Chapter 149

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The Empress would look at the familiar face as she would be covered in sweat but knew who this person was. "Chun Yunchen? W-Why are you here?" She would ask before struggling again with the pain hitting her below. Chun Yunchen would rush over and start assisting since the maid did not know much about women's labor, but he hoped she might learn from this. Chun Yunchen would go on to see if he could help out, knowing where he stood. It wasn't uncommon for him to assist in women's birth which he had handled in his previous life, and this one shocked many women and men together who would never allow it. The maid was just as shocked about it, but he ignored it.

"You, help me out." Chun Yunchen would be moving along without a care and knew that time was not on their side as the child needed to come out while Lin Ning was holding off the intruders and enemies. Commanding the maid to assist him, there was no time to wait for more help or danger.


Lin Ning stood her ground, and each enemy approached her like wolves. She kept her staff weapon while the enemies charged her with spears. Circling her, they attempted to stab her before she caught on and jumped up to avoid it. Taking a swing around to each of the enemies, they stumbled and were knocked cold by that single swing. "Do you still wish to persist?" Lin Ning could sense and slowly opened her eyes behind her blindfold. Sensing all the enemies were in fear, two remained in anger and hatred towards her.

"We do. Do you know how long we've waited for this time? Every single day we look towards vengeance. All of that time waiting in the dark, we will not turn back. We will not stop until blood has been spilled from the false emperor and Empress!" Qian Qiang shouted, feeling like she was a laughing stock to Lin Ning. Nothing more than a joke to her, for how long had she been seeking to see blood spill from her long-time enemy?

"Very well then. To be honest, I never once loved that man. I only loved the man who has always been by my side. He is a man who didn't have any hopes at that time. He didn't have a single strand of hope when he felt that he lost his honor, but in reality, he did. Your husband, he is not the man that I loved. The ones who killed him were his mother and his wife. You both only used him as a stepping stool to gain what you wanted. I just gave him the realization of how controlled his life is." Lin Ning could sense the more profound hatred between the two before the enemies struck her again.

"Get rid of her! I want her head!" Qian Qiang would order her men to attack Lin Ning before smirking at her arrow men. Arrows could be heard; they would have penetrated the weak paper walls of ancient buildings. She did her best to bring each arrow down before one struck her in the chest.

A silent grunt escaped her lips as she broke the end of it while still having the arrowhead tip in her chest. Just right when there would be more arrows when arrows were shot back at the enemy, the cry of a child could be heard from the Empress's chambers, and there was relief in Lin Ning that her best friend was safe with her child.

"Lin Ning, are you okay?" A familiar voice assisted her with Chun Yunchen arriving with his hands clean. "The Empress and her child are safe. My men arrived late."

"Chun Yunchen?" Lin Ning questioned. She would clutch her chest, the wound bleeding now. Refusing to take a seat, she knew that Qian Qiang was still targeting her. "No, I have to deal with her. It's been a long war, and we never once settled it."

"Lin Ning? You do know that you are just asking for death." He would then even move closer to whisper. "I have also found a way to get back home if you still want to live that long to know."

Lin Ning didn't know that he had waited that long just for her to return and discover that, but in her heart, she knew she couldn't leave her family. "I would still choose here. My life back in the present day is over. This is my new life. Even if I went back then, I would still be dead."

Chun Yunchen would sigh, "Archers! Take down each of your enemies before your emperor!" Commanding his men, coming out from the roofs and pathways, they had all cornered the fallen Empress and Qian Qiang.

"Do not bow down to them! Protect your true Empress! Die with honor!" Qian Qiang would shout, taking out her crossbow that she held onto just in case. "

In the far distance, she could hear the footsteps of another group with the emperor and Cao Peizhi walking right into the action when they had been occupied and distracted in another palace location. The emperor and Cao Peizhi were bleeding with some wounds, their men following behind just as exhausted. "Half of you shoot on both sides!" Qian Qiang smirked, aiming her crossbow at the emperor with the arrow shot at them.

Lin Ning would aim by her sense of hearing Qian Qiang while the fallen Empress hid behind her daughter-in-law. Using her only weapon, she would swing over the crowd of archers, striking both Qian Qiang and the fallen Empress. It would likely leave a significant bruise on the two, which they were not in any way warriors built for it. Chun Yunchen would do his best to cover both of them as the arrows came their way. Lin Ning would sense how there was one archer hidden in the shadows. Blocking Chun Yunchen, the single arrow instantly lodged into her chest again with two arrows in her chest now.

"Lin Ning!" Cao Peizhi was seeing the past come back again. His only love shot, again and again, gave up her life to do something so foolish. Forgetting his duty to protect the emperor, he would strike any enemy down in his path before running over to Lin Ning, bleeding tremendously.

Chun Yunchen recalled Cao Peizhi, "Cao Peizhi. I can save her life. We have to leave now, though." Giving him a clear answer that they had to go now or else Lin Ning's life would be at a lower chance of survival.

Cao Peizhi didn't need the emperor's approval, and there was a clear understanding that the situation would be dealt with. Cao Peizhi carried his wife, holding her in his arms as they left the palace full of bloodshed. Getting a personal carriage, the palace was no safe place at the current moment. "Ning, please. I just got you back. I don't want you to disappear forever. I can't live again and be the same man if you will truly leave me forever."

Chun Yunchen would listen to every word that Cao Peizhi said. Knowing that Lin Ning was this loved in this life moved his heart. Understanding that there was no way she would go back to her present world. 'Lin Ning, I will do my best to save you in your new life. I promise.' Chun Yunchen vowed.

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