Chapter 145

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"Meili???" Lin Ning didn't think the empress would allow them to go and disturb the two men talking. They stood outside the room; Xu Meili could see the twins, who were happy to know that they were all outside the room.

"I think it's a good idea to let us wives go and see their husbands. Not only that, but these two children can see their father along with their mother. I think it is good to ensure the family can still be together." Xu Meili told her, trying to be reasonable about this whole ordeal.

"Peizhi, you must understand that it wasn't your fault that time." Yi Changpu could be heard from the other side of the room.

Both women and the two children stopped, making them listen out to the conversation that was going on. 'What are they talking about?' Lin Ning was more interested since it involved Cao Peizhi.

"It was my fault that day. If I hadn't left her alone that day, we wouldn't be like this. It was my fault that my two children didn't have their mother in their life. Now that I have her back, I want to correct everything, but we aren't fully at peace because 'that' woman is still around. Waiting in the shadows to target us at our weakest." Cao Peizhi was worried, very worried.

"Peizhi, you know that it wasn't your fault that day. That day was all unexpected; that woman also went after your family to bring me down. We have another chance to correct things, but we can only correct but not acting rash in these situations." Yi Changpu knew that Cao Peizhi would rush if it involved the woman who harmed his family.

"I know. We have to find out what her next plan is. Rushing it will do no good but bring more harm to us than her." Cao Peizhi sighed, knowing that he had to think first.

"Father! Father! What are you talking about with Uncle Changpu!?" Cao Yating shouted from the door, shocking everyone as they gasped and held their tongue.

"Yating'er???" Cao Peizhi knew his daughter's voice. Both men opened the door, seeing their wives and children there as it was apparent they were all eavesdropping the entire time. Yi Changpu and Cao Peizhi looked at them as they knew they had much to explain. Cao Peizhi looked at Lin Ning and sighed, knowing he should tell her about what happened.

"Anli'er. Yating'er. Why don't you stay with your aunt and uncle while your mother and I talk?" Cao Peizhi looked at his two children while Lin Ning was nervous.

"But father!" (Cao Yating.)

"No 'buts.'" Xu Meili took each twin's hands, gently having the two come with her and their uncle. "Come, we have a new bird you should see." She encouraged the twins.

"Come along, you two. I think you would love to see the bird. They say that the bird is descended from the phoenix." Yi Changpu knew how to draw their attention, bringing in stories from their ancestors.

Both children left with their aunt, and uncle left only Lin Ning and Cao Peizhi alone. "Where do you want to start?" Cao Peizhi went forth, holding one of Lin Ning's hands.

Lin Ning bit the bottom of her lips, looking back at him as she sighed. "Let's go ahead and walk as you tell me. It may help."


Walking outside the palace, Chou Mei hopped along as she took her usual route from the palace to the market in town to get her favorite food. It should be no surprise that she would sneak out and get more food but would always come back. "Auntie! How much are these???" Chou Mei was staring at the food in front of her at a stand.

"Oh! Chou Mei! You are here again! I made sure to save you the freshest since I know that you really love my cooking." The auntie took out another plate of food as Chou Mei smiled very happily, looking at the fresh food in front of her.

Having a whiff of it, it was warm with the scent of evident sweetness and sugar in white rice and sauce laced over the freshly cooked pork. "Auntie, how much is it!?" Chou Mei was too happy at this moment again with food that always caught her attention or sweets. She was a big eater, as most said.

"No need! You've been the biggest helpa round here, and I couldn't be more thankful for you being here to help my little shop. I am not a big saleswoman, and you've helped and supported my family. It is the least I can do." The auntie said as she gave Chou Mei the food.

"Thank you very much, Auntie! I will come again soon!" Chou Mei shouts, making her way to leave.

The auntie was helping other customers when she then noticed two men following after Chou Mei. Although, they were oddly suspicious, she turned to her son, who had been helping with the shop. Speaking to her son, she immediately had her son go and find the young masters that Chou Mei was working for. They all knew who Chou Mei was and that she served the young master and young miss of the Cao family.


Chou Mei had been on her way back to the palace as she was eating on the course without caring if she looked indecent. She had then bumped into a wall, or so she thought. Dropping her food as she looked in front of her. "Hey! Don't you know where you are walking into!? Why did you have to make me lose my food!?" She shouted, looking at the man in front of her before another appeared behind her.

"We have to get this idiot?" One of the men spoke, looking to see that this was the idiotic woman that they were told about.

"We are only here to do what we are told. Hurry up."

Chou Mei was about to argue when they covered her mouth. "Mrmphh!!!!" She was immediately panicking as she knew nothing about why they were covering her mouth and such. It was just common knowledge in her. She may have been an idiot, but she put in all her strength and kicked the man who held her hostage right in the root of his life.

"Arrrggghh!!!!" The man shouted, falling over as if he had just lost his life and crouching down.

Chou Mei made a bolt for it, refusing to be caught with her only sense of knowing that they were not good people who would give her free food.

"Don't let her escape!" The man who had ordered the other to get her was clearly too far and did not expect the woman to be a fighter.

"S-She won't! I am going to teach that b*tch a lesson!" The man, struck with pain, was staggering before he took out his knife to follow the woman who ran off.


Chou Mei was in complete panic, fearing for her life. She did not know what she was going to do other than run.

"Where is she?!"

She gasps in fear, hearing them come closer before she was grabbed, and she nearly screamed before her mouth was covered. "Don't scream when I let you go."

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