Chapter 62

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Lin Ning and Xia Ling had finished washing the dishes and headed around to where trees blossomed flowers during that time with the sweet scent of sweet orchids everywhere. Mei Mei followed the two out while playing with the flowers that fell on top of her. "Is this place better?" Lin Ning did not know if Xia Ling wanted to tell her about it. 'Who is this person that caught her interest?' Lin Ning now wished that the novel said more than focusing on the two prominent people of the story.

"He does not even know if it is his real affection or feelings." Xia Ling finally spoke up.

"Oh, he does not even know? What did you two do that made you realize that you may like or love him?" Lin Ning had them go over to a tree, sit below, and relax. Mei Mei laid down, resting her head on top of Lin Ning's laps while being petted.

"Well... we..." Xia Ling tightly clutched the end of her shirt, not wanting to recall the night that it happened.

"Let's change what I just asked. From what it looks, then it must be serious. How long have you both known each other?" Lin Ning changed the question since she figured the two of them must have gone past the border of marriage in their relationship.

"We've always known each other since young, but we've never actually spoken to each other before. Whenever we did, then it would just become some disagreement in the end about whatever we were talking about." Xia Ling started to think more about the day that it was just about food when it became more of an issue after using unnecessary ingredients. Thinking further back to when they were young, she didn't have a feminine look, so she was often mistaken as a boy. 'He probably does not remember.'

"Then, has there ever been a time that you both actually seem happy together? You both were never in any disagreement but agreed over something and had to work together to resolve it." Lin Ning figured that since Xia Ling was a woman who could fight, and the man was probably one of Cao Peizhi's people, they would be good partners.

When they were both in their early teenage years, Xia Ling recalled that there was a time when they were given a test to become the best of the best in the group to survive and become Cao Peizhi's people. It was like a connection that hit the two of them when they came across each other in that forest and left to survive in the wilderness. "There was a time, but it has been too long. He has long forgotten about such past."

"Hmm, I don't think so."

Catching Xia Ling's attention, she turned her attention to her young miss, who leaned back on the tree. "You think that he did not forget it?"

"Who would want to forget some kind of situation with someone that they were in life or death with? They are bound to think back on those memories since it can be one of the most precious moments in their life. They can have sad, happy, angry, and embarrassing memories. Who can forget a moment with their savior or partner?" Lin Ning figured that Xia Ling or the man she was talking about must be her savior or the other way around.

"What we did, though, was a mistake that day."

"Mistake?" Lin Ning was a little concerned now about what they were talking about.

"That was no mistake."

Startled, the two women turned their attention to the voice that appeared from the other side of the tree. Xia Ling was the most surprised to see Shi Men standing there with Cao Peizhi. "You were both listening to a conversation between women." Lin Ning did not think they would be eavesdropping on a women's topic. Both women stood up, with Mei Mei getting her head off from Lin Ning's laps.

"Argh!" Mei Mei barked happily while wagging her tail to see Cao Peizhi again.

"Sorry, but there is something that I have to make clear with Xia Ling... alone." Shi Men went up to Xia Ling, who was ready to run again. "If you run, then I will keep following you. I might even set up a trap to catch you if you want something like that to happen."

Cao Peizhi took Lin Ning by the hand and had the two leave the other couple to talk this one out. "Is it a good idea to leave the two of them alone?" Lin Ning worried about Xia Ling since she still held uncertainty about her affection towards Shi Men.

"They will be fine. There is nothing that the two of us can do anyway. Only they can resolve the matter by themselves. Just like how we both did." Cao Peizhi hugged Lin Ning closer to his right side. Lin Ning decided to listen while leaning her head against his right shoulder.

"Was everything alright when you spoke with the Crown Prince?" Lin Ning knew that they were talking about the Ma people; she worried about this since this plan would draw attention to the Zhao Empress and Emperor when it happened.

"Everything went well. There wasn't much to talk about, but we are just waiting to see what the crown prince is planning to put into action." Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning took a stroll around in the orchid garden with the trees that bloomed all around them. "I received the meat bun that you sent me." He then mentioned.

"Did you like it?" Lin Ning had a taste of her cooking before she gave it to Mei Mei to send to him. She even had Mei Mei have a bite, and it had a good flavor to it.

"Mhm, it was good. I hope that you got to eat it as well. I do not want to be seen as a husband who let his wife starve."

"Hehe, you do not have to worry. I made sure to be a wife who could cook and taste it before I gave it to her husband." Lin Ning let out a chuckle, seeing that he was already addressing himself as her husband.

"Arrgh!" Mei Mei followed after the two, seeing that they were again acting all lovey-dovey in front of her.

"Aww, is our little Mei Mei wanting attention?" Lin Ning had them all stop walking to allow her to pet and hug Mei Mei, who enjoyed the affection from Lin Ning. "I will be sure to find a way to make you a similar limb. We don't want you to keep struggling here and there."


"You treat Mei Mei like she is our child." Cao Peizhi then mentioned, taking hold of Lin Ning's hand with his only hand and making Lin Ning stand up again, allowing them to face each other.

"What do you mean? She is our child. We have to be sure to give her all the love that we can." Lin Ning held a smile to sense that Cao Peizhi was happy. 'Oh my, does he like children?' She was curious now.

"Ahem. Don't play around with this kind of talk. It won't be funny." Cao Peizhi's cheeks turned slightly red while looking away.

Lin Ning went up close to him again while leaving their hands to stay in contact. "It's not like we won't have any children in the future. Remember, we've decided to get married."

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