Chapter 32

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Lin Ning had her guards assist her in the killing of the animals that they come across, she could sense them, but she could not hunt. 'I know how to shoot a marble, but that does not mean that I can shoot an arrow.' Thinking sadly about it, there was nothing that she could really do in this situation since she was the worst at hunting, so she knew for sure that she would have to depend on another to help her. Opening her eyes once more, there was a different color that appeared that did not seem friendly. "Look out!!!" Lin Ning shouted out with both Qin Yun and Duan Fa dodging an arrow that came at them both. Getting on their horses, they had Lin Ning's horse run first as they followed behind. Both Duan Fa and Qin Yun did not bother to ask how their young miss knew that there were assassins there. 'Where did these assassins come from???' Lin Ning did not know how she got assassins to come after her, but it was quite clear that she was their target if they tried to kill both of her guards at that moment. Duan Fa pulled out his whistle, letting all of their men come and assist them in this.

Just when an arrow was shot towards Lin Ning, it had been shot by another arrow which alarmed the assassins that stared at where the arrow came from. Looking up, they saw another group that came after them with Lin Ning hearing the sounds of swords being taken out as it all clashed together. "What happened back there?!" Lin Ning asked, sensing how some assassins had likely stopped following after them.

"Don't worry about it Miss Lin! We have to get as far away from here as possible!" Qin Yun had their horses running towards another direction, but Lin Ning's horse started to fight back. Leaving her in no control of the reins that turned out useless for her.

"Aaahh!!!" Lin Ning did not know what was going on at that moment, seeing how the horse started to fight back as it turned its direction back to the assassins.

"Miss Lin!!!" Duan Fa and Qin Yun did not think that her horse would turn back, but it had charged rapidly that even their horses were no match for it.


Cao Peizhi had been occupied with the assassins who had gone after Lin Ning; he had been informed that Qian Qiang had sent her personal assassins to get Lin Ning if the pack of wolves failed to do so. "Aaahh!!!" Hearing Lin Ning's scream come from the forest, he turned to see that her horse had turned back towards them. Her horse had stopped right in front of Cao Peizhi as Lin Ning fell forth; landing onto Cao Peizhi before she could hit the hard ground.

"Ning?!" Cao Peizhi looked at Lin Ning who was sitting right on top of him.

"Brother Pei?!" Lin Ning did not expect any of this at this time.

Spotting an assassin coming towards them, he moved Lin Ning out of the way as he had stabbed an incoming assassin from behind her. "Why did you come back?!" He had Lin Ning get up as they both faced one another.

"I didn't!" Lin Ning opened her eyes to see that the horse was sniffing and neighing towards another that stood in front of her. 'Is this perhaps...'

"No time to delay. Get on!" Cao Peizhi had Lin Ning quickly get on his horse, getting it to start running away from the dangerous scene. Lin Ning sat in front of Cao Peizhi while she kept her eyes open to see that her horse was following after Cao Peizhi's horse. Holding on the reins of Cao Peizhi's horse tightly just in case Cao Peizhi could not.

"Look out!" Shouting as Cao Peizhi released the reins from his horse as he took his sword and cut the few arrows that were shot at them. Hearing the sound of the horn, it was a call that the emperor had called everyone back due to some trouble. The assassins had taken the chance to run off while they could with their plan, failing to kill Lin Ning. They had to end the chase since there would be a search right after the call. Once they had finally reached the tent that had been set up for the event, it was safe to know that they were no longer in the range of danger while Cao Peizhi's men retreated back to hide. Everyone surrounded the entire place in silence and whispers, allowing Lin Ning to hear a woman cry while Cao Peizhi knew exactly what was going on.

"My precious daughter!!! Please come back to your mother!!!" Everyone could hear the cry of the empress within the place where Lin Ning finally figured out what had happened.

'Well, I didn't come across any wolves, but I came across assassins. I guess I'll have to be more aware of my surroundings.' Lin Ning did not know if things were going to get easier from there, but the second prince had also been injured by the pack of wolves while attempting to save his younger sister. He had been protecting his princess consort when they stumbled upon the pack of wolves with the fifth princess already mauled to death. 'It was her fate to die by the wolves, if only she did not get selfish. There is really no one here to blame except the empress who thought it was a good idea. She allowed the women to hunt and this is where it all ended.' Lin Ning was surprised that she was still alive at this moment since she assumed that the hunt would not be a safe event for her to begin with. Feeling someone's arm wrap around her, she faced Cao Peizhi to see that he must have been a part of the plan to get rid of the fifth princess. Cao Peizhi had led Lin Ning back to her parents who had immediately hugged her into their arms. The emperor and empress had been in total uproar that day with the hunting event cancelled. No one had spoken or brought up the pack of wolves or the assassins to the emperor. Knowing that it would only make him more angered than he already was.

Lin Ning had finally managed to get her parents to wait at the carriage for her while she had to finish something, standing while petting the mother horse who had finally found her long-lost foal that she had grown depressed about. "I'm glad that you will no longer have to lose them again." Lin Ning continued to pet the mother horse's head, seeing how the mother continued to nuzzle against her child. "You did not have to charge forth into danger though... with me dragged along." Looking at the horse again to see that she almost got her killed.

"I did not think that this 'crazy' horse was only seeking for her child." Cao Peizhi showed up, looking to see that Lin Ning was with the horse who everyone feared and had almost killed her.

"Of course, every mother would seek for their child. When a mother horse has her foal, then she will never forget them... even if they were separated right after birth." Lin Ning found that it was amazing how horses knew, but it was instincts from a mother's side. "Are you going to take her back to be with him?" Lin Ning hoped that Cao Peizhi would be able to take the mother horse.

"En, no one in the palace wants her anyway. She would be better at my stable and closer to her child. She might even be able to open up more to humans with time." Cao Peizhi petted the mother horse's head, seeing how she also nuzzled against his hand as if there was a meaning behind it.

"I believe she wants to thank you." Lin Ning could not talk with animals, but she could sense that the mother horse wanted to thank him for taking care of her little one while she was stuck elsewhere.

Cao Peizhi held a gentle smile, simply allowing the mother horse to show her gratitude. "You do not need to thank me. I should be thankful to your little one since he was the one who saved me." Cao Peizhi left Lin Ning confused, she did not know what he meant by that.

"What do you mean?" Lin Ning decided to ask. 

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