Chapter 27

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Lin Ning grunted, feeling her entire body ache with pain from falling down the hill. She didn't even know that the hill would be right in front of her, but since she was blind then she should have been more cautious of her surroundings. 'Damn it!' Hearing the sounds of the bandits coming closer, she got up limping to try and find any place at all that she could use. Hiding behind a few bamboos grown together, she hoped that none of them would be able to spot her. Opening her eyes, she could tell that she was overworking her six senses again with the stinging pain hitting her. 'Just a little longer.' Seeing six figures with the color red, they held ill intentions no matter how she sensed it in the air. Looking over to another, she saw an orange color which she gasped to sense hunger within it. 'Something here is seeking food. Something extremely large is seeking food, but it's not alone.' Waiting for it to come closer, once it had reached close enough to the bandits as she had managed to find a pebble and flick it to one of the bandits. The pebble had a sharp edge which had cut the back of one of the bandit's hands. Making a run for it while limping terribly, she heard them run after her.

"There she is! Don't let her get away!"

Hearing their footsteps coming towards her, she hoped that there would be some kind of delay for them to slow them and let her slip away.


They had stopped their steps to hear the growling behind them all, turning to the noise as none of them had expected it. A tiger had jumped out from its hiding position and into one of the bandits. They could not move, feeling as though their body refused to move at all with fear that overcame them. Without even realizing that two more tigers had jumped forth and taken two more bandits down as the other three bandits had made a run.


Hearing the loud tiger roar coming from in front of her, Lin Ning screamed to see that there was another tiger that came in front of her. "Aaaahhh!!!!" Falling down, she opened her eyes to see that the tiger did not show orange for hunger, but blue instead. 'What? This tiger... it doesn't want... to hurt me.' Feeling a bit confused, Lin Ning heard the sound of the bandits still coming towards her direction, knowing that she did not have time to waste. Getting up, she slowly moved around the tiger as it allowed her to go past it, but it then faced the three bandits that came into its path. Roaring at the three bandits, they could see that it was the only tiger by itself, or so they thought. Being caught by surprise, the other three tigers from before had finished hunting their last prey, taking the chance to hunt the other three as the mother tiger watched her children experience their first hunt.

Lin Ning did not think that she would escape the bamboo forest that was full of tigers, but she had then stumbled upon a cliff without realizing it. "Aaaahhhh!!!!" Nearly falling off, she had managed to grab a thick rooted stem that had grown around the cliff. Not knowing how long she would be able to hold on, she did not know what to do now that she was hanging off a cliff. 'Brother Pei...' Was the only thing she thought, trying desperately to hang on as the root was ripping right before her.

"Ning! Ning!" Hearing Cao Peizhi calling out to her, she could hear the concern and worry in his voice.

"Peizhi!!!" Lin Ning called out just as the root had snapped, hearing a sword harshly stab into the soil ground with a hand that grabbed hers. Being pulled back up, Lin Ning had landed on top of Cao Peizhi. Panting harshly, she tightly hugged him with her shaking body on top of his. "Brother Pei... *hic*" She called out, seeing how he had saved her once again like he did last time.

"Idiot! Why did you risk your life to do something this stupid?!" Cao Peizhi did not know why, but this woman made him very angry this time. Feeling her small figure land on his body, he did not know what to do in this situation. At first, it was the men who had taken them hostage and nearly r*ped her and now seeing how she would actually go to a bandit's hideout, not only that, but she even nearly fell off a cliff. "You are going to be locked up in your home for a long time. If your parents knew about what you had been doing while they were not paying attention." Cao Peizhi could not stop his heavy beating heart at that moment, but he had made it clear in his heart at that moment. 'I will make you my wife once everything is settled. I will make sure to protect you no matter what.' Lin Ning started to cry once more, hugging Cao Peizhi who allowed her to hug him. Leaving them to comfort one another in silence, they left everything as it was until Lin Ning could control herself. "Do you feel better?" Cao Peizhi asked, seeing how her blindfold was once again soaked. Untying the blindfold, they needed to let it dry up rather than let Lin Ning continue to wear it. Seeing her beautiful long eyelashes, he looked away from being tempted by her beauty. 'If I keep looking at her, I will be shameless.' Without her blindfold, she was indeed a beauty that one would take regardless of her loss of vision.

"En, thank you. You save me each and every time. I feel like I am just bad luck for you." Lin Ning had been giving Cao Peizhi a lot of trouble which she found that it was getting more and more frequent for them both to encounter each other so soon.

"It is just a coincidence." Cao Peizhi said, trying to make it seem like it was all nothing but a coincidence to meet each time. 'You are no bad luck. For me, you are my lucky star.' He felt that she was a miracle for him, to appear in his life when he was starting to go down the wrong path.

"Are the bandits all gone?" Lin Ning decided to see if there were any more bandits, not knowing if there were still more that had followed them by chance.

"En, I came across what looked to be a tiger's territory if I am not wrong." Cao Peizhi saw a bloodbath that stood with trails of more than one tiger's footprint.

"The tiger..." Lin Ning did not know if she was still being crazy or not, but she saw that the tiger could have killed her if it wanted to. Yet, it did not kill her for some odd reason.

"What about the tiger?" Cao Peizhi did not know if she had gotten hurt from the tiger by chance.

"Nothing." Lin Ning then got up with Cao Peizhi getting up with her, both faced one another as it felt like the moment with just them alone was fate for them to be together. "I'll probably need to talk to my parents about why I snuck out." Lin Ning knew that she was going to need to talk to her parents since they must have checked her bedroom by now. 'What kind of punishment will I get this time?' She thought.


Transmigrated Into A Blind Woman's BodyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz