Chapter 123

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Cao Yating and Cao Anli woke up to look for their father; he was nowhere in sight from what they could see so far, with Tai Yuqing, who followed them closely from behind. "Where did father go?" Cao Yating said. She wanted to find him and ask if he had ever found their mother. 'Why is father not around?! He must have found mother!'

"Did father find mother? Big Aunt said he did not come back last night and isn't here this morning." Cao Anli said, holding hands with Cao Yating.

"Young master and young miss, your father had to deal with something last night, and you both cannot just leave like you've done for the past few days now." Tai Yuqing told the two when there was a sudden hug from behind him.

"Yuqing!!!" Chou Mei happily called out his name informally and giggled after.

"Chou Mei?! Don't just hug anyone out of the blue! You are a grown woman now, and it isn't appropriate for an unmarried man and woman to be this close in contact." Tai Yuqing lectured her, seeing that she still hadn't changed after four years. 'She has to learn that what she does isn't appropriate between a grown man and woman.'

"Yuqing is going to be my husband, so it's not inappropriate." Chou Mei kept to those words and smiled without feeling any shame or confidence.

"Chou Mei?!" Tai Yuqing didn't think that she would still say that.

"Oh, Aunt Mei is going to marry Tai Yuqing! Congratulations!" Cao Yating did not hesitate to shout it out, with Cao Anli clapping to congratulate the two.

"We are-"

"En! I said that I would get married to Tai Yuqing, so I will!" Chou Mei told the two, smiling innocently as she always did.

Tai Yuqing didn't want the children nor Chou Mei to misunderstand this whole ordeal that was now occurring. 'I need to talk to Chou Mei about this.' He sighed.

"Aunt Mei is really beautiful, and Tai Yuqing is really handsome! You both would make a great couple!" Cao Anli started to compliment the two and point out.

Chou Mei only continued to innocently smile while Tai Yuqing took a closer look at her. 'She really has grown over the years. She is no longer a young girl but a grown woman.' Staring down at the woman who was once a girl who still had some hint of baby fat. Looking at Chou Mei, he could see that she had an innocent pair of eyes, soft narrow eyebrows, and plump cherry lips. 'She really is a beauty now.' He thought, blushing to notice that his heart was oddly acting up.

"Is Tai Yuqing okay???" Cao Yating could sense some odd difference from Tai Yuqing, looking at Chou Mei. 'Why is he acting weird like how Uncle Changpu would when Aunt Meili messes with him?'

"I'm fine. Why don't you both go ahead and eat something? Chou Mei, go ahead and have Su Su prepare some food." He told her.

"En! I will see you later, husband!" Chou Mei said so innocently and went over, laying a kiss on Tai Yuqing's cheek, which startled him.


Both twins gasped, Cao Yating couldn't see it, but she heard the little 'chuu', which indicated a kiss had happened. The two twins giggled between each other, knowing that their aunt was surely going to get married to Tai Yuqing.

"C-Chou Mei?!" Tai Yuqing had blushed more, looking at the woman who had already hopped along out of there. Covering his cheek, he held a bit of suspicion. 'Who taught her how to kiss?' He felt this jealousy in his heart to see that Chou Mei knew how to kiss. 'She couldn't have been kissing others while we've been apart, right?!'

Cao Yating giggled to sense that Tai Yuqing was full of jealousy at this time, like how her Uncle Changpu and Aunt Meili acted up around other people. "What is Tai Yuqing thinking?" She asked, staring up at the man who had the word 'jealous' written all over.

"Nothing, let's hurry on." He had the twins go on our first, following behind them. 'I need to really talk to Chou Mei later.'

The twins gave each other another signal, seeing that they were still going to attempt to sneak out.


Lin Ning woke up; her body all over was sore with marks left from the neck and down even though she could not see any of it. 'H-He actually had his way with me!' Turning to face the man who was sound asleep next to her, she didn't know before, but she felt his false limb that wasn't real. Snapping back, she didn't have time to dwell there since he could wake up any time soon. "Don't think that I will let you come and find me to take responsibility." Pulling her clothes, she then ran out of the hut with all of her things. Reaching the closest apothecary store, she slammed a few coins down onto the counter. "Give me the best preventative medicine you have!" She refused to get pregnant at this time since she still had to meet her master within a year. 'Master will surely make me go back to that man and get married.' The store owner was alarmed and confused about why this woman looked so desperate. After talking a little more to Lin Ning to ask what kind she was looking for, he immediately gave her the medicine, which she took as quickly as possible. 'That should be enough to make sure that I would not get pregnant.' Holding a sigh of relief, she had forgotten that her body was still sore all over. She only had the thought to run as quickly as possible and find the medicine.

"Um... miss, your neck has some marks on it." The store owner said that Lin Ning gasped to know that the man had left visible marks.

"What else do you have here that I can buy to cover it up in the meantime?" Lin Ning didn't want people to see the marks left by the unknown man who took advantage of her weak state. Walking out from the apothecary, she had to look for those men who were running after a woman while tossing aphrodisiac into her face. 'How am I going to find those men?!' She tightly clutched her hand into a fist, walking back to the inn and into her room. Laying down on the bed soon after, she then felt something that was leaving her core. 'Shit!!! I need to wash up!!!' She hurried to the washroom, soaking herself to get rid of the sweat and contents given by the man. 'Why didn't I bring my sanity back that time?! It would have been best to knock myself out!!!!!' Yelling at herself, she didn't understand why she allowed the man to do as he pleased with her. 

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