57 - Limbo

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The spring term ended way too quickly for my liking.

It was soon the last week of May, and I was held back in Herbology by Professor Sprout, who told me, "You have to go down to the Quidditch field tonight at nine o'clock, Adriana. Mr. Bagman will be informing you and the other champions about the third task."

"Alright," I nodded. "Thanks, Professor Sprout."

"You're welcome, dear," she replied. As I turned to leave the greenhouse, she stopped me, a nervous smile appearing on her face. "One last thing. I just want to say how proud I am of you, for doing so well in this tournament. You probably already know, but you and Harry are tied for first place, which makes me ecstatic. But, I want you to know that I do not care if you win, if you lose, whatever. I just want you to stay safe, to make it out of this deadly tournament alive."

"I'll try my best," I said with a small smile. I then gave her a hug, using actions to show my gratitude instead of words. "Thank you again, Professor Sprout."

"Once again, you're welcome, Adriana," she said as we released from the hug. "Now, you go on and join your friends. I bet they're waiting right outside for you."

I let out a light laugh, waving goodbye as I left the greenhouse. Just as Professor Sprout suspected, Cedric, Katherine, and Naomi were right outside, waiting for me.

"What'd she hold you back for?" Naomi questioned as we walked to our next class. "Did you get into some sort of trouble with the twins? Were you caught snogging George in a corridor late at night?"

"No!" I shouted, smacking her arm. "I didn't get into any trouble, nor was I caught snogging George somewhere. For your information, we've never kissed, and we're not together."

"Oh come on," Naomi groaned. "You admitted you have a crush on him, what's taking you so long to kiss the bloke?"

"It's not as easy as you make it out to be," I said.

"It really is," she said back. "You just go up to him and kiss him on the lips. There, done, easy."

"It's not-" I paused, giving up on this conversation. "Nevermind."

"Anyways," Cedric said a couple seconds later. "What did Professor Sprout want to talk to you about?"

"She just told me that I have to be down at the Quidditch field at nine tonight," I answered. "Bagman will apparently tell us about the third task there."

"I wonder what it'll be," Katherine spoke up. "It's the last task, so I would think it'd be the most challenging of all of them. Don't you agree?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Hello, Harry," I said as I spotted him in the entrance hall. Harry turned around and smiled, stopping his walking so I could catch up to him. "What do you think the last task is going to be?" I asked as we started heading out of the castle together.

"I don't know," Harry replied. "It could be anything at this point."

"Yeah," I started. "Fleur somehow came up with the idea of underground tunnels for the task. Like, we've got to go through a maze of them and find treasure or something."

"Well, that wouldn't be too bad," Harry responded. "I doubt they'll have anything as easy as that, though."

I nodded as we continued walking down to the Quidditch stadium. Once we reached it and walked out onto the field, we paused. The field was no longer flat and smooth, but it instead looked like a bunch of little walls had been built, twisting and crisscrossing in every direction.

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