94 - St. Mungo's

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A hand was gently scratching my back as I awoke. It felt nice.

I yawned and shifted slightly, getting comfortable again to try and fall back asleep. Unfortunately, doing this caused the hand to stop scratching, and I felt the person it was connected to shift as well before a kiss was placed on my shoulder. The hand then slid around from my back to my stomach, pulling me to lay back against them. I happily obliged, and yawned again as I started to doze off.


My dozing off was interrupted.

"You awake?"

I shook my head.


It went quiet between the person and I for a moment, before I whispered, "Can you scratch my back again?"

"Of course."

The person scooted back a bit, their hand moving to my back again, while I laid back down on my stomach. They started to scratch my back, and I smiled to myself as I, again, tried to fall back asleep.

Some amount of time passed, and I was on the edge of slipping into sleep, when I heard a door open.

"There's food, if you two want anything."

I snapped my eyes open and glared at the person in the doorway, who I was pretty sure was Fred.

"Can you people not let me sleep?" I said, slightly frustrated.

I watched Fred raise his hands in defense as he backed out of the room, closing the door as he went. I sighed and slowly blinked as I realized my mind wouldn't let me sleep anymore, before I turned over to face the person behind me.

"Good morning," George told me with a small smile.

"I wanna sleep," I replied before yawning.

"I can tell."

We silently stared at each other for a few seconds, before I said, "I feel bad."

"About what?" George asked.

"I got all frustrated at Fred because he woke me up," I explained. "I'm sure he was just told to tell us that there's food, and now I feel bad because I got upset at him over nothing."

"I don't think he took it personally, love."

"But what if he did?"

"Then apologize. It can only make things better."

"Good idea." I immediately got up from the bed, quickly grabbing my glasses to put on before I headed out of the bedroom and down to the basement kitchen. I then scanned the room for Fred and spotted him sitting at the table and eating, before I walked over and sat down in the empty seat to his right.

"Good afternoon," Fred greeted with a nod once I sat down.

"I'm sorry," I said in response.

Fred gave me a look of confusion. "For what?"

"For getting mad at you," I replied. "I'm sorry, I was just really fucking tired, and all I wanted to do was go back to sleep, but I just couldn't, and right when it seemed I was about to, you came in and told George and I that food was ready, which woke me up and wiped away any progress I had made with falling back asleep. After that, I felt frustrated because all I wanted to do was sleep, but I just couldn't, so I got angry at you for waking me up and I snapped at you." I paused for a moment to let Fred speak, but he continued to just stare at me with confusion. "I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. I'm not trying to be enemies with my boyfriend's twin brother who I may have already upset a little because I stole the number one spot in George's life."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now