Chapter 25

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"The fifth princess took my little brother hostage. How can I when she is going to kill him if I fail?" Crying in front of him, Hun Lian did not know what to do at this moment now that he knew. 'Everything has been crumbling in my life. I do not want to be a part of this, but I cannot avoid it. I am forced to choose either my family or friends.' Her mind felt like it was going to shatter from everything that's happening right before her.

"Then ask, you do not need to hide anything from those who truly care about you." Duan Fa told her with a serious face, she took a look at him to see how he held a strong and confident look. "The young miss will not hate you. She is not the kind of person who will get upset with your situation. You have served her ever since she was young, there is no way that she does not see you as a sister. She will forgive you no matter what." Duan Fa was willing to help Hun Lian get her and her brother out of this situation. "Let's go back together." Duan Fa held his hand out towards her, holding a smile that made her shocked to see that he was willing to help her. Hesitating, she slowly took his hand as they both had gone back with the bottle of poison still in hand to see if they could make use of it if needed to do so.


Lin Ning had been given the full detail, she would have never thought that the fifth princess would be that kind of woman who would even hurt and threaten her maid. "That fifth princess has gone too far!" Getting up while hitting the table harshly, she had heard enough with Hun Lian who was kneeling down while Duan Fa stood on the side to see how everything would go. "Lian, next time someone tries to bully you or even threaten you then tell me!" Lin Ning knelt down to be at Hun Lian's level. Hun Lian was in utter shock and disbelief that her young miss was not mad at her, but at the fifth princess. "You are like my sister. I will take care of you and your brother. Anyone who messes with my people will suffer for doing so." Lin Ning could sense the shock from Hun Lian which she knew now that Hun Lian had her reasons for doing what she did.

"Young miss!!!! I'm sorry!!!!" Hun Lian continued to cry in her young miss's arms, seeing how she had almost killed her.

Lin Ning had let out a small sigh, patting Hun Lian's back to ease her down a bit. "Alright, let's hurry and start planning!" They had been planning for two days, even though Lin Ning was afraid she could not fail in this. "Duan Fa?" Lin Ning once again needed his help. It took some time, but Lin Ning had finally recalled that Duan Fa, Qin Yun, and Xia Ling were the shadow guards working under Cao Peizhi. The reason that she did not recall any of them was due to how little their role in the novel had been.


"I may have to trouble you and Qin Yun." Lin Ning faced the two guards who were now there and waiting for her.

"Whatever you tell us will not be troublesome." Qin Yun clearly knew that it was not going to be anything too hard to do.

"We need to find Lian's little brother the-"

"Young miss, I may have to trouble you again, but my little brother is actually a... sister." Hun Lian said. Lin Ning had to check on her again to make sure that she was not lying about this. Seeing from the looks of Hun Lian then it was all true, they needed to find a woman instead.

"Little sister?" Lin Ning did not understand why they would be called little brother though.

"My little sister has always attracted the attention of many men, so she changed her appearance to that of a man to avoid all the trouble that came in the way. She managed to get herself a job as a physician." Hun Lian explained, looking to see that she had to confess about it since they needed to save her family.

"What is your little sister's name?" Lin Ning never knew about Hun Lian having a younger sibling, but she wanted to be able to help her.

"Her name is Hun Cuifen, but she goes by Hun Ming."

"What?!" Lin Ning did not think that she would be that close to such an amazing character in this novel. "Is your sister a well known physician who does not cure or help those who are greedy or selfish?!" Lin Ning asked this time.

"En." Hun Lian did not think that her young miss would be able to know about her younger sister's attitude. "Young miss, how did you know???" Hun Lian did not think that her young miss would know about such a private thing.

"Who has not heard about the great physician?!" Lin Ning knew to play it off like she heard it within the rumor of the capital. "We cannot let that fifth princess harm them!! They are someone who can make this world even greater!" Lin Ning knew that they needed to save them now, but she believed that they would be able to help Cao Peizhi. Telling them all the plan, Lin Ning had found that Hun Lian's sister was locked up in an old run down bandit's hideout. Lin Ning had forced them all to take her which they could not refuse. Opening her eyes to take a look, she could see all the colors that appeared in front of her view. 'There are so many colors all together that emit nothing but evil intentions!' Lin Ning did not like this one bit, feeling her head then sting from the sudden sense of so much ill intentions. Holding her head slightly, she closed her eyes to ease the pain. "Okay, everyone got the plan." Lin Ning looked to them, hoping that they all understood what was going to happen. Lin Ning was going to be the one to help them find Hun Cuifen in the bandit's hideout. Looking around, they entered inside to know that there was no turning back. Seeing a very dark blue color, it was indicating sadness and pain all together. 'That has to be her.' Pulling them with her, they were going inside to see what these bandits had been up to. "This one." Lin Ning laid her palm flat on the door which indicated for Qin Yun to break it down.

Qin Yun had kicked the door, but instead of the door falling flat down, it flew hitting onto the bandits that had pinned down a helpless looking man who looked to have been beaten. 'That must be her.' Seeing the face of the 'man', it was quite clear that they had a very beautiful face. 'I can see why she would hide herself as a man.'

"Miss Lin, it would be best that you take her and leave. There is no time to waste." Qin Yun took out his sword with Duan Fa doing the exact same thing. Lin Ning could sense that this young man was a woman. Their clothes had been torn which would expose her as a woman from what Qin Yun and Duan Fa could see. Removing her cloak, she wrapped it around the woman who still wore men's clothes.

'The bandits would have likely found out that he was a she.' Lin Ning figured that the bandits must have wanted to take advantage of the situation.

"Come on!" Lin Ning went ahead taking them both out of there based on her memories and senses. Running out, they were still being chased while the bandits were clearly not letting them go. 

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