Chapter 70

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Lin Ning did not even know what she had come across, she just saw something glowing, and it was the first time that it came from an item other than human. "What is it?" She asked. Feeling the object in her hand, it was small with a chain around that held something like an oval shape.

"That is an amulet necklace made of silver. You can open it and even put something you may treasure inside it." The stall owner told Lin Ning, who never once got Cao Peizhi anything.

"How much is this amulet necklace?"

"Ten silvers."

Cao Peizhi had handed the silver first before Lin Ning could; she had brought her money just in case it was just her and Xu Meili. "Peizhi?" Lin Ning knew that he had handed off the silvers before she could do it.

"You don't have to pay for it. I am your husband, so it is only fair that I pay for it."

Lin Ning had let out a sigh, 'You really can't help it. I worry that you are going to spoil me too much.' Letting Cao Peizhi do as he please to make her happy. Lin Ning had to understand that he was a man who wanted to make his woman happy.

The five of them went on to the bridge, where people released their lanterns into the sky. "I got the lanterns." Yi Changpu had bought the lanterns this time, but he only bought in total three.

"You didn't want to release a lantern?" Xu Meili questioned him.

"What do you mean? I'm releasing the lantern that you are releasing." Yi Changpu had given one lantern to Chun Yunchen and the last one to Lin Ning and Cao Peizhi.

Lighting their lantern, Lin Ning and Cao Peizhi held the lantern together and released it into the sky. She went up closer to Cao Peizhi, leaning on his chest and in his arms. 'I wish for Peizhi to always be safe and well even if I am not around.' Cao Peizhi had wrapped his arm around her, facing their lantern in the sky and joining the others.

Yi Changpu wanted to be just as close with Xu Meili, but she gave him a warning glance to not come any closer. 'I wish she would allow us to be closer like how Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning are.' He had never felt more jealous of Cao Peizhi till now.

Chun Yunchen watched the couple, seeing how much they were in love. 'You both must have been through a lot to come this far. I do not know what you both been through, but I suppose I can do my part and quickly finish up and then find a way back home.' Keeping those words to himself, he noticed some men suspiciously looking at them but mainly Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning. 'This doesn't look good.' He worriedly thought, looking through the items that were bought for him. 'Better to be safe than sorry.' He thought.

People were all retiring for the night, going back into their homes while the five last figures started to walk back. "Yunchen, what are you doing? You've been messing around with all that stuff since we started to make our way back." Lin Ning could hear him messing with it.

"I... I saw some strange men staring at us."

Yi Changpu and Cao Peizhi grew alert, hearing that from Chun Yunchen they did not want to think that it was just some odd coincidence or something. "Meili, make sure that you all go back. Peizhi and I will go and have a look." Yi Changpu told Xu Meili, hoping that they would be able to go back.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure that nothing goes wrong." Xu Meili told him.

"Peizhi?" Lin Ning held onto his right sleeve with worry in her heart when they were doing so well throughout this entire day.

"Don't worry. I'll see you later. Be sure to get some rest." He laid a kiss on top of her head, parting from her. Both Cao Peizhi and Yi Changpu left while the last three figures were left alone to go back.

Lin Ning's hand was held by Xu Meili, who was leading her, "Why did you want to buy a silver amulet?" Xu Meili decided to let them ease up and not worry.

"I never once got anything for Peizhi. He has given me a jade amulet and a whistle, so I think it would be good to get him something." Lin Ning could recall when he had given her more than just those two things. 'He gave me his love and affection as well.'

"Argh! Argh!"

Hearing a familiar bark, they were surprised that Mei Mei had come to the city to find them. "Mei Mei?! You should not be here! You could easily be killed." Lin Ning did not think that Mei Mei would escape from the little play area they built for her to stay in when she and Cao Peizhi wanted to be alone.

"Gggrrrr!" Mei Mei's attention had averted once she caught the scent of unfamiliar people nearby.

"Who are you?!" Xu Meili stood in front of Lin Ning and Chun Yunchen, seeing the two figures across from them.

"Lin Ning."

Lin Ning felt her heart drop, hearing that familiar voice when they had not seen or spoken for almost two months. "Why are you here?" Lin Ning did not try to deny that they knew each other since the Second Prince would not let it go so easily.

"I have been looking all over for you. Do you know how worried I've been?" The second prince took steps towards Lin Ning when Xu Meili stopped him.

"Please do not get any closer. Ning is my dear friend, and she is living well." Xu Meili kept her ground, looking at Mei Mei, who also stood her ground while growling at the man who came closer. She could see all the fur that was spiking up on her back.

"Living well? I do not think that you are involved between us. Someone like you knows that I belong to the royal family, and you are the first to go against me. Interesting, but not interesting enough. Ning, if you come back with me, you can live in all the luxury you want. Please come back with me to the palace."


Lin Ning held onto Xu Meili's sleeve, deciding that it was about time for her to speak out for herself. "Second Prince, I know you mean well for me, but I live well here. Not only that, but I have someone that I truly love who stays here. I won't go back with you to the palace. Also, my family has been labeled as criminals, so that makes me one." Lin Ning knew that it would be hard to live in the palace since there would only be a struggle for power.

"If you become my concubine, you won't have to worry about being seen and labeled as a criminal. People will not talk or mistreat you as long as I am around." Yi Qiao tried to convince her to come with him.

Lin Ning had let out a sigh, "Second Prince, no matter what you have to offer, I won't go back to the palace. It is not the place that is for me."

The Second Prince had known long ago that she did not love him, but he wanted her to remain by his side. "Lin Ning, even if you don't want to come back with me to the palace. I will take you back with me today." Raising his hand, he had his men coming out and surrounding them. "Bring me the woman with the blindfold." 

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