Chapter 110

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"You've been here for about five days now. As I've said earlier, you and your friend will need to take some time to heal your damaged muscles. Whoever wanted to kill you or torture you wanted to ensure that you and your friend could not run away." The woman then pointed out.

"Hm, I would expect that from that man. He isn't a man who would allow his prey to getaway. I can imagine what his face looks like now that I escaped." Tai Yuqing held more hatred towards the second prince.

The woman did not push to know further about it; she only wanted to do her job and live peacefully with her daughter. "I will have medicine brought to you. Just rest for today." The woman left as Tai Yuqing remained lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

'Sister, I won't let you die in vain anymore. All of the pain and humiliation that you had to suffer. I can't bear to see those people remain alive after all the things they did.' He wanted those people to suffer.


Qian Qiang was smiling, looking down at her son, who was lively and awake. "Your Highness, we found that woman!" A few men entered the room, kneeling as they looked at Qian Qiang, who turned around with her smile gone.

"Where is that woman? What is she currently doing?" Qian Qiang wanted to know every little thing that the woman was doing and how she was living.

"She is living with the maid that was said to have died with her. A physician and another fellow man are living with her then..."

"Then what? Tell me." Qian Qiang wanted to know what else to know about Lin Ning, alive and living well without any worry. 'The empress did not do her job right. How can she overlook this and have a maid do the job without clarifying that it actually happened?!'

"She has two children."

Qian Qiang was filled with shock and anger, knowing that Lin Ning had two children. "How old are they!? What do they look like!?" She started to question, looking at the men who had seen it all.

"We apologize, your highness! We could not take a closer look since there were set up traps that we barely managed to escape."

Qian Qiang did not want her husband to find out that Lin Ning had children; she thought those two children were likely the second prince's children. "Get rid of that woman! Don't let her live! Don't let those children live either!" Qian Qiang was outraged, hearing her son soon cry after her shouting.


She realized that she had been outraged, frightening her son without thinking. "Ah, your mother is sorry for scaring you. She is trying to make sure that no one will take anything that belongs to you. You will one day take over this state and rule over this land as their emperor." Cooing her child, she then looked at the men who remained kneeling. "Be sure that the woman dies along with her children, or else you all will pay with your life." She threatened them.


Soon after, the men left Qian Qiang to take care of her son, who was starting to calm down. "I won't let that woman and her children take anything away from us."


Concubine Ru had been in the emperor's favor for quite some time; he had announced that she would become his empress. Concubine Ru had visited the empress in the cold palace; she faced the woman who was no longer dressed in luxurious clothes. "It seems as though you are living out well." She said, walking up to the empress who gave Concubine Ru the death stare.

"What? Are you here to make fun of me?" The previous empress could see that Concubine Ru was making fun of her.

"No, I am merely just here to thank you for stepping down from your position. Leaving the empress's seat open for anyone to take, mostly a mere concubine like myself." Concubine Ru held a smirk, seeing how enraged the precious empress was. She knew that the previous empress could not touch her since the emperor would surely kill her if he found out. "You are no longer in the emperor's favor. Time for you to take a break, don't you think?" Concubine Ru then walked out of the cold palace, hearing the woman behind her screaming in anger. With the sound of vases breaking, she held a satisfied smile on her face.

"That woman thinks that she will become empress!" She shouted once Concubine Ru had left, staring at her maids around who did not wish to speak up. "Make sure that my son gets rid of that concubine." The empress could no longer handle all of this; she wanted to eliminate the emperor and Concubine Ru. 'All of this would have happened if I wasn't falsely framed!'


"Second prince! The prisoners escaped!" One of the guards rushed to the second prince, who had dropped the scroll he was looking through.

"What?! How could this happen?!" The second prince was angered, seeing how they were all useless and couldn't even keep an eye on two people who were tied up. "Find them! Make sure that they are dead!" Ordering all of his men to find the two who escaped, his father did not care if the two escaped since he still believed that the empress, his mother, was trying to kill the emperor. 'How can all of this happen?' He held his head. 'It seems as though I have to kill my father sooner.' He then took out a small bottle, which contained a poisonous liquid given to him by his mother. He then turned to face one of his men that remained, "I have a job for you to do." Handing over the bottle, the doors to his room had opened.

"Second Prince, your mother wants you to hurry up. She says that she will not allow a concubine from the harem to become empress." One of the eunuchs came to inform the second prince. "Concubine Ru had visited your mother, and it seems as though it did not turn out well."

The second prince did not think that Concubine Ru would be so bold as to go and meet his mother and mock her. "Hm, it seems I will have to change the plan a bit. Be sure to get rid of that concubine as well." The second prince looked to the man to who he handed the bottle. "Be sure to get rid of that concubine as well. Do not make any mistakes." 

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