86 - Happy Birthday!

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I shot up in my bed, rudely awoken from my sleep at the sound of popping in the room. When I opened my eyes, I saw confetti falling down onto my bed, as well as small fireworks shooting through the air.

"Happy Birthday!" Naomi and Katherine exclaimed together, standing on either side of my bed.

"What the fuck?" I murmured, still half asleep.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Naomi said. "Have you forgotten that today is your birthday? You're eighteen!"

"No, I'm fully aware that it's my birthday," I replied. "I'm just wondering where the hell you got confetti and fireworks."

"From your boyfriend and his brother, of course," Naomi explained. "Where else would we get fireworks?"

"Jesus Christ," I said, amused, while shaking my head. "Have you woken up the whole of Hufflepuff house with those things?"

"Nope," Katherine replied with a cheeky smile. "We silenced the room."

"Now, present time!" Naomi said excitedly. She and Katherine both gestured to the wrapped packages sitting at the foot of my bed.

I leant forward and grabbed the one wrapped in black and yellow paper, which was from Katherine, and tore into it. Inside was a box, and inside the box was an assortment of items. On top was a mix of my favorite muggle and wizarding candy, next was some pieces of jewelry, and on the bottom was a sweater.

I thanked Katherine and set her present aside before grabbing Naomi's. This package was wrapped in red and gold paper.

"What's with the Gryffindor colors?" I asked while unwrapping it.

"With as much time as you spend with the Gryffindors, you might as well be one," Naomi responded.

The three of us chuckled, and, like with Katherine's gift, I opened up the box that was revealed to be underneath the paper. Inside said box was, once again, some candy and snacks, and under that was... a costume... for a tiny animal?

"Why is there a costume for a pet in here?" I questioned.

"It's for your son, of course!" Naomi exclaimed. "So you can dress him up for Halloween. And any other time you feel like it. I mean, you said he likes that sweater George's mum made for him, so I figured he'd like to be a witch." I held up the witch costume at the same time she said that and laughed. "Don't forget about the bat wings."

"Bat wings?" I looked under where the witch costume was laying to see that there was a pair of bat wings for an animal. I laughed again. "Oh my God, this is amazing. Thank you, Naomi."

"But wait," Naomi said. "Don't thank me yet. There's more."

I peered down in the box to see a couple more items sitting at the bottom, and I reached in and grabbed out one of them. I had just gotten it out of the box and held it up when I dropped it, my mouth agape.

"Naomi!" I exclaimed, shocked, while she and Katherine laughed at my reaction. "Is that what I think it is?!"

"Of course it is!" Naomi replied with a grin.

"Oh my God..." I muttered, still shocked, but also amused.

"What?" she questioned. "I mean, it's not like you're not gonna use lingerie. I can bet that you'll probably be needing it later, for whatever George has planned for you whenever he inevitably steals you away."

"Plus, it's nice to have just for yourself," Katherine added. "Lingerie can give you a major confidence boost."

"Thanks, Naomi," I said with a chuckle as I pulled out the bodysuit I had in my hands previously. I then pulled out a two piece set, which was the last thing in the box. "I'm glad you went with Halloween themes with these."

My Love ✧ George WeasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin