Chapter 140

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Cao Peizhi was a bit surprised that Yi Changpu would ask his friend stays in the palace. "Your hig-"

"You don't have to address me so casually. We are friends, and I still prefer that you address me by my name." Yi Changpu didn't want them to sound so distant; he wanted them to feel like friends or family. His eyes then turned back to look at his wife, his empress, his light. "I fear that there are spies in this palace. Even though it is a palace that I rule, you never know if it truly is safe. You can never trust anyone within this palace. I can only trust you and your wife." Yi Changpu was begging Cao Peizhi to help him again. He was just about to kneel when Cao Peizhi grabbed his shoulders from doing such a thing.

"You do not need to ask me or kneel for me to agree. I would agree regardless, but I have to ask my wife if she will join on this. She is herself, and I won't force her to do anything she doesn't like." Cao Peizhi was fine with the idea, but he didn't know how Lin Ning would feel about staying here. "I will see if I can convince her to stay and help. I feel as though... she would stay, though, because she was close with your wife in the past. There is no way that she would turn away from a friend." Cao Peizhi tried reassuring Yi Changpu that he would help as much as possible.

'He is still the same Peizhi that I know.' Yi Changpu felt happy, smiling back at his long-time friend. "Thank you. I am truly in your debt."


Lin Ning didn't know how to start things out with Xu Meili, but she was really at a loss for words. 'What the hell am I supposed to say in this situation!?' She wanted to hit herself right now to see if there was anything that would come up in her head at this moment.

Xu Meili knew Lin Ning didn't have any memories of them, but she treated Lin Ning with utmost care as she did in the past. "Ning, how do you find Yating'er and Anli'er? Aren't they just adorable little children?" Bringing up the topic of the twins, Lin Ning had utterly forgotten that they had two children back at home.

'Aaaaahhhh!!! How can I forget that they were at home?!?!' Lin Ning felt like a lousy mother now. She was internally screaming in her head, but she was still calm on the outside. "T-They are good children. They are adorable as well. Even though I cannot see them, I know they are adorable children. Yating'er and Anli'er are very similar to Peizhi. They both seem to have his attitude in some way." Lin Ning had to say that the way the twins would play around or try to find a way to get things done their way. 'Was Peizhi always like that?' She was now trying to compare the twins to their father.

"Hehe, I think they take after the two of you. After all, children don't just take after one parent. They can take after both even though they don't always have the same appearance. It makes me think about what this little one in my belly would be like. I do not know if they will be like their father, me, or both." Xu Meili placed her hand on her big pregnant belly while smiling at the thought.

Lin Ning could sense all the love coming from Xu Meili, 'She loves both her husband and child. I want to stay longer with her.' Moving her hand over to hold one of Xu Meili's hands, they sat at a jade-made table in the garden. "I think the child will take after you two, just like Yating'er and Anli'er took after Peizhi and me. A child is a miracle to everyone. I hope they will all grow up in a safe place where there will no longer be bloodshed." Lin Ning spoke out her honest feelings; she didn't want to witness any children coming into the world with the bloodshed all around.

Xu Meili was surprised to see Lin Ning saying so much when she didn't remember anything. 'Does she really not remember anything?' Squeezing Lin Ning's hand, "Thank you. I really wish that you could stay to see my child when they come into this world." It wasn't a lie when she said she wanted Lin Ning to be there when she gave birth to her child.

There was another stinging pain in her chest; Lin Ning wanted to stay when the empress said that. 'Why can't I find myself to leave them alone? It's as if my heart is telling me to stay with them. Not just that, but it feels like something is unsettling in my heart.' Opening her mouth slightly, "I don't mind staying here until you have your child. How far along are you?" Lin Ning decided to ask, uncertain about how far the empress was.

Xu Meili felt her heart fill with happiness, "Thank you, I am happy to hear that. I am currently reaching my eighth month. I will be due any time now. I am a little worried, but I think with you here then, I feel a bit more reassured." Xu Meili didn't know the first thing about birth, but she knew it would be painful.

"En, I will be by your side when that time comes. I won't let anything happen to you or your child. You have my word!" Lin Ning was happy to be by Xu Meili's side. There was a slight recollection that ran through her head.

"Well, I worry about him a lot. My heart feels unsettled when he is gone."

"You love Cao Peizhi, don't you?"

Those voices ran through her head; it was exactly like Xu Meili's voice that said the last sentence, which had her slightly shake her head from the small ache that came along with it. 'Another memory. Was I that worried about him?' Lin Ning didn't know if it was true or not, but she couldn't find herself ignoring these memories that were coming. 'I want to remember more.' She wanted all of her memories back.

"Ning? Ning?" Her name had been called a couple of times before she turned her attention to Xu Meili, who had been calling out.

"Y-Yeah, sorry. I was in deep thoughts just now about something. Let me talk to Peizhi if I can stay here till then. I look forward to spending some more time with you." Lin Ning and Xu Meili gave each other another smile before their meeting ended. Lin Ning was now faced with Cao Peizhi in a shared room. Yi Changpu assigned a nearby manor for Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning to stay the night. ''How will I get him to agree to let me stay?!' She never thought this far.

"Did you have something that you want to tell me?" Cao Peizhi went up to Lin Ning, standing right in front of her as he waited.

Lin Ning was sweating a bit; she gulped down everything and faced Cao Pezhi. "Can I ask you for a favor?!" She blurted out.

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