2 - Now What Was That?

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It was silent between Fred and I once we exited the bookstore, with Percy, Ron, and Ginny trailing behind us, having their own little conversation.

"Now what in Merlin's name was that, huh?" Fred decided to break the silence.

"What was what?" I tried to play dumb.

"That flirting you did back there, with the pretty lady in the bookshop," Ginny said as she squeezed her way in between us.

My eyes widened, as I had completely forgotten that my siblings were there to witness the whole conversation. "It- no, hold on, it wasn't flirting, I just decided to start up a nice conversation with her."

"'It wasn't flirting' my arse," Fred said while mimicking me. "I heard you call her 'love' in the first five seconds of your conversation."

"Well- ok maybe I did call her that, but it's really not that big of a deal," I replied to Fred.

"Not that big of a deal?" Fred said with a deadpan look on his face. "From the very moment we stepped into that bookstore, you didn't take your eyes off her once, nor did you even try to not listen in on the quiet conversation she had with that man."

"For your information, Freddie, I didn't try to listen in, I just happened to overhear it. Second of all, that man was her father, who was apologizing for her mother's outburst," I said.

Fred just stared at me for a moment.

"Ok, when I hear myself say that, it does seem like I eavesdropped, and it does seem a little creepy, but I promise I wasn't trying to be weird," I tried to defend myself. It didn't work.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say, mate," Ron said, butting his way into the conversation.

"Oh, shove off, Ronald, this doesn't involve you," I told Ron frustratedly.

It was quiet between the five of us before Percy spoke up, "Now, while it was very rude to listen in on her conversation, and while it was very risky for you to start spewing things out about magic and whatnot to her, did that flirting at least get you somewhere?"

I looked towards Percy. "For your information, I didn't just spew out things about magic. I deliberately worded my sentences to give a hint towards the fact that I heard what she had talked about, and that I knew what she'd talked about."

Right as Percy opened his mouth to respond, Ginny cut him off to start speaking, "Did you get her name? Does she know about magic?"

I looked down at Ginny and smiled. "Well yes, I did get her name," I looked pointedly at Percy. "It's Adriana," I looked back down to Ginny. "And yes, she does know about magic."

"She knows about magic?! Is she a witch, too? Does she go to Hogwarts?" Ginny excitedly asked.

"Well, I never directly asked if she went to Hogwarts, I sort of just assumed it," I replied. "But, it seems as though she does. She knew what I was talking about when I mentioned a giant snake roaming around, and she was the one to mention people getting petrified. And she was also the one to call me 'Weasley' pretty early on in the conversation."

Ginny seemed really happy at that. "So will we see her again?"

I laughed a little. "I sure as hell hope so."

I looked back towards Fred, who was just staring at me with this look on his face.

"What do you want, you dickhead," I asked him.

Fred replied to me with a mischievous smirk, "So, you got her name. Did you get any other information about her, or is that it?"

I scoffed. "Well, if you wouldn't have interrupted us, I would've gotten to learn more about her, but of course, you just wanted to leave."

"Hey, it wasn't just me who wanted to leave. I was just the only one who would interrupt you to make you leave as well," Fred said in defense.

"You fucking git," I said under my breath while waking away.

"Wait, what did you just call me?" Fred yelled after me, causing me to run back home, with him hot on my trail the whole way.

My Love ✧ George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now