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Little Sneak Peek : main character ~ Alexandra 'Lex'

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Little Sneak Peek : main character ~ Alexandra 'Lex'

I know It's a similar name to Alexus in Beyond The Imperfections who also has the nickname Lex.

You never know it could be connected somehow...

She felt eyes on her causing her to look around the room. Her eyes landed on the girl sitting nearly on Asani. The girl was eyeing her, causing Lex to look at Asani. Who was also staring at her but he looked more in thought.

Lex stared back at Asani, trying to decipher the expression on his face. Was he angry or just lost in thought? She couldn't tell. As she looked around the room again, she realized that she was the only one not fully engaged in something.

"You trippin."

Everyone's attention turned to Kam as he hung up on his girlfriend.

"You good?" Guda laughed.

"Ion know what the hell she on," he shrugged, "where the blunt at?"

Asa looked up, sparking a new blunt, "Not gon' lie, you real close." He spoke not trying to be quiet. The girl shifted over a little but before she could respond her phone dinged.

The girl's phone beeped, interrupting the moment. After reading the message, she looked up and caught Lex's gaze before smirking. Lex felt a pang of irritation at the girl's smug expression.

"Ion got time for this weird shit." Lex sighed. "What weird shit?" Asa and Navahia spoke up.

"Nothing," She shook her head.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to change as the girl sitting next to Asani spoke up, her voice cutting through the music. "Aren't you the girl that jumped Kandy?" she asked her tone both accusatory and amused.

Everyone looked at Lex.

"Let's take a guess," Lex responded, her voice laced with annoyance. "Yes, I am. And nobody jumped anyone."

Navahia eyed Lex, "ion know why you entertaining that."

"Who the fuck is, "that" and who was talking to you." She sat up. Asa sat up with a bored expression on his face, ignoring the tension that had settled into the room. "Relax, Amiya, it's not that deep," he drawled lazily, before turning his attention back to the blunt in his hand.

Vlad chuckled sitting up, "It's definitely not that deep but she ain't gon' come in here and start disrespecting people and in return get a, "relax." Control that, Asa."

Amiya crossed her arms sitting back, "No cause yall ganging up on me for no reason."

"What you mean, No?" Asani looked at Amiya like she was crazy. "We told you not to bring that up, why you gotta start shit?" Amiya rolled her eyes, "Cause she got the nerve to show up like everything is sweet."

"The nerve to show up?" Navahiah laughed, "bitch are you crazy? Why you think we call you "that?" Navahiah sat up shrugging off Vlad. "Cause we don't know you." She clapped her hands.

Asani sighed, sitting back knowing this was what he was trying to avoid.

"Asa had been trying to very politely shake you off for the past day. And you strollin' over here thinking you're somebody."

Amiya sat there quietly, feeling embarrassed. She didn't expect to be called out like this and now she wished she had just kept quiet. The tension in the room was palpable.

As the awkward silence lingered, Asa loudly sighed, "So you gon leave or?" The tension in the room seemed to increase as Amiya gathered her things, standing up slowly.

Not even letting her leave the room, Guda started chuckling. "You know you dead wrong." Guda continued. "He said yo ass still sitting here for what?" Guda loudly laughed, not even taking his gaze off the game.

As Amiya left the room, Lex tried to shake off the uncomfortable energy that still lingered. She couldn't help but wonder why Asani would invite someone like Amiya in the first place. But she quickly reminded herself that it wasn't her place to question his choices. Regardless, she felt relieved when Asa finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Come here," he tapped her leg as he stretched then took off to the stairs.

Check it out💙👍🏼

•𝘽𝙚𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 •Where stories live. Discover now