Chapter 60

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Lin Ning had finally managed to get them both up, putting her clothes back on. There was a sudden thought that came into mind. 'How does he tie his sash?' Turning her attention back to Cao Peizhi. "Did you need help with tying the sash?"

"You don't need to worry about me." Cao Peizhi smiled, feeling happy that she was thinking about him.

Lin Ning went over to him with her clothes adequately fixed. "At least let me know how you usually do it." Lin Ning gave him a begging tone.

Cao Peizhi did not stop her from knowing, allowing her to feel his sash that was now around his waist as he sat down to start with Lin Ning, curious to know. "First, I wrap the sash around my waist. Second, I make sure to hold one of the ends of the sash."

"I just noticed that your sash is a little longer than most." Lin Ning called out.

"With a single-hand man like me, then I needed a few changes for myself." Cao Peizhi pointed out that he had to adjust a few things in his life since he did not ask for help when it came to certain situations. "Third, the sash may be loose, but I bring the sash around to the other to connect them and make a loop around my wrist. Fourth, I have the same side I started with, wrap around the other and pull it back into the loop. Lastly, I pull it back towards me as it tightens around me."

"Oh, you basically make it a knot." Lin Ning had been doing her best to keep up. 'That explains why his sash was so different when I helped him remove it.' Understanding now with another question, "How come you did not want to have anyone help you dress up? Wasn't it hard?"

"It's only harder if I depend on someone else other than myself. Besides, I find that having someone dress and undress me is bothersome at the same time."

"Am I a bother then?"

Hearing that from Lin Ning, he could see that she was worried about being a bother towards him when he did not want that. "You were never a both for me. I will only let you be the one to dress and undress me anytime."

There was a sudden kiss on her cheek. "Peizhi???" She felt her cheeks turning warm from the kiss on her cheek when she should be used to be. 'If only I could see how you looked like when you gave me that kiss on the cheek!!!!' Wishing that she could see to keep every image of his face and expression when they were together.

Cao Peizhi held a smile, taking another kiss from her lips with his heart feeling happy at that moment. "I will ask for the blessing of both of your parents for your hand in marriage. I do not want us to be separated anymore." Cao Peizhi said after they shared a kiss. The two were dressed and walked side by side with their mount walking behind them.

"That would be great. My mother worried all the time that I would never get married. She can be at ease now." Lin Ning didn't know how her father would react, but she knew that her mother would finally be at ease with her finding someone that stays by her side. 'He might agree, but I don't know he was pretty attached to me since I am his only daughter.'

"I'm glad that I will be letting them feel at ease. I will be at ease as well for having someone like you by my side." Cao Peizhi kept her close to his side, imagining the two of them in their little home in the future.

"Peizhi, what are we going to do since my family is now pronounced 'dead' to the Zhao State. How would we even get married?" Lin Ning figured that it would make things difficult since her family did not have any title. 'Won't there be trouble since I would be more like an enemy in a way since they found false evidence of her family working with the enemy?' Recalling back to the novel, the Zhao emperor and empress had been planning to get rid of her family in the later future since they assumed that he was working with the Crown Prince, which was how this family ended, but things changed for them. 'Will this bring fortune or misfortune in the future?' Bothered by the thought that her family being alive could either bring good or harm to the future.

"You don't have to worry about any of that. I do not plan to let you go back to the Zhao Palace when you are at a high risk of being sentenced to death or...." Cao Peizhi had paused, but he knew that the emperor and second prince were interested in Lin Ning, refusing to let them use her as some 'toy' to please them.

"Or???" Lin Ning wondered what he was about to say.

"Nothing." Cao Peizhi refused to say it out, changing the topic. "Besides, my father does not care who I get married to, nor does he care if they hold a title or not. The emperor and empress cannot bestow marriage for me either now that they have no one to put me with after their first attempt and no one wants to marry their daughter to me." Cao Peizhi told her. 'The princess of Zhao has already passed away while no man is willing to marry their daughter to a crippled strategist nor do they want someone whose birth mother is from the Sun State. There is nothing for them to gain out of me. They much rather prefer to have my older brother marry their daughters.' Cao Peizhi thought he would be a bachelor all his life, but Lin Ning came and changed that thought.

Lin Ning was upset with the thought of Cao Peizhi being paired with another lady. "They better not try to take you away from me. I can be the only one in your life. I won't accept any other to try and put you with another. You are mine." Lin Ning brought his hand to her lips, biting his hand that left a mark.

Cao Peizhi did not even flinch this time to her bite. "Heh, you seem to really like biting me. You are more of a wolf than Mei Mei." Cao Peizhi lightly tapped her nose once his hand was released while smiling at his lover.

"Bleee!" Sticking her tongue out to him, she held a smile. "I will only act this way with you." Both then let out a chuckle, realizing just how childish they were when they were together. 'So this is what it's like to have someone you love and cherish by your side.'

"Arrghh! Arrghh! Urrhhh!!!!" Mei Mei ran up to them, happily barking and whining at the same time to see that they were finally back.

Lin Ning could sense how excited and happy Mei Mei was to see them. "We're back. You must have really missed us." Lin Ning knelt, petting Mei Mei, who licked her cheek. "Hehe, you've must have been a good girl."

"Arrgh!" Mei Mei replied, her tail wagging behind her while she sat down to calm down a bit.

"Peizhi, you are finally back." Yi Changpu had a serious look on his face.

Cao Peizhi knew that look on the crown prince's face was a serious matter they would discuss. "Qin Yun!" Calling Qin Yun out, he then turned to Lin Ning. "Ning, I won't be able to spend today with you." Lin Ning nodded her head, laying her hand on his cheek.


Placing another kiss on his cheek, the people around witnessed the two-act shameful in front of them. 'It does not matter if they are judging or not. He is my man, and people back in my modern time always openly expressed their affection for their lovers.' Lin Ning returned to Cao Peizhi's tent to get washed up. Qin Yun had called Hun Cuifen to help change and wash Lin Ning.

Cao Peizhi was a little alarmed by her sudden gesture, but he only smiled after. Yi Changpu walked over to his friend and whistled randomly. "You both seem to have hit it off. Would you like to share what you both did yesterday before we discuss the other matter?" He decided to mess with Cao Peizhi only let out a 'tch' in response.

"Let's get to the main conversation. What did you find out?" Cao Peizhi followed Yi Changpu to the prison, seeing the Ma people who held signs of being tortured.

"It wasn't easy, but it seems as though the Zhao Empress is threatening the Ma Emperor." Yi Changpu did not think that the Ma Emperor would be threatened by the Zhao Empress which he had to look more into the reason and find the Ma Emperor's weakness. Cao Peizhi listened, waiting to hear more from what Yi Changpu would tell him. "I looked into the reason or the weakness that the Ma Emperor has. It seems as though some of his people had been captured and taken hostage. One of the hostages is his son, his heir."

"Hm, so he has his people who are captured and his heir in it as well. How did the Zhao Empress capture them anyway?" Cao Peizhi questioned. 

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