Chapter 135

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Lin Ning was still surprised, hearing that Cao Peizhi rejected women out there that went up to him. 'Why did he choose me? Why? Am I really that woman?' There was a lot that ran through her head, but she didn't know if she should believe it or not. There was a squeeze at her hand still held by Cao Peizhi, making her blush just a bit to know that he was paying attention to her throughout the entire date between them.

"Oh! Your wife is so cute! She is blushing! It is so good to be young!" Mu Xiuying couldn't help but point out what she was seeing.

"It is good to be young. They are such a loving couple. A husband and wife cannot be in a better marriage than this when they always try to resolve the problems they come across and their obstacles." Yong Kwan smiled; he knew that Cao Peizhi loved Lin Ning, similar to how he loved his wife. "You both didn't bring your children?" Yong Kwan wanted to see the two children that Cao Peizhi even spoke about.

"No, the two of them are at home. We both decided to have a day to ourselves." Cao Peizhi explained much to Yong Kwan about Cao Anli and Cao Yating. He did talk about his twins with the elderly couple who were still looking forward to seeing the twins in the future.

"D-Do you two have children?" Lin Ning decided to ask, looking down, still nervous about speaking out. She didn't talk to others but those in Cao Peihzi's manor.

"Mhm, we both already had our own children long ago, but they all live elsewhere. We had two daughters and a son." Yong Kwan told the two, looking at Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning, who had never heard about their children. "Our two daughters are happily married to their husbands. They live in another city but would still occasionally send letters and gifts to us."

Lin Ning was now curious about their son, "What about your son?" She asked.

"Our son is in the military; he followed his dream and is currently serving his country. We both always worry about him, but we know we cannot stop him from achieving his goal. He has a lovely wife with him as well, so we know that he isn't alone. She is a strong woman from what we know." Mu Xiuying explained that part about their son, who was part of the military. Even though their children were not with them, they knew that they couldn't chain their children down and stop them from doing what they wanted to do most.

Lin Ning didn't know if she would be able to part from her children; her mind then wandered to the twins that popped up in her head. 'I don't think I will be able to part from this family. My heart and mind feel like they will shatter if I left them.' Placing one of her hands on her chest, she couldn't help but feel more worried about her decision to leave them when her master returned.

Cao Peizhi knew what she was thinking; he turned back to the couple. "Sorry, we've taken a lot of your time. The sun is just about setting soon, and we have to be sure to get back home to our children." Ending their conversation, he knew it wasn't good to end it that soon, but Lin Ning wasn't in the mood to talk more about family.

"Oh, the time passed so soon. Both of you can stay the night here if you want. We have a few spare rooms around here since we raised all of our children in this home. What do you say?" Mu Xiuying offered for the two to stay the night. Yong Kwan didn't mind either; he saw Cao Peizhi as another son.

"What do you think? Did you want to stay the night here?" Cao Peizhi was letting Lin Ning decide if they would stay the night or not. He was okay with either decision since he knew Lin Ning was always cooped up in their home with their children; maybe she needed a break.

Lin Ning didn't want to be rude; she nodded and allowed them to stay there for the night. They had a meal that night and ended up in a room together that they had to share. Lin Ning hugged the pillow in her arms and faced Cao Peizhi with a shocked expression on her face. "Why are we sleeping in the same room???" She was already in a sleeping white gown after a warm bath which she nervously hugged herself. She could see his color and sense him nearby; he was calm about it.

"We can't be seen like a fake couple. They already know that we are husband and wife, so it would be best to sleep in the same room other than separate rooms." Cao Peizhi explained to Lin Ning, reminding her they had to still look like a real couple outside other than just in their home. He carried Lin Ning up in his arms and laid her on the bed. Lin Ning covered her face with the pillow she had been holding in her arms throughout that time.

"W-What are you doing???" She was shocked to see that he would carry her to the bed.

Cao Peizhi untied her blindfold, setting it aside as he kissed the top of her head. "You can sleep. I won't do anything that will make you upset." Laying down next to her, he had removed his prosthetic arm to the side. Lin Ning laid down next to him, but he had wrapped his arm around her waist while pulling her close so that she could hear his heart beating steadily.

'Was his heart always this calm?' Her face was still red, but she could feel her forehead on his chest. "Hey, why won't you tell me more about myself? You are preventing me from knowing what I have been seeking. I know you are likely part of my past from what I have been observing and hearing. I want to remember everything." Lin Ning then turned to face up to him; she wanted to know more about her past. Even though she told her master that she didn't need to know her past, her heart was unsettled now that she had come across this man and the twins.

"You are a smart woman, but I do not want to bring you any sad or painful memories. Do you really want to remember everything?" Cao Peizhi had pinned her below him on the bed, staring down at the woman who was still as beautiful when he first laid eyes on her. 

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