Chapter 105

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'Where am I?' Lin Ning felt her light body; she could hear a voice calling out to her in the distance.

"Ning... Ning..., please don't leave me. Please..."

'So familiar. I miss that voice. Peizhi? It makes my heart ache to hear them sound so sad.' Lin Ning wanted to wake up; she wanted to know who it was. Feeling her hands tightly clinging to something warm, she opened her eyes to see a blue color and sensed its sadness. Stretching her hand, she laid it on the person's cheek with a light smile. "Welcome back." She could feel the tears that came into contact with her hand.

"Ning?! How are you feeling???" Cao Peizhi had cried within three days, fearing that she would never wake up.

"I am fine. Have you been crying?" Lin Ning didn't want Cao Peizhi to remain sad with tears; she wiped the tears from the corner of his eye. "I won't leave you. You are far too important in my life. Even if death tries, I still won't leave your side." She told him with a brighter smile, encouraging him to cheer up.

Cao Peizhi had sniffled, nodding his head as he held her hand that wiped his tears. "I don't want any more kids." He then told her.

"Hehe, it's not something to be afraid of. I was happy to have your children, and I will do it again if it happens." (Lin Ning)

"No, the thought of losing you is too much to bear. The two that we have right now are enough. I would have never wanted to see the kids if I lost you." Cao Peizhi tightly held onto Lin Ning's hand without letting go.

Lin Ning let out a light 'hm' and knew that he would act that way since they had gone through a lot to come this far. "Peizhi, they are the fruit born from our love. Do not be like that just because this happened. I may appear weak, but I promise you that I am not weak in everything." She still felt his cheek as he still held her hand at the same time. "Why don't you join me in the bed? You seem exhausted. We can see the children later." Hoping that after they got some rest, he would be able to face their children soon after.

Cao Peizhi couldn't say 'no' since it was confirmed that he was exhausted after days without rest and worrying for Lin Ning. After removing uncesseccary equipment like his armor and cloak, he laid down on the bed with Lin Ning, who rested her head on his arm, which was like her pillow. 'She still looks so weak.' Cao Peizhi worried; he could not even go to sleep since he feared that Lin Ning wouldn't be by his side anymore if he woke up.

Lin Ning knew what thoughts were going through Cao Peizhi's head; she moved one of her hands to lay on his cheek, allowing her thumb to trace his lips. She then smiled to get up and kissed his lips weakly; before laying back down on top of his arm."It's okay. I won't go anywhere." She assured him that she wasn't going to leave his side. "I am still here."

After resting for another two days, both Cao Peizhi and Lin Ning could get up and eat together properly. Lin Ning had been recovering, but she had not even seen her two children yet. "Su Su, can I see my children?" Lin Ning then brought up the question; Cao Peizhi remained next to her throughout the entire time.

"E-En, I will have Hun Cuifen help me bring the two of them." Su Su had been waiting for one of them to mention the children; Lin Ning would be the first since a mother could only have so much patience to see their children.

Lin Ning could sense that Cao Peizhi was still tense about seeing their two children; she took hold of one of his hands. "It's okay. We are both here together. I have been recovering, so you don't have to hold any wavering feelings." Lin Ning wanted Cao Peizhi not to think ill of their children.

Entering Lin Ning's room, she could sense the two comfortable and happy children. Hun Cuifen held the boy while Su Su held the girl, smiling as they did not know who wanted to hold which little one. "Miss, the one that I am holding right now is your little boy, and Su Su has your little girl. Which one of you wanted to hold which one?" Hun Cuifen decided to ask them.

Lin Ning held a smile, "Let me hold my daughter. Peizhi can hold his son." She told them they had done as she said. Lin Ning carried her daughter in her arms, holding a smile to know that they were alive and healthy. "How do they both look like?" Lin Ning directed the question to Cao Peizhi; it could help him ease his tense feelings towards them.

Cao Peizhi held his son in his arms, looking to see his tired son still looking up at him. "Our son has your hair and my eyes, and our daughter has my hair and likely your eyes." Cao Peizhi told her, noticing that both of their children took after the two of them. "They are both adorable children of ours." He then held a smile on his face, feeling upset that he was blaming them before.

Lin Ning could sense that he no longer held any anger towards their children; she turned to face their daughter. "Hun Cuifen, my daughter, is just like me, isn't she?"

Hun Cuifen did not want to say so, but it was indeed true that Lin Ning and Cao Peizhi's daughter was blind. "En, sorry. This is a hereditary that even I cannot cure." Hun Cuifen said with disappointment in herself.

"No need to apologize. I knew that something like this would happen. It has always been in my family from my father's side. Every daughter born on my father's side of the family was blind. My father was the first and only child soon, after which I then appeared soon after. I knew that it was going to be unavoidable. I didn't even tell Peizhi, sorry, my love." Lin Ning apologized to Cao Peizhi, who shook his head and hugged Lin Ning with his false limb.

"You don't need to apologize. It does not matter because I will love you and our children no matter how they turn out." (Cao Peizhi)

Lin Ning felt happy, placing a kiss on his cheek, which she could not see, but he froze from the sudden kiss. "That reminds me, have you thought of a name for them?" Lin Ning decided to ask.

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