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The noise of footsteps entering the cave brought Dick a small sense of relief. "Hello?" He called, voice shaking and tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Hey Dickie," the younger replied, pausing to stand where Dick could see him, leaving a large enough distance between them that Dick could tell he was wary of him.

"Jay, what's going on?" Dick asked, avoiding the question he wanted to ask which was 'Why the heck am I shackled to a medical bed in the Batcave?'

Jason took a tentative step closer. "We had no immediate way of knowing if you were still... following commands," he replied, subconsciously reaching a hand up to gingerly rub over the bandages that were hidden under his shirt.

Dick flinched, hurt flashing across his face. "I'm not under her control anymore," he mumbled.

Jason sighed, stepping closer and unlocking Dick's restraints. "Look, I know it's... it was horrible to watch you having to fight her control like that... and I know you probably didn't appreciate the circumstances you... woke up in, but you have to understand. We didn't want to have to see you hurt anyone else," he said.

Dick's lower lip trembled and he drew himself into a ball, nestling his head on his knees despite the protest of his bullet wound. "What about Bruce," he asked quietly, almost dreading the news of what he'd done to his mentor.

"He'll be out for a while, but Alfred's expecting a full recovery," Jason said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "If you want to see him I can take you up."

Dick uncurled himself slightly, nodding at his brother.

"Ok, come on," Jason said, helping Dick to his feet and helping him towards the stairs.

Dick paused, hanging back. "Jay?" He said quietly.

Jason hummed in response.

"I-I... I don't want to hurt anyone... please... please don't let me hurt anyone. I don't care what it takes," Dick said, looking into Jason's eyes almost pleading with him.

"You won't hurt anyone," Jason said, putting a hand on Dick's back.

A tear made its way down Dick's cheek. "Promise me you won't let me... p-please," he begged.

Jason sighed, wiping away the tear from his brother's face. "I promise," he finally said.

Dick let out a breath of relief. "Thank you," he said, following Jason up the stairs.

Tim and Damian visibly tensed when Dick stepped into Bruce's room, Bruce himself showing he was on guard only by a slight furrow of his brows.

Dick took it all in, the pit of guilt in his stomach deepening. "Bruce," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm so sorry," he said, tears beginning to flood his eyes.

"It's not your fault Dickie," Bruce reassured, reaching out a hand which Dick stepped forward and gingerly grabbed.

Dick let out a choked sob. "But it was me... and... and I h-hurt you," he said. "I don't f-feel like I can even trust myself anymore."

"Jay, can you get Dick a chair," Bruce asked quietly, noticing the pallor of his eldest.

"Yeah," Jason said, helping Dick sit next to Bruce's bed.

"Are you sure there aren't any more subconscious orders left in your mind?" Bruce asked.

"Yes... I... I don't think there are any," Dick said uncertainly.

"You don't think there are any, or you know there aren't any?" Tim asked, apprehensive.


Bruce cut Dick off. "We'll have M'gann check his mind to be sure," he said.

Dick Grayson one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora