Chapter 134

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"Y-You are crazy!" Lin Ning backed away from the man who was possibly messing with her. Her heart was beating tremendously, but she didn't want to lie to herself. It was true that she expected a kiss from him, which gave her a guilty feeling right after. 'I shouldn't expect such affection from him. He still has another woman in his heart, and that time in the hut was an accident.' She tried to push the high hopes away from gaining his affection, facing away from him right after.

Cao Peizhi could only hold more affection for Lin Ning, he wanted to hug her in his arms, but he knew at the same time she was in a lot of doubt about his heart. 'I want to show her that this heart only belongs to her and only her. There is no other woman, and it has always been her.' He took her hand, having them both go to a certain path. Lin Ning was very confused about why she was dragged along with him.

"Where are we going?" Lin Ning asked; she didn't know if this was good or bad. Yet, she willingly followed along, knowing he wouldn't play any tricks on her.

"It is a surprise." Cao Peizhi had them both go to a different spot that wouldn't be familiar to Lin Ning. 'The least I can do is possibly have her know something else. Let me show her something more beautiful.' Both started to walk down a path that had led to a garden personally grown by this couple. They grew plants for retirement life and knew Cao Peizhi since he did get all of his plants from them.

"Where is this at? There... is a lot of sweet scents around." Lin Ning didn't hate it; instead... she loved it a lot. It was quite a soothing scent that passed through her. 'I feel like I can stay here forever.' A smile appeared on her face; it wasn't even something big to start with, but it was enough to make her smile.

Cao Peizhi could see the smile on Lin Ning's face; it made him smile in return to know that she loved it. "Do you like it here?" He could quickly tell that the place was one that Lin Ning would keep in mind and heart.

"En... this place has a soothing atmosphere, and a bunch of soothing scents around that seems to allow one to relax and have time to think." She then tightly squeezed his hand, still holding hers; she loved this place quite a lot. "Where is this place exactly?" She asked.

Cao Peizhi knew that she was going to ask about it, and he wasn't going to hide it from her since he knew that she would never come to do anything bad to this place in particular. "This place belongs to a couple I have known for quite a long time. They were the ones who gave me all of my plants for the garden that I made for you." He could see Lin Ning's expression turn slightly with a worried look. He knew she was still worried and concerned about the garden and felt it did not belong to her. Bringing her hand forth to his lips, he kissed the back of her hand. "Trust me when I say this; everything I have done and built has been for you, Ning. I will never have any other woman in his heart but you."

Lin Ning could feel her heart skipping a beat; her breath caught in the moment to feel his warm lips that kissed the back of her hand. 'What is this man saying? Is he really in the right mind or... am I the one who isn't in the right mind?' She did not know how to turn this situation around; she wanted to believe that it was all for her, but at the same time, she doubted.

"Cao Peizhi? What brings you here? Oh! You brought a lady with you this time. Who may she be?" An elderly man came out from a nearby house; he smiled to see the familiar man who always came by to get the plants he and his wife grew.

Cao Peizhi had turned to face the elderly man, smiling at him since he was already familiar and they were clearly friends. "Yong Kwan, this is my wife, Lin NIng." He introduced Lin Ning, who bowed back to greet them. Yet, he still held onto Ling Ning's hand that he had kissed without letting go.

"No need to greet this old man with such respect. Feel at ease." He told Lin Ning, who was respectful to him. "It has been some time since I last saw you, and here you are with a wife. I am surprised that you finally brought someone. You always came here alone, and I've always wondered which lucky lady it was that had your heart." Yong Kwan had then noticed Lin Ning was blind, but he did not disrespect her in any way. If she was the wife of Cao Peizhi, then she must hold an extraordinary place in his heart that no other woman could get to. "Why don't you both join my wife and me for tea? We've just prepared the tea, and it is fresh. As you can notice, this humble garden is what we live off of." Yong Kwan had the two of them follow him to another place in his home, where his wife came into the picture and smiled to see Cao Peizhi with a woman for the first time.

"Oh, who is this lovely lady?" Mu Xiuying had prepared more tea with cups that were for their guests. There were even snacks laid out with the cups of tea set around the table where they sat.

Lin Ning didn't know how to tell them since she still didn't know much about Cao Peizhi; they were only in contact here and there from time to time when they came across each other in his manor. "This is my wife, Lin Ning. She is the woman that I have always told you both about." Cao Peizhi told the couple about Lin Ning when he would go there to get plants and flowers, but he never told them both that she was 'dead,' which she wasn't.

"OH! You are the lucky woman that has this fellow's heart! You are so fortunate to have a man like him in your life. No woman was ever lucky when he came by each time. Even though they tried to win his heart, he always told them he only has eyes for his wife." Mu Xiuying would have never thought Lin Ning was a lucky woman, but she was finally happy to meet Cao Peizhi's wife. She was indeed beautiful like Cao Peizhi had explained; it was like her woman's instincts could tell that behind the blindfold was a much more attractive woman hidden away.

Lin Ning was a little surprised that Cao Peizhi would reject other women; even Mu Xiuying was a big help to Cao Peizhi. It was as though he knew it was good to have another woman get into contact with Lin Ning and perhaps talk more to her about certain things that would let her feel reassured. 

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