87 - Hogsmeade Date

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"Here we are," George said, stopping us in front of some statue.

"...Where is here?" I asked, confused.

"Right here," he said, gesturing to the statue. "This is where all my sneaking secrets will be revealed."

"The statue...?"


"I'm not comprehending."

George quickly grabbed onto my hand and led me behind the statue, before taking out his wand and tapping on its back while saying, "Dissendium." Immediately, its back opened up to reveal a dark hole.

"What...?" I whispered, peering into the darkness to see if I could make out anything at all.

"I swear, you always forget magic is a thing," George commented, making me snap my head toward him.

"I don't," I defended. "Most of the time. I just... A tunnel in a statue isn't where I thought this was going."

"Where did you think it was going?"

"I have no idea."

George chuckled. "Well, would you like to go first, or shall I?"

"Quite honestly, I have no desire to plunge into that darkness to figure out what's inside," I responded. "So I think you should go first."

"Gladly," he said, smiling, before he prepared to jump in.

"Wait a minute," I said as I stopped him from disappearing down the hole. "What should I expect when I inevitably plunge into the darkness?"

"Well," he started, "first you'll go down a short slide, and then you'll hit the ground. But you won't hit the ground since I'll be down there. So you'll hit me."

"I don't want to hit you."

"That was bad wording," George said. "Instead of ending up on the ground after the slide, you'll slide right into my arms. How about that?"

"I like the sound of that a lot more."

"Good," he said. "Now, there's no light at all down there, so you'll probably wanna create some with your wand before you go down the slide so you're not sliding in complete darkness. That is, of course, if you want to. I'll be waiting down there for you with my wand lit up, so you won't have to worry about that once you've gone down. But in the slide, if you don't have any light, it'll be pitch black."

"Got it," I nodded, taking my wand out and lighting it up.

"I'll see you on the other side, then," George said with a smile, giving me a peck on the lips before he disappeared down the hole.

I waited for a few seconds, pointing the light into the darkness to try and make out anything... but all I could see was stone and more stone. No George. Immediately, my thoughts started telling me that George had been eaten by some monster hidden down in the darkness, but I pushed them away as I heard a voice echo out of the hole.

"I'm ready, love!" it said. "You can come down whenever! Preferably sooner rather than later, though. We've got a bit of a trek ahead of us."

Taking a deep breath, I hoisted myself into the hole and slid down. As I had seen from outside, the slide and the walls around me were all made of stone, and I quickly slid off the slide and right onto George's lap.

"Hello there," he said, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "How was the slide?"

"It was alright," I replied, making the light on my wand go out and putting it back in my pocket, as George had his wand lit up. "Much better in the light, since I could actually sort of see where I was going."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now