Chapter 106

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*Warning: Slight Mature Content!*

Cao Peizhi had to come back, looking at their two children, who were still sleepily trying to look from time to time. "Hm... Our son will be named Cao Anli, and our daughter Cao Yating. What do you think?" He gave another look to Lin Ning, wondering what she would think of those names.

"Those names sound wonderful for them. Cao Anli and Cao Yating." Bringing her daughter closer to her, she placed a soft kiss on her daughter's head. "You both have to grow up well. Your father and mother love you both very much." Lin Ning told both of her children, holding a smile on them.

Cao Peizhi felt his heart had eased up more and more from watching Lin Ning with their child, looking back down to feel his son had suddenly grabbed a strand of his long hair that fell in front. 'How can I ever be mad and blame you both?' Regretting his previous feelings, he couldn't be happier with that moment.

"Master!!!" Qin Yun was holding a letter sent to them from Yi Changpu. There was a concerned look on Qin Yun's face; it was clear that something had happened.

Cao Peizhi didn't want to leave his family, but Lin Ning knew it must have been serious. "Peizhi, go." She gestured with her head tilting at the same time for him to go on. "We will still be here. Don't worry." Being clear to him that they were not going anywhere and nothing would happen.

Cao Peizhi had a sad expression, handing back his son to Su Su, who then took him into their arms. "I will be back." Laying a kiss on Lin Ning's head, he had to leave the room with Qin Yun. Both had gone outside to talk about the message, opening the letter to look at the writing.

'Duan Fa and Tai Yuqing have been captured and made the scapegoat for framing the empress with 'false' evidence. Return immediately!' - Yi Changpu.

Cao Peizhi did not think the empress would use them as a scapegoat, clutching the letter tightly in his fist with anger. Qin Yun could see the look on his master's face, knowing that they struggled to choose between his family and the crown prince. "Master..." He had no idea how to help in this situation.

Cao Peizhi turned to look at Lin Ning, who was still in her room with everyone else. "I will have to talk to Lin Ning again." He said. "Qin Yun, how long do you think this fight for the throne will continue? Be honest with me."

Qin Yun did not think he would ever be questioned about this, but he did not even know how to put it. "I do not know, master. Even a man like me can't be one to say." He was helpless.

Later that night...

Lin Ning was washing up in the washroom when she could hear footsteps that entered, without giving her a chance to question who it was before she was hugged from behind. She had been sitting down in the sizeable marble-made bath area. "Peizhi, did everything turn out well?" She could sense longing and sadness once more from him. "Why don't you go ahead and join me? We can talk about it." She did not mind sharing the washroom even if she was embarrassed, but she could tell that Cao Peizhi was bothered and stuck in a tight spot again.

Cao Peizhi had joined Lin Ning in taking a bath, letting her sit down in front of him as he hugged her from behind. Cao Peizhi had decided to keep the prosthetic arm on since Chun Yunchen had made a few adjustments ahead of time so that it could tolerate water now. He held out Lin Ning's hand and turned to see her palms, noticing some remaining scars. "Scars?" He questioned, never bothering to check thoroughly.

"Oh, these scars must have remained when those strings broke and cut me when I went to play the zither for the second crown princess. I didn't even know that they turned to scars." Lin Ning never bothered to ask about her wounds at that time. "Hm, it might even just only appear when my hands are in hot water." Assuming that since they only just noticed it when they were bathing in hot water.

Cao Peizhi felt more guilty that it happened because he kissed her hands. 'I always wish that there were moments that I could turn back to and save you before it all happened.' Cao Peizhi basically wished that he could turn back time to the moments he could protect Lin Ning. As much as he wanted to relax with Lin Ning, he had to get to the main point of seeing her. "Ning. Duan Fa and Tai Yuqing have become scapegoats for the empress." Letting out a sigh, he rested his chin on her shoulder soon after.

"You must be having a hard time choosing between the prince and me." Lin Ning held a small smile, knowing now that it would be hard for him since the crown prince was his long-time friend while she was his lover. "Peizhi..." Turning around, she laid both of her hands on his cheeks and could feel the tears in the corner of his eyes, wiping them away. Kissing his lips, she didn't want to make it harder than it already was. "Promise me that you will come back no matter what. A family isn't complete with just one parent's love. The kids and I will be waiting for you." She said right after the kiss.

"Ning, I will try and finish things sooner. I can't stand to be apart from you any longer. I am getting so tired of it. Aren't you just as tired?" Cao Peizhi asked, hugging her close to him with his ear leaning against her chest. 'I could hear her heart beating. It's very soothing.'

Lin Ning could recall this same question that he had said when he took his last breath when she read the novel, but he had asked the crown prince that question. "En, but I know that I am never tired since I have you. I know that you will resolve everything soon. My husband is the crown prince's military strategist, but he is also a father of two beautiful children and a husband for this woman." Keeping her arms around and on top of his shoulders, she kept their hug close and allowed him to listen to her heart beating.

'How can I come across such an amazing woman? A woman who is my wife and the mother of my children.' Cao Peizhi did not know if there was truly a God who gave him this miracle, but he would cherish it once he helped the crown prince take the throne. Hugging Lin Ning close to his body, he could catch her scent once more, which he could barely recall the last time they had done it. Yet, it was still too soon since Lin Ning hadn't fully recovered, but he took a close look to see her beautiful light skin. 'I want to leave my mark on her.' Moving his lips, he then bit her collarbone, which surprised Lin Ning.

"Ah!" Lin Ning didn't think that Cao Peizhi would bite her at this time. There was something that had poked Lin Ning behind the buttock, making her know precisely what it was that was poking her. "P-Peizhi???" She gave them a questioning look, facing them soon after feeling a soft kiss on her neck. "Mhm~..."

"S-S-Sorry, I didn't want this to happen. I will deal with it myself, so... don't worry about it and go on out." Cao Peizhi was embarrassed that Lin Ning witnessed that, but he preferred her to go on out since she was still not fully recovered. He was just about to separate them from their hug when Lin Ning stopped him. 

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