Chapter 137

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Tai Yuqing could only give the twins another soft and genuine smile, "En, I will. I won't allow anything to happen to either of you while I am still around. I will always protect you both for as long as I live." He was a man of his words; he wouldn't allow anything to happen to these two twins.

"For as long as you live? Does Tai Yuqing not plan to get married?" Cao Anli decided to hit a nail that had been stuck deeply in Tai Yuqing's mind. Changing the topic this time, the twins were now pinning down Tai Yuqing as if they were interrogating him now.

"Young master, what do you mean?" Tai Yuqing didn't know if the young master was trying to mess with him.

Cao Yating had a smile on her face, "Aunt Mei is a very nice woman. She may not be too smart, but she knows between good and bad people. If Tai Yuqing marries Aunt Mei, he can be our uncle and give us more playmates!" Cao Yating shouted out, which caused Tai Yuqing to panic a bit.

"Don't speak nonsense!" He lightly tapped Cao Yating on the head, seeing that these two twins would get him into a tight spot.

"You can't hide it from us! We can see that you love Aunt Mei a lot! Aunt Mei loves you a lot too! She has always been very open about it, and she loves candy! Tai Yuqing can give her a lot of candy, and she will marry you!" Cao Anli was trying to give Tai Yuqing ideas, but it all sounded childish to him.

'These two are either smart at times or not. I can't tell if it is a good thing or bad.' He did not want to start using these twins' ideas, but he did like Chou Mei. Yet, he did not want to seem like he was trying to take advantage of her in any way. Anyone who saw them together would assume he had some motive. Everyone knew that Chou Mei's level of knowledge wasn't at the highest or average, so that they would see her as some child in an adult's body. "I don't think she likes me in that way. Maybe, we are just like friends." He tried to deny it.

"Tai Yuqing likes Aunt Mei a lot, but he acts like some chicken here. Even a chicken would be able to face its worst enemy." Cao Anli was going to compare Tai Yuqing to an actual chicken.

'Why am I being compared to a chicken?' Tai Yuqing had to bring that up. As much as he wanted to know why a chicken, he knew that it would get nowhere if he asked. "Aunt Mei is..." He stopped; it was as if it was hard to say the following words, as if he was going to spill the beans with it to the twins.

"She is???" Cao Yating emphasized a bit, smiling to see if Tai Yuqing would say anything that would be meaningful to their aunt.

"She is... a very beau-"

"I am what?" Chou Mei arrived since Su Su had asked her to find the twins and take them to bed that night. "There you two are! I have candy! Big Aunt said it is time for you both to go to bed too!" She had a handful of candy while looking at the twins and then Tai Yuqing.

"Chou Mei!?" Tai Yuqing had stopped with what he was just about to say, looking away from the twins and Chou Mei at once while trying to calm down. 'That was close. I almost said something.'

"Aunt Mei! Why did you come out so soon?! Tai Yuqing was just about t-mmmmm!" Cao Anli was about to say something when Tai Yuqing covered his mouth to stop him from speaking further.

Tai Yuqing did not want to let Chou Mei know what he was just about to say about her. "Hey, don't say anything to her. I will personally tell her those words." He only whispered that to the twins, hoping they would both not say anything at all to Chou Mei.

The twins had this smirk on their faces, and their father could always see if he were there that they were possibly planning something like this at some point. "Don't lie. If we see that you haven't told Aunt Mei, then we will personally tell her ourselves." Cao Yating whispered back before the twins ran to hold Chou Mei in each hand while smiling innocently.

"Tai Yuqing said he wanted to tell you something when you both have the time alone. Aunt Mei, when do you think you would be free to have a day by yourself?" Cao Anli was going to help set a date for Tai Yuqing and Chou Mei.

"Me? Hmmm... the next day that I have all to myself would be in two weeks. I have to work hard to earn a lot to buy more food and candy!" Chou Mei was into food, and most people were always surprised by how quickly her metabolism worked on her since she always ate but never really gained much out of it.

"Eeeeehhhh, Aunt Mei needs to stop buying so much food. It isn't good to always eat. If you keep eating, then you need to find a rich husband so that he can feed you." Cao Yating pointed out. What an intelligent girl she was.

Chou Mei glanced at the twins and then at Tai Yuqing. "I won't overeat then! If I can help my husband, I won't overeat but save a lot!" A big sweetheart she was when she didn't even understand certain things. Still, she considered Tai Yuqing her husband when nothing was official except her words.

Tai Yuqing didn't know how to feel other than his heart grew more in love with this woman. The twins were enjoying every second of this, and it was basically front-row seats right now. Remind you of anyone who was in the same situation before. "Aunt Mei isn't married yet! She has to have a BIG wedding with a beautiful red wedding outfit and more! She needs it to be big!!!" Cao Yating was only adding more into the fire as if she wanted Tai Yuqing to be sure to keep every word they said in mind. What were these two children thinking for their age? Where did they get all of this information?

"Alright, go to bed! It is getting late!" Tai Yuqing did not even let Chou mei answer or reply; he just had the three speed walk back to their rooms to sleep. He was in a tight spot now. 'What am I going to do?' He let out a sigh.


The birds could be heard chirping; Lin Ning could hear them loud and clear that morning. Then, she recalled last night's kiss as she remained lying down. Moving her hand to touch her lips, it was as though the warmth of the kiss was still there. "Are you thinking about the kiss we shared?" Cao Peizhi could see that she lightly touched her lips which he wanted to tease her.

"D-Don't ask! I thought you were still asleep! Aren't you tired?!" She blushed, turning away from him when they were still laying in bed. 'Damn it! Why did he have to be awake?!'

"I am always awake before you. Even back then, I was always the first one awake before you." Cao Peizhi had put his prosthetic limb back on, carrying Lin Ning in a bridal way. He could hear a small gasp from her while he faced her and observed her face with the sunlight coming into their room. "Just as long as my wife is the first one I see every morning when I wake up, I am never tired."

Hearing that Lin Ning's ears could only turn red this time with her cheeks joining along, it was hard for her to stay calm and composed. "Y-You!" She was at a loss for words.

"Did you wish to continue where we left off yesterday from the kiss? I can have us leave and find another place to continue where we left off." Cao Peizhi leaned in to whisper that into her ear.

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