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All of the sudden, my feet hit the ground, and I toppled over as the world seemingly spun around me. Once the dizziness had subsided, I looked around to see Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric all standing, while the rest of us were on the ground.

"How come you're all fine and dandy while the rest of us are on the ground?" I asked Cedric.

"I've traveled by Portkey before," Cedric shrugged. "I knew what to expect. You all, however, are not so lucky. It also didn't help that you were in the middle of a sentence, and were therefore caught off guard when the Portkey left."

I nodded as a hand came into my field of view. I trailed my eyes up the arm it was attached to and saw George standing in front of me, his hand outstretched to help me up. I took it and hoisted myself up, saying my thanks as I brushed the dirt off my jeans.

"You're okay, yeah?" George asked. "You didn't get hurt or anything, did you?"

"No," I told him. "My butt might be bruised, though."

"Alright," George chuckled, his attention getting drawn to his dad beckoning everyone to follow him. I walked alongside George and Cedric as we made our way across the misty, deserted moor we landed on, George quietly conversing with Fred about something, while Cedric and I talked about our summers.

We soon found a cute little stone cottage in the mist, and beyond it, there were hundreds and hundreds of what I assumed to be tents. As we neared the cottage, we had to say goodbye to the Diggorys, and so I gave Cedric a "goodbye for now" hug, retreating back to George's side afterwards.

The group paused a short distance from the cottage as Mr. Weasley approached a man standing in the doorway. I didn't really focus on their short exchange of words, but I did watch, with a little bit of amusement, as Mr. Weasley rejoined the group to get help from Harry with handling muggle money.

The man at the door seemed to notice this, and questioned whether we were all foreigners. Mr. Weasley stuttered out a response, and I once again zoned out and yawned, wanting nothing more than to just fall asleep.

My body seemed to act on its own, as I turned to lean my forehead against George's arm without even thinking about it. I felt him stiffen, and I could sense the wide eyes he was looking at me with. I briefly glanced up to confirm my suspicions, and immediately went back to leaning against him.

"Tired," I mumbled.

"I can tell," George said, slowly moving his arm. His movement made me lift my head, and I watched as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. I wrapped my arms around his torso and leant my head against his chest, closing my eyes once I felt his other arm wrap around me.

We stayed like this for however long it took for Mr. Weasley to pay the man in the doorway of the cottage. Apparently, though, both George and I had completely zoned out of the world around us, as we didn't notice when the rest of our group started walking off towards a gate next to the cottage, which led into the large campsite filled with the many tents. We were only made aware of all of this when Fred came up to us.

"Hey, lovebirds," he whispered in both our ears, making me open my eyes and jerk away from George at the suddenness of it. "Oops, sorry for scaring you. Just wanted to make sure you both didn't get left behind, y'know?" He, George, and I then quickly followed the rest of our group into the campsite.

We took up the rear of the group, and George and Fred started talking in low voices to each other again, making it seem like they didn't want to be heard by anyone. I could've easily listened in, had I wanted to, but I was far too tired to focus on anyone's conversations. Nor did I care.

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