Chapter 14

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'I'm glad that he is gone.' Lin Ning felt a sigh of relief leave her mouth, seeing how the second prince had the color purple which emitted off of him with interest. 'I can see now why I have been so scared for the last few days or weeks.' Feeling annoyed, she figured that the one who had been stalking her this entire time may have been the second prince. 'If I found one stalker, then who was the one who held the lustful desire?' She still had one more stalker to find.

"How are you feeling?" Cao Peizhi heard Lin Ning sigh, seeing how she must have been annoyed by the second prince (Yi Qiao) who came out of nowhere and disturbed them when they were just doing fine on their own. 'Is she mad?'

"I'm fine. I did not expect to have company. Not only that, but it seems as though I am too noticeable." Lin Ning could see that she was getting recognized too easily when she tried to not be the center of attention. "I'm probably causing you too much trouble." Walking down the empty streets, she did not know that everyone had mainly closed up their stalls for the day to sell again the next day. Feeling a hand hold one of her hands, she felt the warmth that was coming off of Cao Peizhi's palm.

"You do not give me any trouble." Hearing him say that, she could only wish that they were able to stay together longer. Opening her eyes once more, she could see Cao Peizhi's pink color again.

'This pink color must mean that he cares about me, like a sister.' Feeling that he probably did not see her as someone who he could love, but more like someone who he could take care of like siblings. Then, she noticed a black color in the distance which she felt that someone must be trying to rob them or was planning something evil to go up against them. "Is there someone else with us?" She asked, making it seem like she was just assuming.

Cao Peizhi had noticed that someone had been following them for quite some time, he knew that something was off about the person who had been following them. Making eye contact with the three shadow guards of his, they knew immediately to take this chance as they knew that this place was far from the palace. Going after the individual who may have been following and watching Lin Ning. "No, it is just us both. You do not need to worry about anything or anyone. They will never be able to bother you again." Hearing him say that, Lin Ning did not know that he would do all of this just for her.


Xia Ling, Duan Fa, Qin Yun followed after the man who had been stalking Lin Ning for the past couple of weeks. Even the hounds were not able to catch him, which they had tried many times to try and get him, but Lin Ning's home was a bit close to the palace. Xia Ling tossed her dagger that flew hitting the man on the back as he had tumbled down, falling into a wagon of hay.

"Nice throw!" Duan Fa smiled at Xia Ling who could care less about the compliments that she got.

"Come on." Qin Yun went forth, grabbing the man who tried to go towards the palace to escape. He was in deep pain from the dagger that had hit deep into his bone. "Why are you following the Young Miss of the Lin family?" Qin Yun had grabbed the man who groaned in pain. The man only spit on Qin Yun's face, seeing how this man was not going to be easy to get an answer out of. Tying the man up, they had stuffed a cloth into the man's mouth to avoid him from shouting but also to avoid him from biting his tongue.

"Let's see how long he can keep quiet for." Duan Fa was going to enjoy this, he was the main man when it came to torturing for answers.

"Just make it quick." Xia Ling did not want to see the torture happen, she preferred to keep herself clean over all since it was too hard to clean blood out of one's clothes as well.

"I got it." Duan Fa dragged the man with him, they needed to make sure that he did not bleed out too soon before they could get the answer that they wanted from him.


Being sent home, Lin Ning sneaked back into her bedroom where she had left a few pillows under the blankets to make it look like she was sleeping. "I will be going now. I hope that you had fun tonight." Cao Peizhi said, seeing how Lin Ning looked much better once he had told her that the man would no longer bother her.

"I had a lot of fun. I hope that we can go out together again." Lin Ning really wanted to be able to hang out with him again, it felt nice to know that she actually had a friend who took her out like this. In her last life, she was never fond of going outside since she had a reputation that would ruin her friends and family. Leaving her stuck in her home all the time which led her to this novel.

"Do not be afraid to use the little whistle that I gave you. It may not make any noise, but I-"

"You will always be able to hear it." Lin Ning giggled a little, seeing how he was reminding her again about the little whistle she made into a necklace instead that was tucked under her hanfu. 'I won't forget about this.' Lin Ning knew that this whistle was like a single or private item that only Cao Peizhi and the Crown Prince's men could have or use within their group.

"En." Cao Peizhi lightly rubbed her head, seeing how she wanted to hang out with a man like him again. 'I thought that I may have already lost my heart, but it seems as though you came along to mend it.' Pushing the few strands that had gotten in her face again, his hand rubbed against her cheek as he saw himself getting closer and closer to sealing their lips. 

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