Chapter 40 - Newts and News

Start from the beginning

"Come on Ravenclaw!"  I shout as loud as I can, Mia and Celeste cheering just as loudly beside me.

Suddenly, Cho dives.

"Get the snitch!"  I yell, the stands erupting with noise.  Ginny Weasley seems to be waiting for something.  Why is she waiting?  But she must have a strategy, because she suddenly takes off, cutting Cho of and zipping away.

Victorious, she holds her hand aloft, grinning as the Gryffindors all gather around her.  

"Weasley has caught the snitch!  Gryffindor wins the quidditch cup!"  The announcer is barely heard over the sound of the spectators.  A few fights between students break out and the teacher quickly evacuate the stadium.

We all head back up the hill to the castle.  I see Alex trudging along ahead of me, looking absolutely devastated.  This was the closest Hufflepuff had come to winning the cup in so long.  As Cedric's successor, I know Alex wanted to win for his friend.

Regardless, I know that there's going to be a party in Gryffindor tonight.


The next week of classes is just reviewing for NEWTs.  None of the seventh or fifth years do anything other than study.  Even students you normally would never find in the library, were spending every free moment there.

I actually end up doing a lot of my studying in the kitchen.  I find that it's a lot quieter than the library right now.

Finally after two years of learning and preparing, the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests arrive.  Having ten exams I'm sitting for, I have a very busy schedule.  I hear that some of the seventh year Slytherins have been taking muggle stimulants to make it through the testing period.

I on the other hand, just chose to drink an unholy amount of coffee.  I suppose that also counts as a muggle stimulant.  Either way, no one if functioning at a healthy level.

Written tests and practicals all scheduled perfectly so that there's no time to breathe.  Potions is my first set of exams and I pray that this is the worst of them.  Snape patrolled the room, Umbridge gazing thoughtfully from her chair, both ensuring complete silence.  At one point, a Ravenclaw stirs her potion too loudly and got reprimanded.  After a nearly impossible practical, we have to sit for the written portion.  It demands memorization of practically every potion we'd ever brewed during our time at school.  

The next day was transfiguration exams, followed by charms the next day.  muggle studies and advanced mathematics finished out the week.  I'm pretty sure I missed several things on my math, but there's no use stressing about it.

That weekend, I am cramming for the next five exams I'm sitting for next week.  During this time, I begin wishing I'd opted for only taking the minimum four NEWTs.  Alas, it's too late for that now.

I only stop studying to eat and use the restroom.  My favorite time of day becomes my nightly shower where the stress of the day washes away, even if just for a few minutes.

The next week begins and I have the misfortune of having both herbology and DADA in the same day.  Thankfully they were planned so both could be taken, but by the end of the day I feel like crying.  Tuesday I did care of magical creatures where I got bit a couple of times, but I don't think anyone noticed.  

Wednesday morning rolls around and I head up the steps to the tower for the divination exam.  My feet drag slightly and I feel so exhausted.  My body aches from the rigorous schedule.  A group of students accumulate at the door as we wait for the exam to begin.  The written portion is scheduled for us to take in the great hall later in the day, but we have the practical in the tower.  Overseen by the toad, Umbridge of course.  Firenze is a bit upset that we couldn't do it underneath the stars at the astrology tower, but conceded to the compromise of the divination classroom.

We are called in one at a time before being sent on our way.  Finally, it is my turn and I head inside.  There is an array of star charts, tea leaves, crystal balls and more.

"Hello Miss Taylor."  Firenze greets me as I take the seat in front of the desk.

"Hello professor."  I clasp my hands in front of me and wait for his instruction.

"Before us are a variety of resources for divining glimpses of what could be.  Chose and tell me what it tells you."  He gestures to the items and I look over my options.  

"Professor, might I have a fresh cup of tea?  I find that more useful if the leave are still warm."  I worry that this will not be allowed, but he nods.

"Very well."  He points behind himself to the kettle and tea.  I carefully brew a cup under his watchful eyes as I make the cup of tea.  Once ready, I quickly down it and peer into the teacup.

"Oh!"  I actually see something as clear as day.  "I'm going to make amends with a friend.  Followed by an opportunity for love, and eventually, although it appears not for some time, I will have the chance for a promotion at a job."

I hand the cup to my professor for him to examine.

"Indeed.  Well read."  He places it on the table as a high pitched voice clears her throat.

"Perhaps that was too easy?  Perhaps she has already practiced with her own leaves."  Umbridge steps out of the shadows of the corner of the room.

"Would you like me to read yours professor?  I could make you a cup of tea?"  I ask as politely as I can manage.

"As a matter of fact, that would be lovely."  She smiles genuinely and I realize it's even more terrifying than her insincere ones.

"Thank you, headmistress."  I quickly set to making her a cup, doing my best to make it perfectly.  As much as I don't like the woman, I am morbidly curious as to what her leaves will tell me.  She drinks the cup of tea and hands it back to me for my reading.  I peer into it, hoping for something at least minorly interesting.

"A big change is set for the immediate future.  One you're not prepared for."  I pause, tilting the cup to see more things.  "The truth will run out, and your own fears will betray you.  Be careful of those who wish to trick you, and remain silent when turmoil arises."

I hand the cup to Firenze and he reads it as well.

"That's preposterous.  Are you insinuating that I need to be quiet?"  Umbridge's fake smile returns and her face seems more normal now.

"I was only saying what the leaves said."  I shook my head, taking a step back.

"It is true.  She only spoke the truth of the leave.  The exact results vary depending on interpretation and follow through."  Firenze sets the cup on the table.  "You may go, thank you for your time."

"Thank you."  I tell both Umbridge and Firenze.  Umbridge glares at the centaur as he prepares the room for the next student.  I don't wait around any longer and quickly flee the tower.  Only one more exam left until freedom.  

Thursday I have completely free and so I spend the whole day studying for my last exam, history of magic.  I'm pretty sure they scheduled it last as torture.  With no other options, I'm stuck reviewing the events of the goblin wars until my eyes hurt.

Friday I head into the Great Hall to take my final exam.  There's no practical component for History of Magic, just the written.  I struggle through the exam as best as I can, trying not to get distracted by the Gryffindor boy taking a nap at the desk beside me.  Finally, Umbridge calls time and I turn in my paper, fleeing the room as fast as I could.

I take a deep breath once I enter the hall.  It's over.  With that last test, I've finished my Hogwarts education.  It's all over.


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