Our fall is broken by the Portuguese that had come with me who caught me trust fall style. I softly push Nessa off me so I could get off of João and as soon as we're both right side up, I give her a big bear hug.

"I've missed you," I squeal hugging her tightly.

"And I've missed you, it's been way too long," she says and I nod in agreement.

A few seconds later, João is at our sides once again with Nessa's suit cases. Nessa introduces herself to him and we start heading to the exit. I tell Nessa we have to get back to the hotel because João has practice in a few hours, and we make our way to the car.

"Keys," I say holding my hand out.

"What ? No," João says refusing to hand over the keys.

"João give me they keys," I sigh, "you have practice in a few hours and it's crucial you get all the rest you possibly can. Nessa can ride shotgun, you can rest in the back, and I'll drive," I argue.

"Sofia, I can drive," he argues back.

I sigh again, "I don't want to argue with you, just give me the keys," I say.

He looks into my doe pleading eyes and he gives in. The keys are handed to me as he helps Nessa get her bags in the car and they climb into their seats. I encourage Nessa to keep her voice down on the way back as to not disturbe João, I might hate him now, but he has practice soon and it'd be messed up to screw with that. A few minutes into the drive, I look over to the passenger seat to check on Ness only to find her dead asleep as well, I roll my eyes and continue my drive to the hotel.

When we arrive, João insisted on walking Nessa and I up to my parents suite but obviously I denied, it wasn't necessary and he needed as much rest as he possibly could.

"João, I feel like I sound like a broken record," I groan as we step into the elevator, "we don't need a babysitter, we'll be fine. You need to rest up for practice, if it brings you peace, I'll text you once we're up there."

Satisfied with that, he got off on our floor as Nessa and I continued our journey towards the suites. Upon arrival, I texted João as promised and then Nessa and I pulled out the bed from the couch and passed out immediately.


I awoke once again at 6 in the morning so I figured I'd show up to practice even though I said I wouldn't. I didn't mind leaving Nessa alone with Gio and the kids because they all love Nessa and she'll be fine with them, plus it's not for too long. I text Nessa I've left for practice so she's not wondering where I am when she wakes up and head for my room to get ready.

I quickly get ready and head to practice with the rest of the team.

"Thought you weren't showing up today," Gonçalo said.

"Yeah well I was up and I figured there wasn't a point to miss practice if I could be here," I shrugged.

"There you are," my dad smiles at me walking onto the field with João Félix. "Was confused when I didn't see you this morning."

"The girl is Jet lagged and probably won't be up for a few hours so why not come," I tell him.

"Good choice," he smiles at me, "how are you feeling ?"

"Physically, tired but I'll live," I pause "and mentally, I could be better, but I'll be fine, Kai and I just have to get this sorted."

"And you will ?" He asks.

"Yes, you know me, I can hold grudges, but I would never against someone I actually care about, especially when they had no ill intentions towards me," I sigh. "I'll see him at the England vs USA game, but hopefully I'll see him sooner so we can talk.

"That's the only game you're going to ?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll watch the other ones at the hotel or something, I just want some alone time with Ness and Cooper, unless Cooper leaves us for the boys," I tell him.

"You're not gonna go see your boy's game ?" Ruben asks, clearly eavesdropping, "Ecuador plays today no ?"

"Who ?" My dad asks.

"Some Ecuadorian we met the night we went out," I explain "and no, well actually, I don't know, we'll see how Nessa is feeling, but he's not my boy, I don't throw myself at everyone who bats their eyes at me," I roll my eyes. "If I go it'd be for De Jong, not Jeremy."

"So who is your boy ?" Ruben ask.

"No one, I'm swearing off boys for the rest of my life," I say running onto the pitch ready for practice.

After practice, Nessa and I watched the replay of the Brazil game which they won. Throughout the day, we continued watching the games and enjoyed quality time with my dad, Gio and my siblings until it was time to get ready for the game we'd be attending live.

We had been down in my room getting ready for a few minutes when there's a knock on the door. I go over to open it and it's Kai and Sophia, I let them in and I notice what jerseys they're wearing because I'm having trouble deciding whose jersey I should wear.

"Fuck me Havertz," I groan, "how fucking conceited do you have to be bro ?" I laugh seeing as how he's wearing his own Chelsea jersey.

"Can we talk ?" He asks.

"Yeah, let me just put on a jersey," I say.

"Whose are you wearing ?" He asks.

"Well I was hoping you'd be wearing either Mason's or Christian's so I could wear the one you weren't wearing," I groan, "I didn't count on you being that conceited."

"Nessa just chose a fucking shirt," I groan as I step into the restroom, and she still hasn't chosen which jersey to wear.

"Bro I like them both, I don't want to upset them," she groans.

"I'm gonna go speak to Kai, I'll wear whichever you don't," I say walking out of the bedroom followed by Kai.

"I'm really sorry," he says as soon as we're out in the hallway. "I shouldn't have said what I said, I was just angry, angry about what you told me and the fact that he was acting like nothing happened bothered me. My intentions were to hurt him, not you, but I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that, and I shouldn't have said things you trusted me with," he said.

"I'm not gonna tell you it's okay, because it's not, you were an ass, and I'm not gonna tell you it's cool because it's far from it," I sigh, "but I know your heart was in the right place, so we're cool."

"We're okay ?" He asks.

"Yeah," I smile hugging him as the boys walk towards us.

"Look who made up," Cooper cheered.

"Are you surprised ?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Where's my girl ?" He asks.

"Hopefully ready to go," I groan. We all walk into the room to see Nessa has picked out a jersey to wear, I quickly change into the other one and we head over to the stadium.

-T I M E S K I P-

9:00PM E N G L A N D V S U S A

We're currently at the stadium waiting for the game to begin, I'm sat in between Cooper and Nessa, putting as much space between João and I as I can.

This game was pretty uneventful, while both teams tried to score, none of them did and even when they tried, they didn't have the best chances to get the job done. After almost two hours, we started piling out of the stadium back to the hotel to get some room service, and start the routine over in the morning.

S C O R E: E N G L A N D U S A
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We made our way back to the hotel room for the rest of the night. Cris and I stayed in our room while João stayed in his, Hugo in his, and Nessa bunked with Cooper.

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