44 - Dragons

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"You've barely touched your breakfast, Adriana," Katherine said, her face full of worry. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes," I simply said. "The first task is tomorrow, and I have no idea what I'm up against. I think I'm going to die. Why did I enter this tournament?"

"You're not going to die, Adriana," Cedric said, trying to calm me down as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into a side hug. "You will do just fine."

I was about to grumble something else about me potentially dying, when I noticed Harry awkwardly standing behind Katherine and Naomi.

"Morning, Harry," I said, causing my friends to turn their attention towards him. Unfortunately, a lot of the other Hufflepuff students looked towards Harry, and some, specifically, the ones with the badges, glared at him.

"Morning," he quietly replied while looking around at the Hufflepuff students. "Can I, uh, talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course," I said, grabbing my bag and getting up from the bench. "I'll meet you all in class, so don't wait up for me," I told my friends before I walked along the Hufflepuff table, Harry walking along on the other side, until we reached the end and headed out of the Great Hall together.

I followed Harry down the halls, and once we reached an area that was mostly secluded, he stopped and looked to be in thought for a moment.

"Dragons," he suddenly said.

"Dragons?" I asked, very confused. "What about dragons?"

"It's the first task," he replied. "Dragons."

I stared at him in disbelief. "What?"

"There's four of them, one for each of us, and we've got to get past them somehow," he continued.

"Are you sure?" I questioned, panic filling me at the thought of having to get past a dragon.

"Dead sure," Harry responded. "I've seen them."

"You saw them?!" I exclaimed. "When? And how?"

"Saturday," Harry said. "Sorry I haven't told you sooner, Hermione and I spent all day yesterday researching dragons and how to get past one, and it didn't cross my mind to go out and tell you until now."

"It's alright," I told him. "Does anyone else know? Like do Fleur and Viktor know?"

"Yes," he answered. "Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff both saw the dragons, so I only assume they immediately told their students."

"Okay," I nodded. "That's good. In a way. Now we're all on an even playing field. We all know what we're up against."

Harry nodded as well, just as the bell signaling the start of classes rang, and just as a familiar clunking noise sounded from down the hall. I looked around Harry to see Professor Moody making his way toward us.

"Come with me, Potter," he said in his usual, rough sounding voice that unsettled me every time I heard it. "LaVey, off you go."

I followed his command immediately, not wanting to spend any more time in his presence than I had to.

"I see your friends did guide me in the correct direction." I looked up from the book on dragons I had to see George standing next to the table Cedric and I were occupying in a back corner of the library. "They said you and Cedric had run off to the library to study for the first task as soon as classes ended."

"Well, I'm glad they didn't mislead you," I smiled as he pulled up a chair.

"Me too," he said once he sat down, grabbing a book from the table to inspect. "Whatcha reading about dragons for?"

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