T H I R T Y - F O U R

Start from the beginning

"You're no fun," he pouts.

We start heading out of the stadium and head back to the hotel. When we arrive, I head down to the parking lot to grab my car so I can drop off Mason. I told Nessa I'd be back soon, since she was staying with me, Cris was staying with Cooper and Hugo and João was going back with Ruben.

I arrive back at the hotel after dropping off Mount to find Nessa asleep. I take out my phone and scroll for a bit. I want to go meet João at our place, Portugal plays tomorrow, he should be there now. I can't. I decide to text Hugo instead.


Me: Are you awake ?
Do you wanna go for a drive ?

Hugo: Yes and yes
Can we talk ?
Or are you ignoring me too ?

Me: Yes please !!
I have so much I need to tell your brother, but I can't now so I'll tell you.
Meet me in the lobby in 10

Before I can even get out of bed, I get a message from João.

João <3

João: Where are you ?

I ignore the message knowing that even if I met with him, I couldn't be honest to him, and we 'are being watched' so there's no point to even going. I get out of bed and put on something more comfortable. I then head down to the lobby to meet Hugo.

"Here," I say handing him my keys.

"I thought you don't let people drive your baby," he says.

"I don't, consider yourself lucky," I smile at him as we exit into the parking lot.

"Where is this beauty anyway ?" He asks and I point at the car. "No way," he says.

"Yes way," I smile proudly.

"Your dad bought this for you ?" He asks.

"Grandad," I say.

"Sofia," he says as he gets into the car.

"Yeah ?" I ask.

"I don't know how to drive stick shift," he says.

"I'll teach you, it's not too hard," I smile.

"What if I fuck up your car ?" He asks.

"Don't," I joke, "don't worry too much, I'll fix her."

"Bill me," he says.

"No, I mean like I'll fix her," I say.

"Oh you've worked on her before ?" He asks.

"I built her," I smile.

"I've kept certain things because they were picked out by my grandad, so yeah," I smile.

"Sofia this is so cool," he smiles.

I show him how to take the car out and into the streets. Luckily it was late and very few cars were on the road. We weren't very far and the car turned off.

"I think I broke your car," he says.

I laugh, "you released the clutch too fast, turn it back on, and try again."

He does as told and we're back on the road. We drive around for another 30 minutes and I put the address my dad gave me into the GPS on my phone.

"What's there ?" He asks.

"I don't know," I shrug, "drive."

We arrive soon to some abandoned road.

"Oh this shall be fun," I say, "drive faster."

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now