi would certainly not point it out.

[Lin Zhi]: That’s right, remember to order something spicy.

He replied, walking towards home at a slower pace than before.

Before Song Jiazhu's arrival, he needed to make some preparations.

Song Jiazhu saw the address given by Lin Zhi, left the mall, and went to the nearest place to buy dinner first.

After the meals were packed, Song Jiazhu ordered an online taxi and went to his destination.

Lin Zhi's home was on the twelfth floor. Song Jiazhu pressed the elevator button. In the reflection of the elevator, he subconsciously sorted out his wrinkled clothes, then came to Lin Zhi's door and knocked on the door.

Lin Zhi's home has three bedrooms and two living rooms. There are green plants on the porch, the kitchen door is closed, and there is nothing on the tables in the living room and dining room.

The furnishings at home are mainly warm, and there is a photo of a family of four hanging on the wall, next to a pair of embroidery.

Seeing Song Jiazhu staring at it, Lin Zhi replied casually: "The one hanging next to it was embroidered by my mother."

This was something the original owner’s mother embroidered many years ago when cross-stitch became popular, and it has been kept until now.

In the hanging family portrait, the system imports the photos of Lin Zhi when he was a child for the sake of immersion. Lin Zhi finds it a bit inconsistent, but Song Jiazhu obviously doesn't think so.

Atypical Redemption [Fast Travel]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें