"Aren't you supposed to be helping me get ready ?" I ask getting up to look for something to wear.

"You can't avoid this forever Sofia," she huffs.

"And I'm not," I sigh, "if I'm being honest, I'm just waiting for him to ask me to be his girlfriend."

"What ?" She asks.

"I really like him Gio, it scares me because it's only been a week, but I don't know," I sigh. "He makes me feel happy, comfortable, safe, and he's a really good kisser."

"What ?!"

"Oh yeah, we kissed," I say popping my head out from the closet as she heads over to me.

"When ? Where ? How ?!" She exclaims excitedly causing me to get super giddy.

"Last night, and earlier," I sigh happily holding out a dress and she shakes her head. "It was accidental last night, we both went in for a cheek kiss, and yeah we kissed. It was super awkward this morning though, practice was tough, don't tell my dad though because I told him I was out of it because I was rusty," I laugh and so does she. "But we played a friendly today and at halftime, I went to get some air, I was outside, I know, but being in his proximity was making me feel super suffocated, I went to the restroom and when I walked out, he was there. I tried walking away and avoiding him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and kissed me."

"Oh my god," she smiled holding out a dress.

"Oh my god indeed," I laugh taking the dress from her. I walk over to the bathroom and quickly get dressed. I walk out in the dress she picked out and twirl for her.

"Beautiful," she cooed patting the seat in front of her inviting me to sit so she could do my hair. I sat down while she parted my hair to begin straightening it. I look around for my phone to text João only to find it charging by the nightstand, Gio must've put it to charge.

I look around the floor for things to throw at the door in hopes of getting João's attention. I reach for my cleats and a little metal bucket for ice that's on the floor. I throw the bucket at the door and nothing.

"Are you serious Sofia ?" Gio asks.

"Yes, you keep going, you're doing great," I say reaching holding my cleat focusing on the door. I throw it with more force and call his name.

"Are they having a party over there ?" I groan hearing a bit of music and several voices.

"João," I call out again reaching for my other cleat. I grab my cleat and throw it at the door as it swings open and in comes João. He sees the shoe flying towards him and catches it.

"Nice reflexes," I say, "Gio is just doing my hair and I'm done, bring me options for what you're thinking about wearing."

"Yes ma'am," he disappears back into the other room leaving the door open.

"Is she done ? Can we go in there ?" I hear.

"Yes, you can come in, I'm almost done," I call out and see Antonio, Nuno and Bruno coming into my room. "Watch the cleats."

"You look pretty," Nuno says.

"Thank you," I smile at him.

"Is she done already ?" Ruben Dias calls out.

"Almost," I call out.

"Okay so I still have 30 more minutes," I hear him say.

"More like 10, I'm almost done," Gio calls out.

"Shit," we hear as João comes back in and we all laugh.

"He hasn't even started getting ready," João says and I roll my eyes. João lays out three outfits on the bed and Gio helps me choose which one would look best with my dress of course. He disappears once again for a bit and comes back dressed as Gio finishes my hair.

Mr. Brightside || João Félix Where stories live. Discover now