Chapter 133

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Lin Ning didn't know why he wanted her to try the noodles first, but she went on and did so. The taste of the noodle was very familiar to her tastebuds, making her eyebrows slightly narrow to the familiar taste it brought her. 'I feel like I've had this before.'

"Is it not to your taste?" Cao Peizhi asked, seeing that there was a difference in her expression.

"No... it's delicious. It's just..." Lin Ning didn't know exactly how to describe this unusual and familiar feeling. "It just feels... familiar." She held the chopsticks in her hands while thinking quite a bit. ' Why?' That was the only thing in her head; she wanted to know more as her heart kept urging her to find out what she was missing.

Cao Peizhi could feel his heart holding hope that Lin Ning was possibly having some recollection of this moment. 'Is it working?' He didn't know, but he wished this would allow her to remember a little of the past. Taking the chopsticks out of Lin Ning's hands, he didn't want to stress her about remembering the past. It made his heart ache to see her think so hard about it, but he also worried about her feeling any pain if remembering everything would hurt. "Don't worry too much about it. You need to focus on this date and not overthink. The physician said that you can't stress your mind." Using her chopsticks, he grabbed some cooked beef and rice and moved them to her bowl. "I think it would be best for you to start tasting the rest of these." He smiled, even though he knew Lin Ning could not see his face. Placing the chopsticks back into her hands, he smiled lovingly at her.

'Why is he treating me so nicely? I'm not even his real wife by any means. I am just playing the role of his wife for now. Those two twins are-' Then, it hit her right then and there when she realized that the twins would be in tears if they found out that she was gone from their life. 'If... If I leave, then those twins will be in tears. They may even... be left with the trauma.' Her heart ached again; she didn't want them to be sad. "Hey, what are you going to do when I leave?" Lin Ning decided to pop the question to Cao Peizhi; she could see the change in his feelings and emotions. 'Why is he... sad?' She didn't understand why this man was sad for her, but her heart was aching again to see this man sad.

"Do you wish to leave?" Cao Peizhi didn't bring his food forth to eat. Instead, he had set his chopsticks and bowl of food down to look at her. Both sat beside each other; it wasn't hard to tell that this was a serious situation between them. 'Does she really wish to leave me so much?'

Lin Ning didn't know why, but she felt as though Cao Peizhi would be able to read her by just staring at her. Her sharp senses made it clear that Cao Peizhi was staring at her with a serious expression on this topic. "The twins will be sad when they discover I am no longer there. They will find out that I was just a replacement or a woman to fill in the role of their mother. I am not supposed to be your wife or mother of those two sweet children. I know that you also love that woman who birthed your children. I am also a woman, and I have no intentions of staying with a man who already has another woman in his heart. I can tell that you are faithful to her, and you love those two children very much. I do not wish to take away anything that isn't mine." Lin Ning spoke out her honest and genuine thoughts. 'I can't be nor will I be a replacement for them because they want me to be someone I am not.' She did not want to be someone they wanted her to be; she wanted to be herself.

Cao Peizhi shook his head; he moved his real hand to take hold of one of Lin Ning's and placed a kiss on the back of it. "You aren't a replacement. You are who you are. No matter what you think, I will never let you be a replacement. You are the mother of those children and my wife. I will continue to tell you that until you understand one day. So, don't ever mention leaving again, okay?" Cao Peizhi never wanted to hear about Lin Ning leaving him and their two children again. 'I will let you fall in love with me again.'

Lin Ning knew that his lips kissed her hand; she blushed and took her hand back. "Let's hurry up and eat before the food gets cold." She told him, moving her hand back to eat the food in front of them.


After finishing their food, Lin Ning got up and went outside the little noodle shop they were just in. There was a sudden recollection of something with voices that came across her head and echoed.

"I'm fine. I did not expect to have company. Not only that, but it seems as though I am too noticeable. I'm probably causing you too much trouble."

"You do not give me any trouble."

It was her voice in that head of hers, but a man's voice was very much like Cao Peizhi's voice that echoed in her head right after. She stumbled back a bit before Cao Peizhi caught her, "Are you feeling alright???" He was concerned for her, staring at the woman in his arms once more.

Lin Ning held her head, shaking her head at the same time, and faced Cao Peizhi, who caught her before she could fall. "E-En... my head just felt heavy for a bit." She stood back up on her feet; hearing those voices in her head was strange. 'Why do I hear all of those voices? A-Are these memories?' She was questioning the voices that echoed in her head while thinking about how familiar places and scents were to her. 'Did master know?' Lin Ning didn't know if her master knew already, but there were a lot of questions that she wanted to be answered by her master.

"Are you sure?" Cao Peizhi bumped their foreheads together; he checked her temperature to see if a fever was going on. "Hmmm, there is no fever. Is your head still feeling heavy?" Cao Peizhi asked, but Lin Ning couldn't answer since she was too surprised to respond. Cao Peizhi could see the surprised look on her face. He had a smirk on. "Were you expecting something else? Like a kiss." Cao Peizhi whispered the last three words into her ear. 

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