63 - Grimmauld Place

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Before this year's Leaving Feast, I was called up to Professor Dumbledore's office, where Professor Dumbledore explained to me what would be happening this summer. He informed me of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as where the headquarters for it would be, and mentioned that the Weasleys would be staying at the headquarters for a majority of the summer, and I was to join them around halfway into the summer holidays. I was also told that I wasn't allowed to speak to anyone about what I had learned about the Order, and that I was to speak of it only when I was at headquarters with Order members and others staying there that knew of it.

I obviously agreed to all of Professor Dumbledore's rules, although it was hard to not say anything when Harry started asking why Hermione and Ron were being more distant and telling him less stuff than usual in their letters. I just had to play dumb and owl him back, saying I had no clue what was going on with his friends.

Professor Dumbledore also instructed me to apparate to somewhere called Grimmauld Place in London on the night of the first of August, where I would wait for Professor Moody to collect me and show me where to go.

Since I arrived back at my house, I had been impatiently waiting for July to end and for August to start, so I could finally see George again. We'd been owling back and forth all summer, but we weren't allowed to hang out. Apparently, George and his siblings weren't allowed to leave headquarters, meaning we had to wait until I joined them to meet again.

Now, a month might seem like a short enough time frame, but when you just started dating someone and then have to wait a whole fucking month to see them again, the month goes by as slow as can be. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to be able to spend plenty of time with my parents after I almost died, especially since they were informed of it after the fact, but I was really craving to see my boyfriend again.

Luckily for me, today was the first of August. July had finally ended, and I was now packing up my belongings into my trunk before I would apparate away. I quickly finished, bringing my trunk and bird cage out into the living room so I could say goodbye to my parents.

"Safe travels, Adriana," my dad said, hugging me goodbye. "Don't leave a limb behind."

"I won't," I chuckled. My dad had been making jokes like that ever since I told him about apparating and splinching.

"Don't enter into any dangerous tournaments this year," my mom told me. I was surprised to hear a hint of a joke in her voice, since she had been reprimanding me almost every day so far about the Triwizard Tournament.

"I'll try not to," I responded, giving her a hug before I stepped away from them, grabbing onto my stuff while I pulled out my wand. I smiled at my parents one last time before I thought of Grimmauld Place and apparated.

With a snap, I disappeared from my living room and reappeared in front of a row of dingy houses. I stayed still, tucking my wand away as I looked around the darkened street for Professor Moody. I had to wait for only a few minutes, as he suddenly appeared by my side.

"LaVey," he nodded as I jumped slightly.

"Professor Moody," I nervously greeted back.

"Not 'professor'," he corrected. "I don't teach at Hogwarts anymore. I never really taught there at all. Therefore, the 'professor' isn't needed. Just call me 'Moody'."

"Alright," I whispered. Moody then handed me a piece of paper, and I looked down at it, confused, before I read what was written.

The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London.

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