- 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙎𝙞𝙭

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Brianna pov : Chapter Forty-Six

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Brianna pov : Chapter Forty-Six

Seven hours, that's how long they sat there, I wanted to be hopeful but also wanted to slide down a wall and cry my eyes out. I've never felt so many intense mixed emotions before in my life.

Fear, worry, anger, despair, and hope all seemed to battle for dominance inside me, and I didn't know how to make sense of it all.

As the hours ticked by, my mind replayed every moment of the past few days, trying to find some sort of answer or explanation for why Kemar was lying in a hospital bed fighting for his life.

The waiting room was filled with people who shared my same anguish, and we all sat in silence, each consumed by our own thoughts and fears.

The hospital waiting room was a blur of colors, sounds, and smells that only added to my sense of disorientation. Every time a door opened, my heart leaped into my throat, hoping for good news but bracing myself for the worst.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, a nurse approached our group with an update on Kemar's condition.

My heart raced as she spoke, the words she spoke were a whirlwind, hard to comprehend at first, but eventually sank in. My emotions swung from relief to concern and back again as I tried to process what she had said.

"I don't yet have the results but we are aware of what's going on with Mr. Creed. Some period after his surgery for his gunshot wounds his body built up an infection that went undetected. From there it only worsened making him more susceptible to life-threatening conditions. One of which we discovered is Sepsis."

She looked at them with sympathy, knowing firsthand just how scary a diagnosis like sepsis could be.

Brianna's heart pounded in her chest as she waited for the nurse to continue. The word "sepsis" echoed in her mind, and fear threatened to overwhelm her.

Brianna choked on her words, "Can you explain?" The nurse nodded, seeming to understand that we needed as much information as she could give us. "Sepsis is a serious infection that can have potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated," she explained. "We've started Kemar on antibiotics to fight the infection and we'll be monitoring him closely to make sure that he responds well to the treatment."

Brianna could feel that there was something else the nurse was holding back, and she wasn't the only one who sensed it.

The tension in the waiting room thickened as the nurse hesitated before finally speaking. "I don't want to alarm you, but Kemar's condition is still critical," she said softly. "The infection has already caused a great deal of damage to his organs, and we're doing everything we can to keep him stable."

"Organs?" Josiah mumbled, never had even heard the word Sepsis before."What Sepsis gotta do with his organs?"

The nurse took a deep shallow breath before continuing, "Sepsis is a condition that affects the body's response to infection. It can cause tissue damage and organ failures if left untreated or not treated appropriately. In Kemar's case, the infection had already spread and caused damage to his vital organs, including his liver and kidneys. We are doing everything we can to stabilize him and prevent further damage, but it's important to understand the seriousness of his condition."

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