Chapter 139

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Lin Ning and Cao Peizhi sat in the carriage next to each other, but there was a long silence between them until Cao Peizhi decided to break the silence. "What is bothering you?" He didn't want to overlook anything that could be bothering Lin Ning. He was willing to answer as many questions as she would ask right now.

Lin Ning didn't know if she should ask, but hearing Mu Xiuying's words echoed in her head again. "Peizhi, can you tell me what we went through in the past? I know you said not to worry about the past, but I want to know. I can't overlook this and think of it as if there was nothing. Something must have happened that caused us to be separated for four years. I have amnesia and a few scars, so I know it must have been a life-and-death situation. Also, you would tell me if I am the woman you love because we are a married couple now." Using that 'married couple' in the sentence, she wanted to be able to know more and convince Cao Peizhi to tell her.

Cao Peizhi was a little taken back by how she addressed them, but he knew she was trying to get an answer. He took one of her hands and smiled, kissing softly on her palm. "What we went through in the past...." He didn't know how to exactly bring up everything that they went through during this carriage ride. Lin Ning waited patiently; she wanted to know what she could find out from Cao Peizhi. "We..."

"Master, we've reached the Zhao Palace." Their coachman said, unaware that Cao Peizhi was about to spill some beans of the past even though he was hesitant to say.

Lin Ning didn't think they would be going to the Zhao palace, which was a bit surprising on her end for some reason. "Zhao Palace? You didn't tell me that we were going to come here. What's the reason?" Lin Ning had to cut the last conversation and move on to find out why they were at the Zhao palace. 'He never mentioned anything about this.'

"Sorry, the emperor wishes to speak to me about something. I figured you could probably have some time to familiarize yourself with the empress. She had been asking me about you." Cao Peizhi wasn't lying when he said the emperor wanted to talk with him, but the empress also wanted to see Lin Ning. The empress, Xu Meili, heard Lin Ning had been found, so she had been losing patience.

"The empress? Why would she ask about me? Did you and the empress have some past together?" Lin Ning didn't want to be involved with Cao Peizhi's past flames. 'It would be too annoying to have another woman come in and try to fight with me.'

Cao Peizhi didn't think Lin Ning would assume that first, but he smiled, carried her out of the carriage, and settled her down onto her feet right after. He had used his real limb to carry most of Lin Ning's weight while his prosthetic arm laid on her back to ensure she didn't fall back. "I only have you and no one else. Believe me when I say that you are the only woman for me in every life that I am given to be with you. I will never have another." He whispered to her before placing her down on her feet.

"Ning..." Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning turned around to face the direction of the voice. Xu Meili walked over to Lin Ning and held her hand. She had tears that came down her eyes to realize that this was the same Lin Ning she knew. Xu Meili couldn't help but hug Lin Ning with happiness in her heart. "It's really you. I'm so happy that you are alive." She just had to hug Lin Ning with her heart feeling at ease that her dear friend, who was like her sister, was still alive.

"???" Lin Ning was lost, she didn't remember this woman, but her heart was aching at the same time to know that this woman was sad for her with relief at the same time from what she could sense. "H-Hey, the empress shouldn't be crying." Lin Ning carefully moved her hand to wipe the tears away from Xu Meili's eyes. It was unbelievable that she would be in front of the empress, wiping away her tears. Most would be afraid to do such a thing, but she didn't feel frightened. Instead, she felt very familiar with this woman and wanted her only to stop crying.

"You are the one who suddenly disappeared on us. You can't leave us again!" Xu Meili didn't know how to feel. She was in between being mad and sad at the same time with Lin Ning, who had been gone for four years.

"I-I..." Lin Ning didn't know how to approach this since she was still trying to recover most of her memories.

"Just say that you won't leave any of us again." Xu Meili was begging Lin Ning not to leave any of them.

Lin Ning didn't want to tell Xu Meili that she would leave once her master returned, but there was a stinging pain in her heart whenever she thought about going to every one. 'Do I really want to leave them?' Before thinking again, she had been dragged along with Xu Meili.

"We have a lot to catch up on." Lin Ning could only be dragged along while Cao Peizhi was left alone to meet with Yi Changpu.


Cao Peizhi wished that he could spend more time with Lin Ning, but seeing that she couldn't escape from the empress then, he had to let her go for now. He went to Yi Changpu, seeing that he was in the garden where both men's wives were. "It seems though you can't leave her alone either." Cao Peizhi could see the look on Yi Changpu's face that he was worried.

"Of course, I can't leave her alone at all. I worry about her every day. It makes me even more afraid of leaving her alone because she is vulnerable, and with everything going on, it makes it hard for me to leave her side." Yi Changpu had been unsettled for days now. "Peizhi, I am going to ask something from you, but I don't know if you will agree to it." Yi Changpu had nowhere else to turn, and there was no one else that he could trust.

Cao Peizhi was a bit confused about why Yi Changpu would be worried about him rejecting something since he never really rejected anything other than joining him in the palace since he wanted to stay with his children. "What is it that you wish for, your highness? If it is within my power, I will do as I can to help you." Cao Peizhi knew he couldn't turn away as he did in the past. 'I think it is about time I returned to help a dear friend.' He held that thought in mind.

Yi Changpu didn't know how to say this exactly, but he sighed and turned to face his long-time friend, who was like his brother. "Can you and Ning stay in the palace until Meili delivers?" 

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